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United States in World War I

United States in World War I: Summary

The First World War is considered as the first great war that covered the whole world, with the participation of nations from all continents, although some with greater importance than others. One of the last nations to join the war was the United States, although it played a vital role in it, and for this reason, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to offer a summary of United States in World War I.

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  1. When and why did the United States enter World War I?
  2. What was the participation of the United States in World War I?
  3. The end of the conflict for the United States

When and why did the United States enter World War I?

The First World War, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 and for 3 years Americans did not participate actively in the conflict. During this time, the United States remained a neutral state, although it was an important supplier of weapons and other supplies to Allied nations such as the United Kingdom and France.

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For a long time the president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, he wanted and opted to enter the war, but the neutrality of a large part of the nation meant that the country did not enter the war for a long time. Among those who bet on neutrality were the Church and the German, Irish and Scandinavian descendants who lived in the United States.

On the other hand, the Americans who bet on the war were the part of the population that hated the Germans, since they considered that it was the most hateful country in Europe and the one that carried out the most bad deeds, blaming them for the war. With the news that arrived about the atrocities carried out in Belgium and about the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, the American population pointed to Germany as the aggressor of the war and main responsible.

In 1917, the war seemed headed for German victory, leading Germans to believe that America's entry into the enemy camp was imminent. Thus, the germans supported mexico in their campaign to recapture states that the United States had taken from them, and German submarines began sinking American ships.

On April 6, 1917, President Wilson called for a war to end all wars, seeking democracy and freedom, causing Congress to vote to enter the war against the Germans. A few months later, The United States declared war on the Allies from Germany and in 1918 they began sending men to Europe.

What was the participation of the United States in World War I?

early 1918 the Americans sent their first troops to the Western Front, being seen as heroes by the French and English, as they urgently needed help against the growing power of the Germans. Every day some 10,000 US soldiers arrived in the area, a figure impossible to reach or equalized by the Germans, who had been in the conflict for many years and had lost many mens.

On the other hand, the Germans attempted some attack on American soil, attacking the city of Orleans by submarines, but the attacks were not too much of a problem and there were not many casualties in area.

The America's main role in the First World War took place in the call 100 days offensive, being when the Allies launched a counterattack against the German attacks after managing to stop their final offensive. This campaign had its origin in Amiens and, from there, the Allied armies advanced to Germany to end the war. The large number of soldiers who had arrived from the United States made the Allies were much more numerous than the Germans, but also these were much fresher.

Finally, the germans surrendered before the evidence that the Allied troops were too numerous, surrendering and losing the war. For all this, it is considered that The United States played a key role in the Allied victory in World War I.

United States in World War I: summary - What was the participation of the United States in World War I?

The end of the conflict for the United States.

To conclude this lesson on the United States in World War I, we must talk about andthe end of the conflict, to see how important this nation was in the aftermath of the war.

The united states movements after the end of the war they were fast and efficient. In a very short time, the Americans closed all the war contracts, finished the service processes mandatory military and quickly brought all the soldiers as soon as the transports were ready to it. being therefore one of the fastest nations to finish everything related to war.

After the war, the US government decided do not give benefits or pay to participants in the war, with major complaints from veterans' groups, who felt that it set a bad precedent for the military. The government considered that the war had been too short to give these payments, generating a huge political and social conflict on this issue.

The war brought a lot of unemployment, massive strikes and a series of protests that they ended the Wilson government. In general, victory in the war brought more negative consequences than positive for the United States, being for many one of the causes of subsequent economic problems.

If you want to read more articles similar to United States in World War I: Summary, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Yoacham, C. g. (1994). The United States and the First World War, 1914-1919. Chilean Journal of Humanities, (15), ag-71.
  • Renouvin, P., & Translator, V. (1972). The first World War. Oikos-tau.
  • Jimenez, J. A. m. (2014). World War I and the international awakening of the United States. topics for discussion, (237), 39-41.
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