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Keys to rest psychologically during the summer holidays

The amount of free time that we have during the summer can cause some people to end up feeling bad about multiple reasons, such as indecision and anxiety of not knowing what to do and how to take advantage of this season of break.

On the other hand, it is also possible that you simply do not know how to squeeze the possibilities offered by that vacation break, ending up falling again and again in the hobbies that we usually do habitually without thinking too much and that, seen in retrospectively, they are unsatisfactory (for example, being hooked to the screen to see what the networks are offering us social in your feed).

Fortunately, there are some keys that we can follow during these months to feel better psychologically and to truly rest, instead of limiting ourselves to living the absence of the working day.

  • Related article: "Psychological well-being: 15 habits to achieve it"

Tips to rest psychologically in the summer holidays

Follow these tips to make the most of those summer vacation days.

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1. Reserve time for ourselves

During the summer holidays we have the possibility of carrying out all those activities that are more difficult to do during the rest of the year, due to lack of time availability or the difficulty of move.

summer vacation

However, we must assume that it is normal for some of them to go through being alone, not interacting with others. Accepting this fact is important so that we do not feel guilty for, for example, not always being in the company of our family, our partner, etc.

  • You may be interested: "Self-knowledge: definition and 8 tips to improve it"

2. Set consistent schedules

In order not to waste our free time and to avoid the feeling of wasting time during the summer, it is recommended continue to maintain more or less stable schedules and organize them minimally in the first stage, so that we do not have to decide each day what do.

This means that we should not go to bed or get up too late in order not to lose the sleeping habits that we have been cultivating during the rest of the year, and so as not to expose ourselves to problems falling asleep when we go to sleep (something that would upset the schedules)

The establishment of schedules can also help us to make the most of the time we have and to carry out all those activities that we cannot do during the rest of the year.

  • Related article: "Time management: 13 tips to take advantage of the hours of the day"

3. Regular moderate exercise

One of the most important activities that we must continue to maintain during the summer months is the frequent performance of physical exercise, since thanks to it we will not only be able to stay in shape, but also also it will give us energy if we do it in moderate amounts, and it will expose us less to stress.

There are many physical activities that we can do frequently to take advantage of the long days of free time that we have during the summer holidays, the important thing is that we stay active and take advantage of natural light instead of leaving these routines for times when it is dark (the latter would deregulate our biological clock internal).

  • You may be interested: "The 10 psychological benefits of practicing physical exercise"

4. Eat well and hydrate

We must maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and hydrate ourselves as much as necessary to prevent possible problems due to exposure to the sun and heat. If we eat too much between meals or snack constantly, we will not contribute to our body vitamins and macronutrients you need and this will make us more prone to stress because day to day will be uphill for us and any more or less complex task will overwhelm us.

5. Don't compare yourself to others

During the summer we are likely to see everything that our friends and family do during the summer holidays, thanks to the publication of these on social networks of all kinds.

This situation causes feelings of discomfort in some people who may consider other people's vacations better than their own; That is why it is best not to compare yourself with anyone and value our vacations as something unique and unique.

6. Practice relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are strategies used to achieve states of greater relaxation in situations in which we may feel overly activated or anxious.

Whenever we want to rest our body and mind better, we can put into practice any of these classic techniques: Mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation or body scan.

  • Related article: "6 easy relaxation techniques to combat stress"

7. Occupy time doing new activities

Summer is also the ideal period to start learning new content or consolidate what we already had.

Learn new languages ​​or review the ones we already know, sign up to do any sport or activity physics or taking a training course of any kind are excellent ways to learn new knowledge.

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