Education, study and knowledge

Anxiety and depression: the mask of modernity

We have a brain that is not prepared to submit to the amount of stimuli that we present to it in everyday life, and the exercise of multitasking does not work even for the most advanced computers; Imagine the limits of stress to which we subject our central nervous system every day, leading it to execute all its programs and connections simultaneously.

Here is the cause of the most silent diseases of the 20th century, the ones that I would even dare to say that are a trend in the offices of mental health professionals, and that we have almost normalized. These symptoms directly attack our immune system, and of course our vitality, execution capacity, vital energy and biological homeostasis.

  • Related article: "Mental health: definition and characteristics according to psychology"

Psychological dynamics of modernity

When we buy into the story that the busier and more distracted I am, the closer I am to success, it is time for us to ask ourselves the question: what is success? This is essential to begin to configure and understand the sacrifices that you are making to reach that long-awaited state, to what extent you are far from happiness.

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Consequently, we find ourselves with collapsed health systems, with alarming figures regarding mental health. How did we get to this? Simple, the story of hyperconnectivity, immediacy, competitiveness and the new demands of the fast and growing market has led the human race to expand its capacity in frontiers impossible to reach, and above all to sustain, for our vulnerable system highly strung.

Under the premise of evolution and competitiveness we have become beings highly stimulated by the environment; we behave through conditioning, between reward and punishment. The prize is nothing other than status, belonging, stereotyped approval, and the punishment is the absence of the above, in a very marginalized line, we have given all the power to over-stimulation to operate on us. And as a consequence we arrive crowded into health rooms and centers and private clinics in search of turning off the noise that does not exist anywhere other than our system.

Explaining where anxiety and depression come from becomes too obvious if we go to the best-selling books, where they explain how to reach the highest mental level; that is precisely what we consume: thirst for success, far from being genuinely personal success.

  • You may be interested: "What is anxiety: how to recognize it and what to do"

And then what to do?

The first thing is to identify the cause, because anxiety and depression are mere symptomatic observations, and appear as consequence of a learned pattern, an indefinite fear, a co-created expectation or an illusion that only exists in reality. human mind.

How to get to the cause? This requires a very deep introspection process where, navigating the waters of the unconscious, a sufficiently clear tissue is formed that leads the person to understanding; not to the understanding, to the comprehension. And this generally requires professional accompaniment that facilitates access routes and accelerates the process through therapeutic processes.

  • Related article: "10 psychologically healthy daily habits, and how to apply them to your life"

My recomendation

In addition to taking mental health very seriously, which depends exclusively on the being that experiences it, try to have spaces for yourself, away from the distraction of the competitive environment, of mobile devices. Try to have internal dialogues frequently. Write, writing is an excellent channeling method. Meditate, exercise your body, eat mindfully, go barefoot from time to time, hug a tree, have real, deep conversations, listen to the people around you; not reactively, but empathetically. Listen to music, go out one afternoon with you and treat yourself to a pleasant experience, turn off your cell phone in the middle of the afternoon once a week, your brain will thank you.

Try to leave the city as much as you can, observe the trees, the mountains, the rivers, the flowers, so you will understand what the world is really made of. Of magic, of perfect sounds, of oxygen that nourishes our system when we breathe.

Start the path of self-recognition through breathing, five minutes of mindful breathing will restore balance during those chaotic days full of caffeine.

Follow your intuition, listen to it, the more you listen to it, the easier you will be able to communicate with your intentions, away from the desires of the ego. We are not sick, anxiety and depression are nothing different from the calls made by the nervous system to take a break; treat yourself to that pause, treat yourself to the experience of living.

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