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The 85 best phrases of Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is a celebrated American actor and director, born on June 1, 1937 in the well-known city of Memphis, Tennessee.

Freeman is currently one of the most famous actors in the United States, having starred in films such as: "Seven", "Deep Impact", "Lucy" or "Wanted" have made him one of the best-known faces in the film world international.

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Famous quotes from Morgan Freeman

Thanks to the famous movie "Million Dollar Baby", this actor managed to win the famous Oscar award during the gala of the year 2005, an award that only the most relevant actors of all time have managed to place in their shelves.

Next We present a selection of the best phrases of Morgan Freeman, who is undoubtedly one of the most charismatic actors in contemporary cinema.

1. You will be asked for your analysis and advice, so make sure you know what you are talking about before giving it. Don't be afraid to say you don't know. Choose your words well; words have a habit of becoming political.

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Thinking before acting is a habit that many people do not have, if we do not have great knowledge about a specific subject we should not pronounce on it.

2.Anyone can lose a fight, anyone can lose once, you will recover from this, you will be the champion of the world.

If we never give up, we will never be completely defeated. To be more successful in life, we must learn to deal with all those problems that appear to us.

3. The ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls arrive at the entrance to heaven, the guards ask them the questions. Their answers determined whether they could enter or not: have you found happiness in your life? Has your life brought happiness to others?

The search for happiness is the most important adventure that we will carry out throughout our lives. Finding it or not will depend exclusively on ourselves.

4. Don't worry about what others do. You must accept what is special about you.

The opinion of others should not matter to us, because we are completely perfect with our virtues and defects.

5. Ernest Hemingway wrote: "The world is a good place worth fighting for." I agree with the second part.

In this quote, Freeman tells us about a great phrase from the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway, this phrase tells us about the importance of fighting for the world in which we live.

6. What ridiculous puppets we are and how vulgar is the stage on which we dance.

People are manipulated many times throughout our lives, so that this does not happen to us, we must learn not to take anything for granted and to think for ourselves.

7. Human beings are more concerned with having than with being.

Material goods are not the most important thing in life, some emotions, such as love or hope, have a much higher value.

8. A boxer with only heart is in for a beating.

The use of reason will give us the key to success over time, in the same way without it we will be doomed to failure.

9. Rugby is a very tough game, almost as tough as politics.

The corrupt will do everything in his power to gain control of the nation. It could be said that in love and in politics anything goes.

10. They lock you up for life and that's just what they take from you.

The deprivation of liberty is something that takes away from us the possibility of having lived a complete and happy life.

11. Long and rugged is the path that leads from hell to light.

Overcoming adversity can be hard and difficult work, but we must do it if we want to make what we so long for come true.

12. For the second time in my life I am guilty of committing a crime. Probation violation. I guess they're not going to cut off traffic for this. Not by an old thief like me.

In his films, Freeman embodies all kinds of characters, from thieves to slaves to thinkers.

13. If you're looking for the truth, that's where you'll find it.

The truth can be very painful at times, we must be completely sure that we want to know it before going to look for it.

14. There are no perfect men, only perfect intentions.

As men we all have our own flaws, the perfect man is something that certainly does not exist.

15. To build our nation, we must all exceed our expectations.

Great goals will require great efforts to be built, without work and perseverance we will never be able to do anything relevant in life.

16. To win in boxing, you have to move backwards. But if you go back too far, in the end you are no longer fighting.

Boxing can be a good metaphor for life, it is a sport that teaches us that if we don't fight for what we want, we will never make it come true.

17. Forgetting that there are things in the world that are not made of stone, that you have, that there is something inside that cannot be taken away from you, that it is yours.

Hope is something that should never be taken away from us, if we are persevering, the future may be a much kinder place.

18. Some birds should not be confined. Their feathers are too bright… And when they escape, the part of you that knows it was a sin to have locked them up rejoices.

People have different ways of facing the deprivation of liberty, in the movie "Life Sentence" in which this actor stars, we can discover what life is like in a prison.

