Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Estefania Martrus Parigini

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If you are reading these lines, it is surely because you have decided to seek professional help for some condition that does not allow you to live happily / to the full. Taking the reins of our life and facing it is brave. It is time to improve, for this I offer you my consultation, here you will find a quiet space, full of respect, understanding, confidentiality, ethics and solutions to improve what doesn't let you thrive. Write me/call me or make an appointment from here. Now is the time to move on, you have already decided!

Specialist in emotional and behavioral problems

Empathy, assertiveness, knowledge, ethics and professional deontology

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The adolescent: a little tyrant?

The teenager, a little tyrant? There are many fathers and mothers who sometimes ask themselves th...

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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in Couples Therapy in Marbella

Maribel del rio she is the director of the well-known Malaga psychological center PsychoAbreu, sh...

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Masks and their impact on body language

Masks and their impact on body language

On many occasions, the content of a gesture, a smile or even a posture not only complements the m...

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