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How do I know if I need a psychologist? The 10 most important reasons

Psychology is a world that arouses the fascination of many people, but at the same time, it is also one of the professional fields most surrounded by myths and other false beliefs about what psychologists. For this reason, many people do not know that they should go to a psychologist, even if the problem that they could overcome thanks to that professional help has been affecting them for years or even decades.

So that… How do you know if you need to go to the psychologist? Why should you see a psychotherapist? Let's see it.

  • Related article: "The 10 benefits of going to psychological therapy"

The main reasons why you should see a psychologist

Without realizing it, on a day-to-day basis, human beings face multiple obstacles more or less successfully, implementing strategies of emotional management and behavioral self-regulation learned through experience and that often help us overcome the challenges posed by life. However, sometimes these ways of behaving that we have internalized not only do not help us, but also aggravate our problems and make us enter into a dynamic of self-sabotage.

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In some cases, these kinds of experiences lead to psychological disorders. (which have part of their causes in biological predispositions and another in the actions and routines that we have internalized through experience); in others, they generate discomfort that technically does not amount to psychopathology. However, in both situations it is important to seek professional psychological support.

How do I know if I need to go to the psychologist?

The psychologist is a professional who will help us make aware of all those Unconscious or semi-unconscious problems that we can harbor inside ourselves and reproduce over and over again without realizing it, helping us in the process of overcoming them and making us feel more capable of adapting physically and emotionally to what happens to us.

Taking this into account, it is time to answer the question: how do I know if I need a psychologist? Let's see it by reviewing the main reasons why people go to psychotherapy.

1. Mood disorders

Mood disorders are emotional disturbances that intensely affect the person's quality of life and the way they feel at a given moment in their daily life.

These disorders include, among others, depression (states of sadness and very intense hopelessness) and bipolar disorder, characterized by the alternation of cases of depression and mania that significantly alter the mental health of the person who suffers.

Mood disorders are one of the most commonly treated alterations in consultations with psychology professionals around the world. the world and its treatment is essential to prevent them from becoming chronic and notably affecting the personal and emotional life of those who treat them. suffers. In addition, the most severe cases are associated with suicidal ideation.

  • You may be interested: "Major depression: symptoms, causes and treatment"

2. Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are another of the star consultations received daily by health professionals. psychology and consists of an alteration in the mental health of the person that prevents him from functioning correctly in his day to day.

These types of disorders are characterized by generating in the person a series of both physical and psychological symptoms based on high levels of anxiety, which can range from agitation and sweating, to general malaise, suffering, tachycardia, difficulty breathing, dizziness or fainting, in more serious cases.

Some of the most common anxiety disorders are: generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and stress disorder post-traumatic

  • Related article: "What is anxiety: how to recognize it and what to do"

3. Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is not in itself a psychological disorder, but it is a significant problem that affects many people. For this reason, it is considered one of the reasons for going to the psychologist, since in therapy people are helped to let go of those limiting beliefs about the “I” which leads us to self-sabotage.

4. addictions

Addictions to both chemicals and behaviors (for example, gambling) are disturbances that affect the person's behavior and also their physical integrity, emotional integrity and autonomous decision-making in their daily lives.

There are many types of addictions that exist and all of them can affect both mental health and mental health in a very negative way. of the person as well as to her physical health, especially if the consumption of the harmful substance or the behavior is prolonged addictive

Some of the most common addictions are: addiction to marijuana, cocaine, alcohol or tobacco, gambling, etc.

  • You may be interested: "The 14 most important types of addictions"

5. interpersonal problems

relationship problems or lack of social skills to interact satisfactorily with other people is also a query that psychologists can deal with with absolute success.

Some people may present certain difficulties when it comes to functioning naturally in environments social, and to overcome their problem there are psychology professionals specialized in the field interpersonal.

On the other hand, it may happen that the person does not have problems in all his social relationships in general, but only in certain contexts, such as marriage or the family from which it is formed part. Faced with this kind of problem, it is also advisable to go to a psychologist, since an intervention can be carried out through couples therapy or family therapy.

6. Work stress and behavioral problems at work

Problems at work that can affect our mental health are a notable source of discomfort and suffering, which over time can be associated with other more serious disorders such as anxiety or stress.

Work stress is an increasing problem for many workers around the world and going to a professional of psychology and work stress is the best remedy to solve it from the root.

7. existential crises

Life crises caused by job, family or even migration changes are also one of the most common reasons why it is necessary to see a psychologist.

These experiences are characterized by a feeling of disorientation or loss of meaning in life and the feeling of being unable to take a certain course.

8. Eating disorder

Eating problems and disorders are the order of the day in our society and affect people more and more young people who are influenced by unattainable beauty canons and social pressures from all Type.

Both anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder or vigorexia, and any other disorder related to eating behavior, can be treated by a specialized psychologist.

9. sleep disorders

Healthy sleep habits are essential to enjoy a healthy life both physically and psychologically; That is why it is so important to sleep daily the necessary hours to rest and maintain consistent and balanced sleep patterns.

Sleep disorders can be caused by many reasons, the most common are cases of anxiety, stress, or any other psychological disorder, something that a psychologist will be responsible for settling and identifying professional.

10. traumas

Traumatic experiences, such as car accidents, natural disasters, or experiences associated with bullying and violence, can leave some psychological sequelae that last for years or decades if they are not adequately addressed through psychotherapy. That is why it is important to go to the psychologist as soon as possible, to prevent these alterations from taking root in the person's life and it is very difficult for them to evoke those memories without suffering a crisis.

  • Related article: "What is trauma and how does it influence our lives?"

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