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The cruelty of spiteful men

We always hear about "scornful women", and I would like to write this about the cruelty of a spiteful man, a subject that is avoided to talk about. I would like it to reach women and children who suffer the ordeal of having a spiteful man who voluntarily complicates their lives on a daily basis. The evil with which a spiteful man handles himself can devastate our lives and those of our children.

I want women to have tools to keep going, always. Don't give up No matter how much they hit them systematically, you have to continue, because there is no other possibility than to continue, and continue, even though each step costs sweat and tears, you will make them, I promise you, happier and more powerful.

My goal is that they manage to position themselves in a different place in the face of the evil of others. They have many evil, but it depends on us if we allow it to penetrate us, or not. Also, I would like women and children to be able to understand that cruelty comes from unfortunate people, who have nothing emotionally and have lacked genuine love since they were born.

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Toxic dynamics based on spite

The cruel man is a man who lacks humanity. She has no heart, she has no passions, she does not sing to life, she does not feel pity, nor does she have empathy with the pain of others.

Cruelty can be seen in very different aspects, but in all its forms, she always has the goal of physically and psychologically tearing the other apart. Cruelty humiliates, degrades, hurts, makes the other feel "powerless" and is also filled with anger, as well as pain. Cruelty blurs the boundaries with the other person, tries to disorganize the other, in all aspects of his life, and The victim is left with a feeling of total vulnerability, even if he has it, and he always had it, he believes he has lost his protection. Cruelty aims to mislead the other person. When a woman receives cruelty, she feels lost, aimless.

to the cruel man he is inhabited by a feeling of psychic death that leads him to carry out evil behaviors against others and his state of mind is usually euthymic, that is, always the same, he does not get down or rejoice.

These men, deep down, are cruel because they are desperate, for what they lost, desperate for not being able to feel something pleasant; desperate to destroy what they lost, who not only lost it, but also deeply envy it.

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The desire for revenge

The spiteful man is inhabited by a feeling of revenge, which seizes him and blinds him, he commits atrocities even with his own children, whom he “loves”. He seeks to punish, refuses any kind of compensation, feels hurt in his manhood and wants to to recover his power, he is only passionate about the harm that must be done to the woman, and it is the only motor for him to continue living.

Tenderness, on the other hand, is just the opposite of cruelty.. Tenderness creates empathic ties, protects the other, cares for him, pampers him, while cruelty wishes evil, destroys any kind of loving bond with the other. Tenderness is aware of the fragility of the other and protects him, the cruel throws the other into the sea with sharks and enjoys it. It is important to understand that it is necessary to have lacked tenderness to be cruel.

I would like women to understand that a spiteful man is full of hate. Hate is in the blood of the scorned man, as if he were a hot liquor, and aims at their destruction. Understand that the same hatred that they emanate destroys and poisons them too. They are poor men, unhappy and above all mediocre.

The resentful and spiteful man he wants all the evils they have suffered to attack and destroy the person he "thinks" caused it. He feels he has lost what gave him a certain psychic stability and they walk through life "broken". This hatred they have is due to an unaccepted sadness, and they decide to destroy the woman with it, instead of accepting the situation and moving on.

What to do before this?

I think the best way to survive a jilted man is clinging to the sure ties, count the blessings that one has, because almost always one "forgets" about them, or takes them for granted. Count your blessings and you will be amazed. And, most importantly, focus on the passion. The passion that is life itself, living it, getting ahead, getting up every day and facing all the fronts that have to be fought. With effort, every day, it comes out. Life is an opportunity to make sense of it.

Lastly, be yourself, don't try to be anyone other than what you are, and if the world can't digest it, it's not up to you. And from now on, know that the one who is not going to be able to digest that you are happy, is a spiteful man.

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