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Somniloquy: symptoms and causes of this parasomnia

Most people know someone who talks in their sleep. Be it a simple emission of meaningless sounds, single words or even entire conversations in which the subject is even capable of answering questions.

It may seem like a strange phenomenon, but although it is understood as a sleep disturbance somniloquy or somniloquy is highly frequent and is not usually linked to severe problems. In this article we briefly explore the concept and what it implies.

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What is somniloquy?

Somniloquy or somniloquy (both forms are correct) is a parasomnia, a disorder or alteration in which abnormal behaviors appear during the sleep period. Specifically in somniloquy the subject utters words during sleep with complete lack of willfulness on his part.

The intensity with which one speaks can vary greatly, ranging from whispers to outright screams. They may also show signs of emotion, such as laughing or crying. These episodes in which the subject speaks do not usually last more than a few seconds or minutes, and there is no subsequent memory of having spoken.

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Speech content is often not intelligible, although sometimes it is possible to emit words and even sentences with meaning. Sometimes little monologues are established or it can even seem that they are talking to someone in a dream. And although in some cases the people who perceive said speech may try to ask something to the sleeping subject and it appears to respond to it, it is unlikely that it would respond directly to the stimulation.

Somniloquy is a very frequent phenomenon in children, being something normal despite the fact that it may seem worrisome. It also happens in adults in an equally innocuous way, although in some cases there may be some kind of problem or disorder (for example, anxiety) behind it.

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What produces it?

Although the process that makes people talk during sleep is not fully understood, and it may appear during any phase of it, it can be speculated that the mechanism by which somniloquy appears be similar to that which causes other parasomnias: a mismatch in the activation/inhibition of brain areas that occurs during the different phases of sleep, especially in stages 3 and 4 of REM sleep and in the REM phase (times when sleep talking is usually appear).

For example, during REM sleep, muscle tone is greatly decreased while physiological activity is increased, but in people with somniloquy the brain areas that control orofacial muscle activity remain active and allow the subject to talk in their sleep. Something similar occurs during deep sleep: muscle tone rises and sympathetic activity decreases.

In what situations does it usually appear?

Somniloquy is very common throughout development, in children and adolescents. As we get older, however, it is less and less frequent.

Somniloquy is often associated with other sleep disorderssuch as night terrors and sleepwalking. It can also appear before intoxication due to substance use, in feverish states and in times of high stress as well as mental disorders such as those of mood, anxiety and some states dissociative.

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effects of sleep talk

By itself, somniloquy is not harmful, but it can generate alterations at a social level in those people who sleep with someone else. For example, it can cause the partner or companion to not be able to sleep properly or words, names or comments that can be misinterpreted may appear. O well can generate fear or concern in the environment (especially when crying, laughing or screaming appears).

Both this and the idea that something inappropriate can be said can cause some of the people who experience it to to avoid contact with the partner during the night or to sleep in the same room, which can lead to problems in the relationship.

Is treatment required?

Although it is considered a parasomnia or sleep disorder, somniloquy is not considered a pathology and it does not usually cause any real problem for the subject himself (although it can be a nuisance if the person sleeps with someone else). In general, therefore, it is not necessary to apply any type of treatment.

Despite this, in cases where it occurs persistently or is bothersome the use of relaxation and sleep hygiene is recommended, as well as creating habits that allow efficient rest. A good preparation of the environment before bedtime is usually useful, as well as avoiding the consumption of stimulants during the hours prior to sleep.

It must also be taken into account that sometimes somniloquy derives from the existence of affective or anxious problems, in which case the problems that originate. It is also possible that the patient fears sleeping with someone due to the possibility of being a nuisance or saying something that causes problems with their partner, which may require treatment.

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