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Psychologist Connect Psychologists Online

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The Conecta Psicólogos Online team provides therapeutic support exclusively through video call, aimed at people who, due to different circumstances, prefer this option to therapy face-to-face The work premise of our team is to create a safe, trustworthy and non-judgmental space, where the person can work on her needs through the help of valid therapeutic tools and effective.

We work from an integrative approach, using effectively proven techniques from different approaches such as cognitive-behavioral or acceptance and commitment therapy, among others. Our work style is practical and close. We generate that safe space, connecting with people, to help the patient on his way to well-being.

We are specialists in improving anxiety and fear problems, depression, lack of motivation, grief, self-esteem and insecurity with the patient. social skills, personality disorders, eating disorders, adaptation problems and relationship, family, work, etc

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Envy among siblings: how to avoid and combat it in children and adults

Envy between siblings is a somewhat common situation in all families. On many occasions, it is a ...

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Differences between extortion, coercion and blackmail

Extortion, blackmail, coercion: the three concepts respond to a criminal typology which can entai...

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How to meet people in a new city: 6 tips for socializing

Arriving in a new city and knowing how to adapt to an unfamiliar urban environment is always a ch...

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