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Tech-life balance: developing habits of healthy use of technology

Technology has transformed our lives in many positive ways, but it has also brought new challenges in maintaining a healthy balance in our use of technology.

Technodependence, or compulsive dependence on technology, is a phenomenon that is gaining ground around the world and can have serious consequences for mental health and well-being. From behavioral changes and social isolation to sleep problems and difficulty concentrating, techno-dependency can negatively affect our quality of life.

However, there is hope. With the right knowledge and the necessary tools, it is possible to develop healthy habits of use of technology and overcome technodependence.

In this article, we explore techno-dependency and discuss how we can protect ourselves. ourselves and our loved ones from falling into the trap of compulsive dependence on technology.

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What is technodependency?

Technodependence refers to the compulsive dependence on technology, especially devices such as mobile phones, computers and tablets. Although techno-dependency is not officially recognized as a mental disorder, it is considered a growing health problem that can have serious consequences for mental health and welfare.

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How is technodependency related to other forms of dependency?

Technodependence shares many characteristics with other forms of dependency, such as alcohol or drug dependency. As with other forms of dependency, techno-dependency can be difficult to overcome and may require professional treatment.

In addition, techno-dependency can coexist with other forms of dependency and can be a risk factor for the development of more serious mental health problems.

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Signs and symptoms of technodependence

There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate that someone is suffering from techno-dependency. These include:

  • Excessive use of devices: Spending a lot of time online or using devices compulsively can be a sign of techno-dependency.
  • Changes in behavior: Technodependence can change the way someone relates to others and can lead to communication problems or social isolation.
  • Sleeping problems: Excessive use of devices can interfere with your natural sleep pattern and can lead to sleep problems.

Effects of technodependence on mental health

In addition to the signs and symptoms mentioned above, tech dependency can also have more profound negative effects on mental health. These may include:

  • Anxiety and depression: Techno-dependence can increase the risk of developing anxiety and depression problems due to constant exposure to stressful content online and a lack of social interaction.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Excessive use of devices can interfere with the ability to pay attention and can affect the ability to learn and perform at your best.
  • Memory problems: Techno-dependence can affect short-term memory and can make it difficult to retain new information.

3 strategies to develop healthy habits of technology use

Consider these tech-life balance strategies:

1. set time limits

One of the most effective strategies for developing healthy technology usage habits is to set time limits for device use. This may include designating specific times of the day to use devices or using apps that allow you to monitor screen time.

2. take regular breaks

Another helpful strategy is to take regular breaks from device use and do activities that don't involve technology. This can include taking a walk outside, reading a book, or playing with friends.

3. Seek professional support

If techno-dependency is significantly affecting someone's life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. Mental health professionals can help people understand the underlying causes of techno-dependency and develop effective strategies to overcome it.


Technology can be an incredibly powerful tool, but it's important to remember that you also need to find a healthy balance in its use. Techno-dependency is a phenomenon that is gaining ground around the world and can have serious consequences for mental health and well-being. But don't worry, there is hope. With the right knowledge and the necessary tools, it is possible to develop healthy habits of use of technology and overcome techno-dependence.

To the set time limits, take regular breaks, and seek professional support, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling into the trap of compulsive dependence on technology. Additionally, there are many resources available, such as books and YouTube videos, that can help guide you through this process. You don't have to face it alone!

If you are interested in continuing to reflect more on the subject, we leave you these book recommendations:

  • Offline: How to Overcome Tech Dependency and Find Peace of Mindby Catherine Price
  • The Attention Book: How the digital world is throwing us off focus and what we can do about itby Nicholas Carr
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