19. Boxing is an unnatural act because everything goes backwards.

In boxing, intelligence is the most important thing, because we will not be able to win any fight if we do not have a very well planned strategy.

20. A single mother who works two jobs and finds time on top of herself to take her son to soccer practice, that's a miracle.

Many of us are not aware of many miracles that usually happen every day. We must give thanks more often, for all those comforts that we often do not value.

21. Apathy is the solution, that is, it is easier to give in to drugs than to face life, to steal what one wants than to earn it, to hit a child than to teach it.

Negative behaviors can give us positive results in the short term, but in the long run they will undoubtedly cost us dearly.

22. But the part you live with feels empty and sad that he's gone… I think I miss my friend.

Friendships are very important, we must never lose contact with those friends that we know are real.

23. I think it's the kind of emotion that only a free man can feel, a free man starting a long journey from hell to end.

Life one day will inevitably come to an end, let's make the most of every minute of it.

24. I thank the God that was for my unconquerable soul, I am the master of my destiny; I am the captain of my soul.

Even if we are deprived of our freedom, no one will ever be in control of our thoughts. Wherever we are, we can always live by our own ideas.

25. Make your sacrifice an act of honor.

Some people have given their lives for the well-being of others, without a doubt this is an extremely heroic act that not everyone is capable of performing.

26. People have to start thinking about the messages that are sent in the cinema.

Some movies contain interesting messages that are sent to the viewer in a subliminal way, until we have seen them 2 or 3 times, we will not be able to realize them.

27. I don't go out in romantic roles. But I often think that if I'd had my teeth right from the start, well, maybe.

His great intelligence has always been the biggest source of his success, with her and with a really calm personality, he is able to convey great depth to all of his characters.

28. It's what I've learned from the great actors I work with. Stillness. That's it, and that's the hardest part.

Not all actors are equally relaxed in front of a camera, Morgan Freeman is an actor capable of transmitting impressive serenity and tranquility.

29. Did they ever tell you it was rude to talk about money?

Money has never been the most important thing for this actor, for many years Freeman has been fully aware that life has much more valuable things than simple riches.

30. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as the prince of peace, of civil rights. We owe him something important, to keep his memory alive.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a great representative of the African-American community in the United States. The role that his people played in society changed significantly thanks to his invaluable contribution.

31. Who is going to miss an old man out of jail? I realize that I am so excited that I can hardly sit still or think clearly.

Those who are unfortunate enough to be admitted to prison live their release with great joy and enthusiasm, this quote from Morgan Freeman tells us about that much desired moment.

32. What if I'm rehabilitated? Well let me think. To be honest I have no idea what that means. To me it's just an invented word, invented by politicians so that young people like you have jobs and wear ties.

His characters always show great intellect, a very useful quality that they undoubtedly share with himself.

33. I joined the Air Force. I did three years, eight months, and ten days in total, but it took me a year and a half to be disillusioned with my romantic notions about her.

The army is much tougher than we usually think, few people are able to thrive within it.

34. His bank was a distraction to prepare the real trick.

In the movie "Now You See Me", Freeman plays the role of an illusionist. A trade that, as we can imagine, will demand a great amount of intelligence on the part of those who practice it.

35. Beyond the night that covers me, black as the bottomless abyss, I thank the gods that may exist for my undefeated soul.

Giving up is a word that has never been in Morgan Freeman's personal dictionary, life can hit him over and over again, but he will always get back up.

36. When I was a child I once saw a car, but now they are everywhere. This damn world is moving too fast.

The world has changed a lot since this actor was a child, throughout our lives we will all discover that development is something that never stops.

37. I suppose they were singing about something so beautiful that it couldn't be expressed in words and that was precisely why it made your heart flutter.

Emotions are always present in the characters that this actor plays, after all. After all, we all suffer in those hardest moments, for which many times we are forced to pass.

38. In the random clutches of circumstance, I have never regretted or blinked.

Being brave will be a necessary condition to achieve success, doubt and fear must be forgotten if we want to overcome our problems.

39. I don't have the remotest idea what the hell those two Italians were singing about and the truth is that I don't want to know, good things don't need to be understood.

