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8 strategies to deal with bullying

Mobbing or workplace harassment is a situation that occurs in the workplace consisting of constant psychological harassment carried out by one or more employees towards another worker.

This harassment usually consists of psychological violence in the place of professional performance which has the objective of undermining or diminishing the victim's self-esteem and in this type of practice humiliation, threats, deliberate lack of communication, public disrepute or isolation Social.

All these forms of harassment exert a very negative influence on the person's daily life and They mainly affect their psychological health, although they can also affect physiological.

To be considered as such, harassment must be carried out regularly and for a certain time towards a specific person, constituting a consistent behavior pattern.

  • Related article: "The 11 types of violence (and the different kinds of aggression)"

How to deal with bullying (by preventing or managing it)

There are several pieces of advice that can be followed by both the companies in which the harassment occurs and the victims. Below we present a series of useful strategies to deal with bullying, both from the point of view of the company and the person who suffers from it.

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Strategies for companies

The work of the companies consists of be alert to quickly detect the emergence of a possible case of mobbing within the organization that may affect the health of its employees.

These are the main strategies that all professional companies must follow if they want to deal with cases of mobbing and also prevent them whenever possible.

1. train workers

Training workers in the knowledge and strategies necessary to identify the signs of bullying is one of the first steps we can take as an organization to prepare our employees to the maximum.

Employees trained in identifying mobbing and reporting this type of dynamic will be of great help when there is a case of harassment in the organization.

Training to prevent mobbing in the company can be done through courses, through information sessions to prevent mobbing or the appearance of conflicts without real basis, or through days of coexistence and teambuilding, excursions or group trips of business.

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2. Promote healthy values ​​and modalities of communication

A company that knows how to transmit positive values ​​to its employees In the future, it will be less likely that cases of mobbing or workplace harassment will appear among its employees.

Workplace Harassment

When any employee arrives at the organization, it must be clear to them what the spirit of work is and what the values ​​that should prevail over the other to work daily, both at the level of personal commitment and relationship between colleagues.

In addition to that, it is of great importance that communication and cooperation strategies are put into practice relationship between employees and superiors, in which solidarity, mutual support and relationships prevail healthy.

  • Related article: "The 10 types of values: principles that govern our lives"

3. Publicize the main communication channels to report cases

Any company that prides itself on having good internal communication must also have a protocol of action in case there are cases of mobbing towards a worker within it.

Having internal communication channels that work properly is the most effective way to ensure that any employee can report a case of mobbing that affects himself or others people.

That is why these communication channels and update protocols must be secure, up-to-date and function correctly from the beginning of the communication until its arrival at the higher hierarchies of the organization.

  • You may be interested: "The 6 types of organizational communication"

4. Provide therapeutic support

Whenever an employee is suffering or has suffered a case of mobbing, the company must seek offer that person a professional psychological support service to help him or her overcome said issue.

Mobbing usually leaves emotional and psychological sequels evident in the victims, that is why it is highly recommended to put yourself in the hands of a psychology professional who can help people by training improvement strategies and guidelines.

  • Related article: "The 10 benefits of going to psychological therapy"

Strategies for workers

Workers who suffer from a case of mobbing can also put into practice a series of useful strategies to deal with this problem in the workplace.

1. Do not underestimate or normalize the problem

Although not all cases of mobbing are the same, most of them decisively affect the mental health of the victim, so it is advisable not to underestimate or minimize the problem.

Cases of mobbing must be treated proportionally and in any of the forms of harassment that we are suffering, we must be clear that the first step is to report it.

  • You may be interested: "The 6 types of mobbing or workplace harassment"

2. Communicate what happened to higher authorities

Communicating what happened to other people in the company who hold higher positions will allow us to begin to tackle the problem with the help of people who have greater powers within the organization and prevent work dynamics from continuing to expose the alleged victim to the influence of the aggressor.

Thus, a protocol of action against mobbing will be initiated, a tool that all current companies contemplate when an employee reports a case of harassment at work.

3. Seek therapeutic help

As previously mentioned, psychological help is essential in the event of harassment at work, since it It will allow us to successfully overcome the bad experience we have had and/or manage the possible psychological consequences that it has left.

A psychology professional specialized in these cases will train us in a series of strategies and guidelines that will go very well for us. strengthen our damaged self-esteem, combat the self-blame dynamics common in victims of bullying, and feel better in general.

4. Consider taking legal action

In case it is necessary, the victim must take into account at all times the possibility of taking legal action against the harasser or harassers of her, as long as you do not consider that this process would harm you more than the positive it could bring due to the stress and pressure that these processes sometimes produce. long.

To make sure if it is necessary to carry out these legal actions of protection or compensation, we can inform ourselves not only through lawyers, but also with the help of professional forensic psychologists, who can contribute resources to reflect in a report the consequences of that experience of mobbing.

Do you want to have psychological assistance?

If you are interested in having psychological assistance for individuals or companies, please contact me.

In Business Psychoconsulting We can help you with both mobbing and mental health problems in general, either in person or online.

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