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7 differences between ASCETISM and MYSTICISM

Asceticism and mysticism: differences

In today's class we are going to study the differences between asceticism and mysticism. which have their origin in the Ancient Greece and are maintained over time through the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

Generally, we tend to confuse these two terms, but we must keep in mind that they are not the same. Asceticism refers to a austere way of life and far from pleasures to achieve moral perfection. Meanwhile he mysticism it is the achievement of a direct relationship with divinity through ecstasy.

If you want to know more about the differences between asceticism and mysticism, keep reading this lesson from a TEACHER Class begins!

To find out what he is asceticism, we first have to study the etymology of the word itself. which comes from the Greek asketés, What does it mean exercise, athlete and professional. In this way, asceticism was framed in the world of athletics and military, alluding to a disciplined way of life, sacrificed, very regulated and hard.

Over time, this way of life related to physical discipline was extrapolated to the

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moral, spiritual and philosophical training. Thus, asceticism was linked to a lifestyle whose purpose or motivation was obtain a good for the world and the moral perfection of the individual through the renunciation of pleasures, living in balance and the practice of mental exercises.

Therefore, asceticism establishes that the main principle to lead a fully ascetic life is control, give up and deny impulses, desires, needs and instincts of the body in order to redirect these desires towards a moral improvement through the renunciation of external pleasures and the practice of an austere life

Thus a ascetic is a virtuous person, morally educated, upright and leading a life in which he dispenses with all material things, comforts, luxuries and trains his intellectual and cognitive abilities.

Asceticism and mysticism: differences - Asceticism: brief definition

As we have done with the definition of asceticism, to study what mysticism is, we first have to analyze the etymology of the word mysticism. which has its origin in the Greek term myein/mystikos, What does it mean enclose, closed or mysterious.

In this way, mysticism is used to define a extraterrestrial experience and spiritual that leads the individual to reach the union between the soul and the sacred/divinity, through a revelation and ecstasy. Therefore, mysticism is the direct communication between an individual with the divinity.

However, we have to keep in mind that mysticism is first part of "pagan philosophy" and then becomes part of the religious world. Thus, within Ancient Greece, mysticism was directly related to mystery or that which can only be revealed through communication or revelation of nature (through hallucinogenic substances) and that leads the individual to the dissolution or disintegration of his self. In this sense, they highlighted among others the “Mysteries of Eleusis” or initiation rites linked to the goddesses Demeter and Persephone.

Over time, this natural and pagan mysticism gave rise to the religious mysticism of the three great religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Linking to the achievement of perfection through direct communication with divinity and knowledge, leaving aside the intervention of nature.

Finally, in a PROFESOR we explain what are the differences of asceticism and mysticism more important. Among which the following stand out:

  1. Asceticism is more a way of life Y mysticism is an experience that the individual lives when coming into contact with the divinity.
  2. Both asceticism and mysticism were born in Ancient Greece, however, their origin falls within different areas. Asceticism is part of the world of athletics and military (referring to a disciplined way of life) and mysticism is located in the natural and spiritual world.
  3. The asceticism is linked to the physical discipline of the body and aims to lead a fully ascetic life to control impulses einstincts of the body in order to redirect said desires towards a moral improvement. By contrast, in the mysticism the spirit is exercised to reach the grace and union with the divine.
  4. Asceticism is open to everyone (to everyone who wanted it), leading a life away from the material and dedicated to knowledge/wisdom (propaedeutic or set of knowledge). For its part, mysticism is reserved for a few (those chosen by the divinity) and is achieved through three ways: purgative way (the soul is purified from vices), the illuminated or illuminative way (the soul submits to the will of the divinity) and the unitive way (the soul joins the divinity).
  5. In asceticism there is no room for visions and ecstasy, while mysticismYes. In this sense, the mystic reaches ecstasy through the unitive path, which implies loss of consciousness to obtain the maximum fullness and achieve union with the divinity for a short period of time.
  6. Asceticism is not linked to extrasensory experience, mysticismYes. The mystic lives all kinds of spiritual experiences, such as: levitation, bilocation (being in several places at once), loss of consciousness, and the appearance of stigmata on his body or supernatural marks that allude to the passion of Christ.
  7. The mystics, who often lead an ascetic life, will capture their mystical experiences in different works. In this sense, they stand out Saint John of the Cross either Saint Teresa of Jesus.
Asceticism and mysticism: differences - What are the differences between asceticism and mysticism
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