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Being proud: the key to a good life

We are facing one of the most efficient and established creators of pain. Plus, it's politically correct, and our "logical" society promotes it, and it spreads like wildfire in a woodshop. It is said that being proud is bad and being humble is good., and it is true… or not.

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What do we understand by pride and humility?

There is a lot of confusion about this issue, as many others. To begin to clarify let's see the different definitions from the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy on pride and humility:

1. The concept of pride

In the dictionary there are very different definitions:

  • Feeling of satisfaction for one's own achievements, abilities or merits.
  • Arrogance, vanity, excessive self-esteem, which usually carries a feeling of superiority. c. Self love, self esteem.
  • Person or thing that is a source of pride.

2. The concept of humility

  • Virtue that consists in the knowledge of one's own limitations and weaknesses and in acting in accordance with this knowledge.
  • Baseness of birth or of any other kind.
  • Submission, performance.
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Conflict and confusion begin in the dictionary itself... **Why is it so important to properly distinguish between pride and humility? **

Because since you were little you have been told that being proud is bad and being humble is good. So we have to know exactly what each thing really is for wanting to do good, not end up bathing in bad.

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pride variants

What they didn't teach us is that there are 2 kinds of pride:

Pride 1: is the bad guy

Is the one where you try position yourself above others through your thoughts, words and actions. Normally it starts from a feeling of inferiority, which tries to hide behind the disguise of "I'm more or better than you." But inside the story is very different.

Pride 2: It's the good guy

It is the position that you do when you become aware that you are an extremely valuable, wonderful being and full of potential... Just like the rest of the people.

Living from this pride, in my opinion, is a necessity to get closer to your true self., create the life you deserve and influence the rest of the people around you, allowing them to gradually understand the true value that they also have.

This focus on yourself is the only path to true prosperity, whatever that means to you. We need more people with true pride so that the world wakes up and the human race knows itself lovingly and from there we can take the next steps of humanity.

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types of humility

On the other hand, I also believe that there are 2 types of humility:

Humility 1: limiting and illogical

In her you position yourself in front of yourself, others, and life as a person without any special qualities; "You do everything" in an acceptable or bad way, in the worst case. "There's nothing special about you."

Humility 2: this is the good one

In this case, the humble approach allows you not only to have pride to appreciate your true and great worth, but also, is fully compatible with being aware of one's own limitations and thus be able to learn and relate in the most effective and loving way possible. In our Spanish culture and throughout Latin America, there is a lot of influence from misunderstood Christianity, and it has always been transmitted to us that; humility is fantastic, that it is a great quality, and that being humble is essential in all areas... and we agree.

But what kind of humility? Well, real and authentic humility. False humility is a brake on who you truly are... It's a huge drag!

A humble, misunderstood and unconsciously used language does not allow you to flourish or bring out the enormous potential that you carry within. A misused humility makes you continue creating a mediocre or unsatisfactory reality, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute...

Consequences of being humble

I remember that for many years I was "humble." Always, without security or self-confidence.

I questioned when someone praised me in some area, and practically refuted it... I almost contradicted him, without appreciating the truth behind his words. In other words: I barely valued myself and my "humble" language and way of thinking kept me at that point without being aware of it.

That mistaken humility leads you to believe that you yourself are worth less than you probably are. Your language influences your thoughts and determines how you feel and how you act.

If you speak and treat yourself with words and acts of real, honest, greatness…the real, honest greatness that you are will come out of you. The opposite also is true. And as you know, we develop this in the complete series of 7 books Open your eyes.

One day I realized that there is nothing wrong, quite the contrary, in express who you really are: a being with unlimited value, just like the 7 billion people who live on Earth. This is a humble pride... healthy and realistic.

We are not talking about positive thinking. This is a change you must make if you want to live the life you deserve, and no longer live someone else's painful life. Truly honest language creates honesty with yourself and with life, and you perceive that through your body, in the form of empowering feelings, and through life, through external abundance.

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