Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist María Concepción Alonzo García

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Treatments for: Panic Attack, Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety, Post-traumatic stress. Social Anxiety in the adolescent Specific Fears and Phobias. Eating disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia) Modification of unwanted behaviors. Impulsivity, obsessive behaviors, compulsivity. obsessive compulsive disorder. Effective Treatment for Depression (AC) Evaluation, containment and intervention in Suicidal risk Self-injurious behaviors in adolescents. Problems with alcohol and substance use. Stress Treatment. Mindfulness. Early stimulation, Establishment of the Secure Attachment bond. Sexual orientation, thanatological accompaniment. Palliative care in chronic diseases.

patience, perseverance, empathy, creativity, assertiveness, attentive listening, respect, tolerance.

Clinical psychologist. Master in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Master in Thanatology.. Specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Specialty in Education and Sexual Orientation. Play Therapy Specialty. Palliative Care and Thanatology. Specialty in Humanist Therapy. Specialty in Early Stimulation. International Certificate International Meeting Esqala Brain and Happiness/brain and sexuality. Strategies for managing stress at work: Beliefs. Strategies for managing stress at work: Emotions.

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'I feel like I don't fit in anywhere': possible causes and what to do

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