Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Beatriz Almarales Goenaga

I am a Psychologist with a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. I have more than 20 years of professional experience in the clinical area, providing psychological counseling to people of all ages. In each case I carry out an individual in-depth study, with the aim of detecting problem areas and unsatisfied needs that may be generating psychological discomfort and thus be able to establish and develop the treatment required to achieve the greatest well-being and enhance their capabilities. In my professional practice I have also worked as a teacher at the University, Postgraduate and Community levels.

I work in the personal, family, couple, child spheres in which I focus on the neuropsychological diagnosis of children, tending to detect and overcome learning difficulties, and with adolescents regarding vocational guidance and concerns about sexuality. I place special emphasis on care for women victims of gender violence and/or domestic violence. According to the particular case, I carry out the orientation from individual, family, group therapy or a combination of them.

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In psychological care I use different approaches, depending on the specific case to be treated, always with the idea of ​​providing the greatest possible support for the person to overcome your current difficulties and achieve the modification of the factors that cause you discomfort, prevent you from achieving emotional well-being, stop your life project or make you unhappy. The type of care and its frequency is always established taking into account the particular needs of the person, and can be individual or group.

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Viña del Mar is a large city located northwest of the well-known city of Santiago de Chile, which...

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The 10 best Psychologists in Tepotzotlán

Francisco Chavez Visoso He has a degree in Psychology from the Humanitas University and has a Bac...

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How to set limits in the summer for teenagers

How to set limits in the summer for teenagers

Summer is a period of rest that is usually seen with great enthusiasm by adolescents, among other...

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