We will like some songs even if they are not in our language, a melody alone can be enough to awaken very intense emotions in us.

40. As a man, how often do you notice another man's shoes?

The shoes we wear can say a lot about us, things like: purchasing power, work, daily activity or places we visit.

41. To insist on living or to insist on dying is the pure truth.

Life is too wonderful not to be valued, if we only have one opportunity to enjoy it, let's take advantage of it!

42. Subjected to the blows of fate, my head is bloody, but upright. Beyond this place of anger and tears.

Even if we have difficulties in life, we can always overcome them if we fervently believe in it.

43. I think about what I was like then, a stupid young boy who committed a terrible crime. And I would like to talk to him, I would like him to come to his senses, tell him how things are, but I can't. The boy has been gone for years and this old man is all that remains. I have to live with that.

The mistakes of the past can haunt us for a lifetime, if we commit certain acts, society will never forgive us.

44. Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world? And how are you going to achieve that?

There are certain things that must be done at least once before you die, in the movie "Now or Never" by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, both of you will decide what those things are and take them to cape.

45. Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best of all, and good things don't die.

Hope, as they say, is the last thing to lose, if we persevere in our efforts we will make our dreams come true.

46. I am not a child, Mrs. Daisy. And I'm not a neck that you see while traveling. I'm a man. I am almost 70 years old. And I know when my bladder is full.

A very revealing phrase from the famous movie “Walking Miss Daisy”, without a doubt one of the most famous of his entire career as an actor.

47. The magic of fighting battles beyond what is humanly bearable is based on the magic of risking everything for a dream that no one else can see but you.

Big dreams can be achieved if we put all our dedication into them, because even if something seems impossible, our faith will help us achieve it.

48. When they put you in the cell and close the bars in your face is when you realize it's real. In the blink of an eye your whole life has gone to hell.

Life can change very quickly and situations like the one this quote tells us must be really painful to experience.

49. I'm more interested in the proposal than the award, because I think the nomination only puts him in a group of outstanding actors.

The Oscars are so important that just being nominated is already a recognition. Winning or not can then depend largely on our luck.

50. Believe me, these walls are haunting, first you hate them, then you get used to them and after a while you come to depend on them. That is institutionalizing.

When the human being spends a lot of time locked up, he gets used to living that way, this is something that in psychology is called "the cabin syndrome".

51. In here he is an important man, he is a cultured man, but outside here he is nothing.

Upon reaching old age, many people often lose interest in living new experiences. For all of us there will be a moment when we want to rest and settle down.

52. The compound allows you to open up new areas of your brain. He has powers.

In the movie "Lucy", this actor reveals to us the secrets that are hidden in the human brain, the most unknown organ that all of us possess.

53. You are sheep among wolves, be wise like snakes, but innocent like doves.

In order for a person to move skillfully in society, he must undoubtedly be extremely intelligent.

54. Yes, three buttons is very nineties.

Good taste in clothes has always been something that has accompanied him throughout his life.

55. I hate the word homophobia. It is not a phobia. You are not afraid, you are an idiot.

We are all people and deserve the same respect from others, regardless of our sexual orientation, race or religion.

56. Some will say that he did it to win the favor of the guards or to win friends among the prisoners. I think he did it to feel normal again, even if it was only for a moment.

It is in the most difficult situations where we bring out the best of ourselves. Perhaps we are capable of much more than we think.

57. You are curious, what do you look for in those books?

Reading is an activity that can be very beneficial for anyone, because with it we will be able to accumulate wisdom that may be useful to us in the future.

58. Who doesn't like a good trick?

Illusion tricks can be really impressive, the most elaborate ones always have a lot of preparation behind them.

59. It is difficult to measure the value of a person's life. For some it is measured by the beings it leaves behind, for others it is measured by faith, for others by love, for others life has no meaning. For me, I believe that one is measured by those who have been measured by him.

The impact we cause in society will last after our death, only great people are remembered for a long time.

