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The 8 Best Psychology Franchises

Center Syndeo It has a team of professionals specialized in providing the best psychological care service and free workshops with discounts for anyone who requests them.

The intervention of the center is offered both online and in person in the city of Valencia to children, adolescents, adults and also elderly people who may present psychological alterations of all guy.

Through the application of the systemic approach, the Syndeo center successfully attends to cases of anxiety, depression, trauma, youth violence, family conflicts, emotional problems and difficulties schoolchildren.

In the APPOINTMENT CLINICS You will find a center specialized in treatment and intervention in addictions of all kinds and its services are offered to adults, the elderly, adolescents, families and also groups.

The center's multidisciplinary team of professionals is specialized in applying the best therapies with proven efficacy to address the demands of each of its clients, among which Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness.

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At the Cita Clinics you will be able to see your needs attended to both online and in person in cases of alcoholism, gambling, emotional dependence, drug addiction, substance abuse, sex or pornography addiction, video game addiction, or diagnosis dual.

Origin Clinics is a franchise that has more than 100 psychology centers in Spain, whose psychologists and Psychiatrists have been offering their services for years using a unique evidence-based methodology scientific.

The intervention of the center has been offered for several years to people of all ages, as well as also to parents, families and couples, both online and in person at any of its headquarters.

Among the main specialties of the Origin Clinics, cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, infertility, grief processes, phobias, post-traumatic stress, obesity, emotional difficulties, work stress, marital crises, and further.

addictive has a network of more than 150 centers and resources in Spain, where each user can request a psychological care service aimed at adolescents, adults, the elderly and also families.

Each of the Adictalia centers has a team of multidisciplinary professionals with experience in the treatment of all kinds of psychological disorders and in the application of the best therapies with proven efficacy for such effect.

Some of the main specialties of these centers are cases of anxiety, gambling, codependency, internet or video game addiction, drug addiction, sex addiction, alcoholism and dual diagnosis.

Psicode Institute of Psychology It has been one of the indisputable references of professional psychological therapy in Spain for 17 years and has centers in various areas of the country's geography.

The center's intervention is offered both online and in person, and its professionals They are specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families.

Through the application of various therapies adapted to the needs of each client, some of the main specialties of the center are the cases anxiety, depression, family conflicts, addictions, infidelities, traumas, couple crises and disorders of sexuality.

Psychologists Psychoabreu It has been offering a professional psychology service for more than 25 years from any of its more than 10 offices in the province of Malaga.

His intervention is offered both online and in person and his professionals attend to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who wish to request their services.

The center's intervention is based on the application of the best therapies with proven efficacy, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach and EMDR Therapy stand out, guidelines with which they attend to cases of anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, family conflicts, sexual disorders, bipolar disorder and difficulties relational.

Center Awakenings Psychologists Madrid For more than 10 years, it has offered an individualized attention service to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples.

From any of its 3 centers in Madrid you can request a service both online and in person, specialized in cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, couple crises, eating disorders, emotional difficulties and stress.

In cepsim You will find a team of professionals specialized in caring for adolescents, adults and also the elderly who may present psychological disorders of all kinds.

In any of the Cepsim centers, professionals specialized in dealing with cases of anxiety, addictions, emotional dependency, personality disorders, emotional problems, emotional difficulties and abuse sexual.

Psychologist Yoana Andrea Losada Escobar

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Psychologist Ana ElÓ AnguÉ

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