Psychologist Marisa Grueso López
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Do you feel bad and you don't know why? Do you suffer from unpleasant symptoms such as anxiety, obsessions, fear, sadness or addictions? Have you already tried to read self-help books, meditate or practice certain techniques that you think do not quite go to the root of your problem? Sometimes it is necessary to go to a therapy that makes us go to the origin of what happens to us. Psychoanalysis has evolved a lot since its creation, and has been reinforced by recent scientific discoveries that recognize it as one of the therapies with effects that last longer than long term. Your problems can be addressed in a deep way, without the changes taking long to appear. This is what many of the patients who have already undergone this therapy say: they all agree that it has marked a definitive before and after in their lives. You can't spend a lifetime healing emotional wounds with "band-aids" that require a deeper review.
I have a degree in Psychology and my specialty is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, a field in which I have more than twelve years of clinical experience. This specialty allows me to discover the incredible power of the mind, both to protect us from what can harm us, through of different defense mechanisms, so as to be able to heal ourselves and change the way of experiencing life, from pain to well-being total. Our past does not have to determine our future. If you heal your past you will be able to Live in the present and project an exciting future.
I consider myself close and capable of facilitating communication and openness within therapy. I have a great listening capacity and it doesn't take long for the person to feel that I understand what is happening to them, without making any kind of judgment. My years of experience have given me great confidence in the therapeutic process, where sometimes hard times can be experienced, to reach lasting placidity. The best thing is to try if this is your therapy, because it can really change your life.