60. Come closer, because the more you think you see, the easier it will be to deceive you.

Things don't have to be what they seem, because the more we focus our attention on something, the more things can happen outside of our field of vision.

61. Hope can drive a man crazy.

Hope can be an emotion that eventually makes us desperate, human beings often go through situations that are very difficult to redirect.

62. Good things do not need to understand them.

If something is good for us, it will be good even if we don't know why. The lucky breaks in life, one never knows where they come from.

63. Sometimes the best way to punch is to back away.

Our best tactic will always be the one that our rival does not expect. In order to beat our rival, we must know how to adapt to his movements.

64. I know that when he died, his eyes were closed and his heart was open.

Death does not have to be the end of our story, because no one knows what will really happen once we experience it.

65. People love violence. When they see an accident they slow down to see if there are deaths, they are those who claim to be boxing lovers. They have no idea what it is. Boxing is a matter of respect, of earning yours and taking it away from the opponent.

Boxing is one of the oldest sports in the world, respect for the rival is always taken into account by all those who practice it.

66. The only thing someone needs to be special is to believe that you can be. I know it sounds like a cat poster, but it's true.

In order to achieve success we must believe in our possibilities. If we do not have faith in what we do, the luck we so desire will never come to us.

67. Forgiving frees the soul. Remove fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.

After an unwanted event, we must accept it in order to turn the page. Well, certain things in life cannot be changed no matter how much we want it.

68. You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.

Our passage through life may leave an indelible mark on all those people we met one day.

69. People want me to do everything for them, but they don't realize that they have that power. Do you want to see a miracle, son? I know the miracle.

We will never achieve anything in life if we do not fight hard for it, we must always keep in mind that the most valuable things will never be given to us.

70. I believe that God, whoever you think he is, hears all prayers, even if sometimes the answer is no.

God may not give us everything we want, but he will teach us a very valuable lesson: if we don't fight for what we want, we will never get it.

71. My job as an actor is simply to go out there and say the words that appear in the script.

Something that seems very easy to say but really complicated to execute, interpretation is a gift that many people do not possess.

72. For me, there is not the slightest difference between playing the president of the United States or a complete idiot.

All people have their own eccentricities, any role can be difficult to interpret, regardless of the social rank that the character possesses.

73. I get up in the morning. Late breakfast, I don't eat too much. That's enough. I still have enough energy to work.

At 82 years old, Freeman still has a lot of energy, having led an active life for a long time surely has a lot to do with this.

74. I guess I wouldn't go very far. Just about 20 years ago, a great period in my life where I spent a lot of time flying my plane, sailing, riding my horses. I was able to enjoy a very comfortable and very active life.

Maturity may bring with it the best years of our lives, all those stages that we are lucky enough to be able to live, can be just as exciting for us.

75. When you become a star, you can no longer transform for a character or do the most interesting roles, which are those of a character actor. A star very rarely gets the opportunity to play roles like Quasimodo's.

When an actor reaches a certain level, they will only be offered those roles that are in line with their popularity, an aspect that may seem to be relatively advantageous, but which undoubtedly also will limit.

76. I don't want a black history month. Black history is American history.

This great actor has always had a particular vision of how to defeat racism.

77. It's hard for me to look at myself... I find it boring.

A problem that many great Hollywood actors have.

78. The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit.

Many of his contributions are truly humorous.

79. What month is Jewish history month?

So he ridiculed Black History Month in an interview.

80. Bruce… I am God.

His role as God in the movie "Como Dios" earned him endless international recognition.

81. Religion is mainly based on not dying.

For some years now, Freeman has been especially linked to the world of religion in the many outreach series that he presents.

82. Not that he condones profanity, but that one made me laugh.

One of the most remembered phrases of "Como Dios".

83. I'm going to stop calling you "white man" and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me "black man".

This is how she responded to a journalist who asked her how to end racism in the US.

84. When you visit different cultures they have different concepts about creation, they have their own story about creation and their own opinion about life after death.

Knowing different cultures we will learn different ways of conceiving the world.

85. I am the owner of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul.

The most remembered phrase from the movie "Invictus".

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