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Cannabis increases the risk of a psychotic break by 40%

The use of marijuana and other cannabis derivatives is a common phenomenon nowadays, especially in the young population.

There is a popular idea that cannabis is a substance that carries very few risks as it is "natural" and more or less traditional in some areas, so as a general rule it is consumed without great concern for its possible effects secondary. However, it has been shown that the consumption of this type of substance does carries high health risks.

Specifically, the review and analysis of different investigations reflect that there is a link between cannabis and psychotic disorders, having indicated that cannabis increases the risk of suffering a psychotic break, in some cases by up to 40%.

Cannabis and derivatives

Cannabis and its derivatives are one of the most widely consumed illegal drugs worldwide, especially in Western society. extracted from the plant Cannabis sativa, it is a type of substance that would be considered within the group of psychodysleptic drugs, psychoactive substances that produce a change in mental activity without it being considered totally excitatory or inhibitory.

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In the specific case of cannabis, an increase in activity usually occurs first, and in a short time going into a state of relaxation and sedation, along with other symptoms such as increased appetite or incoordination motorboat.

This drug can be found in very different waysaccording to the parts of the plant that are used, the most well-known derivatives being marijuana and hashish.

Consumption and social consideration

Its use dates back to antiquity, used as a medicinal and relaxing plant, and even today it is used to combat some symptoms of diseases, such as the presence of vomiting, seizures and even anorexia or lack of hunger (not to be confused with the anorexia nervosa, which would be the psychological disorder) that occurs in patients with different disorders.

However, regardless of its medical properties, a large number of people use cannabis as a form of entertainment and relaxation due to the widespread idea that we are dealing with a drug whose consumption involves few risks. This consideration is due to the fact that cannabis and its derivatives they do not have as many physiological effects as other drugs, and the fact that it is considered that in general they do not cause too much dependency unless their consumption is daily.

It is generally consumed by inhalation through cigarettes, although it is sometimes consumed orally (being the case of the well-known maría cakes, for example). In general, its consumption occurs more frequently in adolescence and early adulthood, being less frequent at older ages.

Increased risk of psychotic breaks

As we have seen previously, it is considered that consuming cannabis has no or very low risks. However, the analysis of various investigations indicates that, although it has a lower risk than other substances, the consumption of cannabinoids causes a serious increase in the possibility of suffering outbreaks psychotics.

And it is that the administration of this substance frequently causes the presence of auditory hallucinations or persecutory delusions, which, although they are generally temporary, can remain or trigger the repetition of subsequent psychotic outbreaks. In fact, one of the investigations indicates that cannabis increases the possibility of awakening a psychotic disorder by up to 40%, It can be much higher if the consumption is daily.

Although it is considered that cannabis does not cause the psychotic disorder itself, it is a risk factor that it can end up being a trigger for it. In other words, there is a genetic predisposition to suffer an alteration of this type, a predisposition that can be expressed or not.

Cannabis and schizophrenia

In this case, cannabis use is a factor that increases the risk of it being expressed, its risk being much higher than that of other substances. Thus, a person who probably has never had an outbreak has a very high probability of developing it. And one of the disorders associated with this consumption and psychotic episodes is schizophrenia, a severe disorder that can cause a high level of interference in everyday life. Other research shows that many cannabis-using schizophrenic patients have had their first psychotic episode up to seven years earlier than the average indicates.

Other risks in marijuana use

The vital period in which the consumption of cannabinoids usually takes place must also be taken into account, which usually begins in adolescence and early adulthood. In this age the organism is still in the formation and process of change, having a greater reactivity to reward and punishment than at other vital moments, with which the brain is more vulnerable and affected by long-term changes.

In addition to this, it must be considered that cannabis does not only affect the beginning of a psychotic outbreak, but also also included in the course and prognosis of outbreaks and disorders, demonstrating that in general the consumption of cannabis interferes and hinders treatment, and in the long run facilitates relapse and the appearance of new psychotic episodes in treated patients.


In conclusion, it is necessary to take into account and pay special attention to the risks posed by cannabis use, fighting the idea that it is something harmless.

And it is that it has been documented that cannabinoids can cause amotivational syndrome, have carcinogenic properties and in the long run can cause respiratory problems and sexual dysfunction, in addition to the dramatically increased risk of outbreaks psychotics.

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