Education, study and knowledge

The school of Miletus

In this video we will analyze the first philosophical school, the School of Miletus. The first philosopher whose name we know was Thales of Miletus.

Thales of Miletus established the Arkhé concept, which is that substance that is the origin of the universe. Thales thought that the origin of the Universe was water. Why? the first reason was because the most widely used means of communication was water and islands came out of the water. The second reason is that Thales of Miletus lived in Egypt where the floods of the Nile caused life to come, vegetation to grow.

Anaximander he was a disciple of Thales. He thought that an Arkhé existed but that he was not part of the Universe. Anaximander said that the universe was the cyclical succession of opposites: day-night; hot Cold... Anaximander considered the Apeiron which means indeterminate (hot and cold at the same time; alive and dead at the same time ...). Raises the cosmic justice which will be a first approach to the concept of Christian God.

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The third philosopher of The school of Miletus It was Anaximenes. Anaximenes says that water rises through the air.

All three philosophers believed in Arkhé concept although for each of them the main element was different.

In the video I explain in more detail the eSchool of Miletus and its three authors. Also, if you want to check that you have learned what was explained in today's lesson, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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