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Brief BIOGRAPHY of Friedrich ENGELS

Friedrich Engels - Short Biography

Many are the historical figures of the 19th century who were related to the movement communist, socialist and union besides being full defenders of the First and Second International. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you a short biography of Friedrich Engels who next to the figure of Karl Marx they were the creators of Marxism and therefore of all the nascent ideology of the left and the movements of the workers. That way we will stop at the most important moments of his life, in addition to analyzing his thinking.

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  1. Friedrich Engels early years
  2. The works carried out with Marx
  3. From internationals to the death of Marx
  4. His life after Marx's death

Friedrich Engels early years.

Friedrich Engels born in Barmen on November 28, 1820, in the bosom of a wealthy family. At the age of fourteen he was sent from Elberfeld to continue his studies, where he would immerse himself in the famous German nationalism, although From the first moment he turned out to be a fairly diligent child, his father would take him out of his studies to learn the business family.

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From that moment he was instructed in mercantile techniquesAlthough whenever he could, he preferred to take time to read about political subjects and thoughts that were forbidden until then in the country.

Within the short biography of Friedrich Engels, we must mention his radicalization towards republicanism he was letting himself be seen in the companies he used to frequent, joining the head of young germans, a group whose goal was the change of the political system, in addition to hatred towards religion, so imposed on society.

It was at that moment when he began to make his first writings that were published under a pseudonym so that his family would not find out. It would be through these writings where he would criticize the living conditions of the proletariat.

The works carried out with Marx.

After a series of trips through Berlin and Manchester, Friedrich Engels met Karl Marx with whom he had some friction at the beginning of their relationship, due to the latter's thinking about the ideology of Hegel. But after this inhospitable beginning, we will find that Engels and Marx were approaching positions until they became true friends.

Continuing with our short biography of Friedrich Engels, we will stop at the first work that they did together, "Criticism of critical criticismthat was directed towards the young Hegelians. Next, he would perform another work, "German ideology”Which would be published later in 1932; It would be in this work where the first ideologies on social structures, religion, political systems were seen ...

With the outbreak of the French Revolution of the year 1848, Marx tried to introduce these ideas in Belgium but Leopold I, aware of Marx's intentions, decided to expel him immediately from the country, being quickly followed by Engels.

From exile they would dedicate themselves to supporting the revolutionaries, reaching pacts with the bourgeoisie, this being an ephemeral alliance in their dream to establish the communist system. During all this time Engels was the true support of Marx, because Friedrich did not leave the mercantile functions of him at any time.

Friedrich Engels - Short Biography - Works with Marx

From the internationals to the death of Marx.

In June 1869, Engels, exhausted from the double life he led, decided to withdraw from the family company to start a new vindictive life with Marx. In this way, in the summer of the year 1870, he went to London, to continue his activism.

Continuing with our biography of Friedrich Engels, it is necessary to know that he was elected secretary of the First International taking charge of coordinating all members, in addition to preventing ideas considered heterodox from entering.

It would be at this time when he will publish his most notorious works how were they:

  • Contribution to the housing problem.
  • The science revolution of E. Dühring.
  • The role of work in the transformation from ape to man.
  • The origin of the family, private property and the State”.

His life after Marx's death.

Karl Marx died in 1883This was a severe blow to Friedrich, who would dedicate part of his life to correcting and preparing the manuscripts that his friend had left incomplete for post-mortem publication.

That way in the year 1885 he published the second part of El Capital and in 1894 the third part of it. Although his name does not appear in any of the volumes, many are the authors who affirm that a good part of Engels' thought is reflected in these writings.

On the other hand, we will find another series of publications such as the “End of classical German philosophy"or"Ludwig feuerbach.

To conclude our short biography of Friedrich Engels, we will place ourselves on the August 5, 1895, at which time he passed away in London at the age of 74, leaving a fourth volume of Capital incomplete.

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