Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists in Los Reyes Acaquilpan

Christian Jesus Velazquez Garcia He has a degree in Psychology from the Emmanuel Kant University Center and has a Diploma also issued by this same institution, specializing in the concise study of Educational Psychology.

On the other hand, it is also important to note that people of absolutely all ages can receive therapy without any inconvenience in this specialist's office.

This specialist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as depression, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts or problems related to sexual identity.

Francisco Chavez Visoso He has a degree in Psychology from the Humanitas University and also has a specialized degree in Communication Sciences sector which was issued by the Technological Institute of Monterrey (TEC)-.

In the consultation of this specialist, some personal difficulties such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, addiction to benzodiazepines or disorders of anxiety.

Regina Wohlmuth Abraham He graduated in Psychology at the Autonomous Metropolitan University and later, he did a Postgraduate focused on the use of Psychoanalytic Therapy through the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association (AMP).

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Where this specialist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as work stress, eating disorders or very complicated processes of divorce.

In Neopraxis - Community of Psychologists we will have the opportunity to be able to find in a very simple way the most suitable psychologist for our particular difficulties, a task that In order to carry it out, we will only need to answer 5 simple questions through its online form, trying to be as honest as possible. possible.

The psychologists who are registered on this platform have extensive experience in the treatment of some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression during adolescence or very high levels of stress labor.

Patricio Madrigal Cauduro He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México and has a specialized Diploma in specific field of Transpersonal Psychology, which was awarded by the Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO),

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves having a problem with smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, an anxiety disorder or a very complicated life situation codependency.

Alejandro Ivan Barcenas Merlo He graduated in Psychology from the Intercontinental University (UIC) and after spending some time, he completed a Diploma specialized in the concise application of Systemic Family Therapy through the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat very efficiently some difficulties such as work stress, lack of control over impulses, anxiety disorders or problems arising within the scope school.

Victor Fernando Perez Lopez He has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA) and has a Master's degree specialized in the concise use of Brief Systemic Therapy, issued by the Milton H. Erikson of Guadalajara.

Smoking, addiction to benzodiazepines, anxiety disorders and depression are some of the personal difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

Estefania Garcia Arcila She graduated in Psychology from the University of San Buenaventura and later, she studied a Master specialized in the study of Critical Psychology through the specialized training center Colegio Michael Foucault located in the City of Mexico.

This specialist can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a problem of impulsiveness, poor management of the emotion of anger or very high levels of work stress. elevated.

Adriana Serrano-Robles She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and has a Diploma specialized in the use of Gestalt Psychotherapy, granted by the training center Instituto El Saber from Mexico.

We should not hesitate to contact this specialist if, for example, we eventually find ourselves going through a conflict between family members, a very difficult divorce process or a personal stage with a very low self esteem.

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