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The dangers of efilone, a new synthetic drug

The new designer drugs constitute a public health problem that, due to their recent appearance, are faced with a social context in which prevention strategies have not yet been developed suitable. This fact endangers the lives of many people, generally adolescents who are getting younger, who take them for recreational purposes in their leisure time and are unaware of the risks of this type of practices.

Among these types of drug abuse we can find efilone or ephylone, a substance made in clandestine laboratories and sold in crystal form. Its use has been generating health problems for some years, mainly in Western countries, where its popularity is increasing.

In order to offer service information to anyone who may request it, in today's article we briefly highlight the main risks associated with the consumption of efilone.

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What is efilone?

Efilone, also known as N-ethylpentylone or bk-EBDP or Ephylone is a synthetic drug derived from cathinone

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, a natural alkaloid from a plant that when consumed causes a series of effects in the human organism.

This substance belongs to the club of new synthetic drugs, which also include speed and popper, and because it is one of the most recent findings in the world of recreational drugs, their nature and characteristics.

The little we know to date is that efilone has stimulant effects on the body similar to the interaction of cocaine and LSD or MDMA or ecstasy; that is why It is considered as an entactogenic drug.

Although each person experiences it differently, once consumed, efilone generates some shared effects between consumers, such as euphoria, increased focus and sociability, libido or sexual desire, empathy and keen.

This set of experiences is due to the effects that the drug has on the brain, among which are the increase of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain, neurotransmitters known as the "stress hormones." happiness".

As with most newly discovered synthetic drugs, there are also a series of negative effects caused by the consumption of efilone that can seriously affect the person on a physical, emotional and psychological level.

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Main dangers of efilone

These are the main dangers involved in the consumption of efilone both frequently and widely over time and in a single administration.

In this list we will include both adverse health effects and additional dangers associated with the characteristics and particular nature of this new drug.

1. Ignorance of the substance

The boom in the consumption of efilone has been detected since 2016 and, as we have indicated previously, the fact that it is such a new drug prevents health professionals from having sufficient knowledge about the substance.

In addition to the lack of knowledge about the effects of the drug on the part of the health services, there is also a lack of knowledge about the implications of the different doses and their long-term effects. short term.

All this in summary prevents effective intervention in cases of overdose, which increases the risk of death in all types of inexperienced users.

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2. easy acquisition

Currently, efilone can be purchased online, on specialized websites or on social networks. due to its current legality status (it is not considered a prohibited substance or illegal).

The ease of its acquisition allows you to buy this substance without having to contact no criminal organization, just by contacting a distributor or individual of trust.

3. legal limbo

Since it is not an illegal substance due to the short time it has been in circulation around the world, efilona enjoys, as indicated, a legal status that enables distributors to do business with the sale of this substance, even in high quantities.

The lack of legislation on efilone by international organizations and the laws of each country allows both the criminal risk of both sale and acquisition to be minimal, which facilitates its consumption in all the world.

4. Lack of guarantees

As with any drug or addictive substance that does not go through the most basic supervision and analysis, it is a potentially dangerous drug for anyone who consumes it.

Its indiscriminate sale and without guarantees causes the buyer many times do not know what you are buying and what you are going to consume, and it is common for what is sold as efilone to be adulterated.

5. Generates dependency

Frequent consumption of efilone can generate dependence in the user, as happens with any other analogous substance.

Many synthetic drugs, consumed on a recurring basis, end up progressively destroying the health of the addicted person, both psychologically and physically.

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6. unexpected adverse effects

The main adverse effects that we can find in the consumption of efilone are hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia, time distortion, sweating and muscle contractions.

These effects may have a greater or lesser effect depending on the characteristics of each person.

7. It is confused with other drugs

Efilone is often sold as MDMA or LSD because of its similar effects, which carries a wide variety of health risks.

It is evident that if a person consumes efilone thinking that it is another substance, he may end up suffering an overdose due to ignorance of the new substance.

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