Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Montse Costa Casillas

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I am a clinical psychologist, collegiate number 20943. Director and founder of the Psicoavanza Psychology Center. I have more than 20 years of experience in the field of clinical psychology, I am passionate about my work, I am a psychologist by vocation, I love helping people people connecting with warmth and closeness, I work every day to improve psychology always at the forefront of the best latest therapies generation. I am very specialized in the treatment of traumas, duels, self-esteem and I am an expert in the treatment of anxiety and all kinds of phobias, I have developed a very innovative and effective therapy to work anxiety and phobias with state-of-the-art therapies in psychology.

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I have a Master's in Clinical Practice, a Master's in Child and Adolescent Psychology, a Master's in Clinical Hypnosis and a Master's in Human Resources Management. I am an expert in the treatment of anxiety and phobias, I have developed an innovative and highly effective therapy for everything types of phobias and anxiety treatment, integrating different disciplines into therapy with EMDR, Mindfulness and Hypnosis Clinic. I am a clinician in EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Trauma Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) and a Mindfulness therapist.

I characterize myself as a very empathetic person, establishing a good connection and harmony with my patients in order to establish a good development of the therapy. I make a first free informative visit as the first contact in which I explain how I work and the patient can ask all kinds of questions about the therapy to be carried out. Always wanting to help people and aware of the limiting problem that people with social phobia suffer, I am now writing a self-help book for the treatment of social phobia. ´

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