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Overwhelmed by personal finances during the holidays: how to prevent it

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Summer vacations are more than a time that allows us to enjoy and carry out leisure activities that we would not do in another context; In addition, they are a necessity to ensure our mental health. Being able to psychologically disconnect from the routines linked to paid work is essential.

However, some people can become overwhelmed by the challenge of combining free time and possible outings. (for trips to other countries, family reunions, meetings with friends...), on the one hand, with the management of finances personal. The numerous expenses that are made during this period coincide with a rapid change in daily routines, even leading to situations of stress or anxiety. Here you will find several guidelines to deal with this kind of experiences and not let them prevent you from enjoying your vacation.

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How to get the most out of your vacation without being overwhelmed by your personal finances

Here are several tips on how to avoid the emotional wear and tear caused by management in personal finances during vacation time, to fully enjoy without ending up being overwhelmed and suffering anxiety.

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1. Organize the spending ceiling in advance

The first measure we must take in order not to succumb to financial stress is to anticipate in advance what will be our spending ceiling during the month, to have more time with which we can anticipate all kinds of setbacks without worrying about the uncertainty about whether we are losing too much money.

In addition to that, it will also be important to previously make a personal or family budget in which to foresee the money that we must spend and what the main expenses will be, so that it is known at all times who or with what card it is owed to pay. In this way, you will avoid falling into a dynamic in which it is always the same person who pays by default, something that usually generates discomfort and conflicts.

2. Plan the purchase of the main products and services in advance

In any period of the year, especially in the months before the summer holidays, we can find interesting offers that will allow us to travel wherever we want at a reasonable price.

personal finances on vacation

Therefore, in order to avoid stress when managing expenses, it is recommended explore those offers taking advantage of the multiple web pages that offer hotels, hostels, tourist routes, etc.

The expenses of each trip will always be cheaper if we make the reservation in advance, selecting the cheapest destinations that we can find, taking advantage of discounts giving us the time to look for them, and with the time necessary to make the disbursement.

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3. Explore nearby destinations

Traveling around the world is one of the most unforgettable and attractive experiences that exist; however, there are currently many closer destinations that we can take into account in our vacations and that offer equal or better experiences certain trips that feed purely on marketing and not on the quality of what they offer. In other words, get rid of the idea that yes or yes you should go away to enjoy a good vacation, and if you end up going to another country or continent, which is really because you have found out what the place where you are do you live.

Instead of traveling to a distant destination, we can choose to visit a town or city for a few days. nearby that we do not know, prioritizing short trips in which we spend little money to go more quiet. Do not forget that there is great social pressure to go on vacation to expensive places for the simple fact that influencers and celebrities go there.

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4. Do not underestimate domestic parties

Instead of going to nightclubs, bars or beach bars, it is advisable not to underestimate the capacity for enjoyment offered by celebrations held in our own homes; With enough space, we will have what we need: a place to invite family and friends in a period when many of them will have more free time and they can stay more easily.

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5. Make payments in advance

When hiring our trip in advance, some companies allow payments for advance or through installments, which will help us to anticipate a part of the total expenses of the trip.

This strategy can be really useful and on many occasions it helps us to calm down, having made a part of the disbursement, which allows us to focus on other types of less substantial expenses such as accommodation or food. Of course, in case you do not pay everything at once, remember that you must take this payment into account when establishing an expense ceiling.

6. Practice relaxation techniques

In case we have difficulties to achieve a state of relaxation, calm and stillness, we can also do use of some of the classic relaxation techniques that help us to relax in moments of greater agitation. Some of these techniques are meditation, yoga, mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, or deep diaphragmatic breathing.

By making use of these relaxation techniques, we can lower our stress levels or anxiety and general worry and reconnect with our problems from a more constructive.

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Are you looking for professional support in financial management?

If you need help managing your personal finances, I invite you to contact me.

My name is Alex Gonzalez Herrero and I am an expert in Financial Education and Investment.

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