Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Cristian Pernett Villadiego

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Emotional Neuropsychoeducator - Leadership Trainer - Emotional Management Expert - Body Language - Master Coach with NLP - Lecturer.

🟠 At Pernett NLP Coach & Cristian Pernett coaching in emotional education, we have more than 15 years educating minds, navigating emotions. ✔️Our mission: It is to promote a better quality of life, with practical application tools for emotional management and social skills.

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➖ Coaching in emotional education is a project dedicated to increasing the person's personal and professional effectiveness. Our goal is to accompany the person on the journey that takes them from what they currently IS to what they really want to BE. We all have a talent, a combination of abilities that define our identity and make us unique. The person's ability to live according to their values ​​and their motivations is not only the key to their authenticity, but also to their personal well-being. From Emotional Coaching we help the client to materialize her motivations and we work on the insecurities, doubts and fears that keep her from her goal. What role do emotions play? 🔘 Emotions guide us during the sessions, and we learn to recognize them and identify their message, making the most of our Emotional Intelligence. 🔘 We also learn to manage and overcome those automatisms that don't favor our current development. In short, Emotional Coaching helps us identify and channel maladaptive emotions and thus achieve our goal more quickly and serenely.

✔️Nerurosicopedagogy of emotion. ✔️ Couples therapy and sexology. ✔️ Emotional Coaching. ✔️ Emotional management and education. ✔️ Leadership. ✔️ Personal, executive and corporate coaching.

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