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Psychologist Cintia Garcia Fiorilo

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Trauma psychotherapy. EMDR-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Treatment is provided for adults who have experienced experiences of gender violence, stress post-traumatic, phobias, complex trauma, violence, sexual abuse, anxiety, grief, serious accidents, problems of impulses. He specializes in treating people who have been violated and suffer situations of suffering. Individual adult care. online

Training in EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotrauma. Extensive experience in accompanying and providing treatment to people who have been violated. I have work experience and also professional training that enables me to work in the restitution of violated mental health rights.

I perform Trauma Psychotherapy, I have training in Psychotrauma, Psychotherapy in EMDR (Desensitization and Reprocessing by Eye Movements), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Gender Perspective, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), ICT (Brain Integration Techniques), Hemispherical Glasses and One Eye per time.

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