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The 12 best Psychologists in Porto

For more than 15 years, the Psicode Institute of Psychology is one of the references in psychology in Spain and its professionals currently offer an online therapy service to people of all ages in the city of Porto.

The team of therapists at this center is specialized in applying various effective therapies in an integrated way, adapted at all times to the particular needs of each client.

In addition to that, some of the main specialties of the Psicode center are relationship problems, sexual dysfunctions, cases of infidelity, anxiety, depression, addictions and traumas.

Connect Psychologists Online is a psychology center where you will find a team of professionals specialized in individualized and comprehensive psychological intervention aimed at adolescents, adults and people greater.

The center's intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other highly effective therapies, with which its professionals They deal with cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, couple crises, adjustment disorders and family conflicts.

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the psychologist Sandra Garcia Sanchez-Beato Serves adolescents, adults and the elderly who may be going through cases of anxiety, depression, self-harm, codependency and emotional difficulties or relational.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from UNED, has a Master's Degree in Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy and has also with Masters in Integrative Humanistic Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents and a Master in Psychotherapies contemplative.

The psychologist William Miatello has more than 10 years of experience in the field of professional psychotherapy in private practice and in the Currently, his services are offered online to adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

His intervention is inclusive in nature, he adapts at all times to the client's needs and some of his main specialties are family and relationship problems, eating disorders, codependency, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and substance abuse substances.

Guillermo Miatello has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, has a Master's in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires and is a specialist in applying Family Therapy and Couple.

the psychologist Paula Tueros He is a specialist in applying various effective therapies to individually care for adolescents, adults and young people.

His intervention is offered online and in his sessions he treats cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, family conflicts, emotional dependence and cases of divorce.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, she has a Master's in Transpersonal Psychology, she is an expert in Mindfulness and has a Training Course in Self-regulation Emotional.

the psychologist sonia cabral She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Porto, has a Master's Degree in Developmental Disorders and Early Intervention and is a specialist in EMDR Therapy and Brainspotting.

This professional has more than 20 years of experience behind him and some of his most notable specialties are cases anxiety and depression, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorders, personality disorders, and disorder bipolar.

Sónia Cabral offers her services both in person and online and at home.

The psychologist Jose Armindo da Silva Armindo he also offers his services both in person and electronically from his office in Porto.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Minho, this professional is a specialist in Hypnosis Strategic by the Portuguese Society of Hypnosis and Motivation, and also dominates Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

Her intervention is aimed at adults and children of any age who may present problems with depression, panic attacks, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and drug dependency heroin.

the psychologist sonia moura graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Lúsiada University, has extensive training in Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic from CESPU, she is a specialist in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Psychological Coaching and Hypnosis Clinic.

Throughout her career, this therapist has specialized in caring for children of all ages and also adults individually, both in the face-to-face modality and at a distance and also through home.

In her office you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of anxiety and depression, the stress, panic disorders, agoraphobia, memory disorders and disorder obsessive compulsive.

the psychologist Leticia Leuze Machado She is another of the most outstanding professionals in Porto and in her office she cares for adults, children, adolescents and also couples who are going through a bad time.

Her intervention is based on the integration of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy together with the cognitive-behavioral approach, highly efficient tools with which it attends both in person and online any type of consultation in its customers.

In addition to that, some of her main intervention specialties are disorders of adjustment, stress, panic attacks, behavior problems, and eating disorders personality.

Leticia Leuze Machado graduated in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), She has a PhD in Health Psychology from the University of Lisbon and is a specialist in Personal Coaching and Professional.

The psychologist Helio Borges She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidade do Minho, has a Master's Degree in Human Resources Management from the University of Porto, a Postgraduate in Sexology and Couples Therapy and another Postgraduate in Hypnosis Clinic.

Throughout more than 10 years of experience, this professional has specialized in caring for adults and couples of all ages, both in person and in online therapy.

Among her intervention specialties, couple problems, personality disorders, sexual difficulties, relationship difficulties, eating disorders, stress and attacks of panic.

The Rossana Ferreira She graduated in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto and is a specialist in Psychological Coaching, Mindfulness and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy.

His intervention integrates various effective therapies adapted to the needs of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly who They may have problems with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, behavior problems, eating disorders or problems relatives.

This professional offers her services both in person and online for those who request it.

The team of professionals from Internet Psychology is made up of a select group of highly specialized Spanish psychologists who offer their services online to anyone who is living in Porto and requests support professional.

Some of the main specialties of this platform are cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, addictions, phobias, family problems and problems of couple.

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