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How does my subconscious mind work?

In this article I am going to talk about how does your subconscious mind work.

First of all, I give you some context of some of the parts that make up your mind, which are: conscious mind, preconscious mind and subconscious mind.

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the subconscious

Your subconscious mind is the one in charge of storing all kinds of experiences that you have had to this day, even if you don't remember it consciously, unconsciously it is there, because that is the work of the subconscious, store and process all information in a way that clears space in the conscious mind and preconscious

Imagine that information is stored in a database, like in computer software. This software that you have affects the development of your life, for better or for worse, that is to say, given the conditioning that your software, will be the level and quality of the tools with which you face your life, the perception of it, and how you develop in her.

subconscious mind

Right now you may be wondering,

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And if I had a bad childhood, does it mean that my life will be bad forever? The answer is relative, it may or may not be, it depends on many things, but mainly it depends on the subject in question.

For example, if you had a bad childhood, and you don't want those patterns to continue repeating themselves in your adult life, you have the complete right to change the course of your life. Not because your subconscious contains the childhood programs, it means that you can only operate from them, your subconscious is part of YOUR mind, therefore, you it belongs to you and responds to you, so you have the power to update it and replace old programs with new programs more aligned with the life you truly want. live.

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And how do I deprogram my subconscious?

For the deprogramming of the subconscious there are the following tools: awareness, positive affirmations, shadow work, psychotherapy, detection of negative patterns, self-awareness, interest in yourself, audios while you sleep (subliminal or not), hypnotherapy, among other.

Next, I will explain one by one the tools that you can work with to successfully reprogram your subconscious.

1. awareness

Awareness consists of detecting and knowing everything that causes you emotional discomfort in your present life, that is, bring to light any habit, belief or behavior that is not contributing something for your good and stop normalizing it, thus allowing you to see it as something transformable or to be transformed.

2. positive affirmations

These are created from the detection of some self-destructive thought, such as: "I'm not worth it." nothing”, and replace it with the positive affirmation “my value is infinite”, thus allowing your mind subconscious to discard and reject the old belief, for a new and renewed one more aligned to the new version of you, that you want to create.

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3. shadow work

Shadow work consists of sitting down to illuminate everything that weighs, drains or ties to the past or old patterns, self-destructive patterns and accompany you as many times as it takes to redirect all intrusive, unbalanced thoughts etc. requires a level of self-awareness and dedication tall. In short, it is done little by little and day by day, it can be accompanied by psychotherapy.

4. Psychotherapy

As is well known, the psychotherapy It is a psychotherapeutic process focused on helping the patient to free himself from everything that generates emotional discomfort in her life, thus allowing you to reconnect with yourself and help you develop emotional skills, that you can use both with yourself and with others, your environment and life context.

5. Detection of negative patterns

This consists of developing such a degree of self-knowledge that allows the person to realize when they are acting from his unbalanced ego, emotional or psychosomatic wounds, fears, negative conditioning, etc

6. self awareness

Self-awareness develops through having an infinite interest in ourselves, in why we are as we are, why we act as we act, from where we are acting, how we are acting and about everything, questioning if we want to change, to be someone different, to stop being a certain person, to start "be". Realizing our attitudes, successes, mistakes, behaviors, thoughts, patterns, without any judgment, only interested in understanding ourselves in depth and being clear about who we are.

7. interest in your person

As the phrase says, and as mentioned above, taking an interest in ourselves is vital for subconscious reprogramming. successful, if there is no self interest, then none of the work you do will make enough sense for you to truly notice a change. Here, nothing more and nothing less, invites you to have and approach this process from intrinsic motivation.

8. audio while you sleep

This is a very effective way, because a subliminal effect is created in your brain, allowing you to reprogram while you rest, in In this case, you'll just be feeding your program new code, not necessarily actively replacing the old ones, but yes. adding new codes that will be ready to use if you let them. You can use this method for months, weeks, or however you feel it will be useful to you, once you start to see results, You can go changing positive affirmations, which of course you know will serve you for the specific issues you want to work on.

9. Hypnotherapy or hypnosis

This method consists of directly accessing the subconscious mind, asking direct and specific questions to access the necessary information, leaving the conscious mind (ego) aside for a while, so that it does not intervene and distort the information. Only a specialist in hypnosis can perform hypnotherapy, it is not something to be taken lightly.


So, in conclusion, your subconscious mind is a robot full of both good and bad information; now that you know how it works and that it is possible to reprogram it, It's basically relative whether or not he becomes your best friend.. It is said that 90% of our decisions and our lives are governed by the subconscious mind, so I invite you to you question, you question a lot, whether or not you are satisfied with the programs with which you operate in your life at the moment.

Remember that everything you see, repeat, affirm and hear constantly is what you program in your subconscious mind, that is why it is so important to keep a conscious relationship with it (example: the music you listen to, your internal dialogue, what you see on television, what you believe, everything you consume on a intellectual).

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