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10 problems that affect us if we do not limit procrastination

We understand as "procrastination" the tendency that some people have to put off the work that they must carry out or leave for later any type of task that has been entrusted to them in that moment.

It is a psychological phenomenon widely studied over the decades in the field of psychology, whose incidence can cause problems of all kinds in the person who experiment. But, focusing on practice... What impact does developing a procrastination tendency and not treating it in therapy have on our lives?

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The effects of untreated procrastination

Next we will see what are the most common problems that can affect us if we do not put a limit on procrastination.

1. psychological affectation

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that there are a wide variety of causes psychological factors that favor the phenomenon of procrastination and that this cannot be explained in a unitary and monolithic.

Some of the causes that explain procrastination is

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low self-esteem, psychological discomfort and also the fact of being exposed to high levels of anxiety or daily stress.

In the same way, the fact of extending the time to get down to work to finish any task and postponing the time to attend to our needs, it can also cause notable psychological discomfort, which is fed back with the problems that the person may have previously.

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2. physical affectation

At the same time that psychological health suffers in cases of systematic procrastination, something that we can experience It is also a progressive affectation in the physical health of the person and consequently in the correct functioning of their organism.

Procrastination problems

Some of the areas in which this gradual physical affectation manifests itself are: increased tiredness and fatigue during the working day and also afterwards, inability to rest properly during the hours free, insomnia, muscle aches, fatigue, or headaches.

This phenomenon occurs because the psychological discomfort accumulated by the tendency to postpone the work usually ends up being transferred to the physical or psychophysiological sphere, bringing with it discomfort physical.

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3. Affectation in decision making

Both psychological and physical problems caused by procrastination can also have an affectation in the decision-making of the affected person, both personally and psychological.

This means that a person with a tendency to procrastinate may end up finding themselves overworked, which can lead to great difficulties when making decisions correctly due to the fact of being in an extreme situation.

4. decreased productivity

Procrastination can also generate, as is evident, a decrease in daily productivity, since the person begins to not finish each of the tasks that are entrusted on time.

This decrease in productivity also affects psychologically, since it can generate frustration and discomfort when the worker realizes that he is not performing at his best in his workplace.

5. labor problems

All the effects mentioned above can occur jointly, which has an obvious consequence in the work performance of the person, which is also affected productivity.

This causes, as is evident, a series of labor problems, since the company also sees its performance decrease, which may endanger, ultimately, the continuity of the worker in his job.

In addition to that, systematic procrastination is also related to the appearance of problems in the work environment, as well as in the relationship and communication with coworkers and superiors.

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6. Cognitive impairment

Many cognitive impairments can occur when a person tends to procrastinate and develop psychological problems derived from said practice.

Some of these cognitive affectations can be, in addition to the progressive difficulty to manage stress, to work under pressure, and results in a lack of ability to concentrate.

7. Impact on the interests of the company

The interests of the company or institution in which we work may be compromised when one of its Workers tend to procrastinate and do not finish on time the tasks that are entrusted to them daily or weekly.

If this practice is maintained over time, this can lead to a series of problems for the company that can be to a greater or lesser extent depending on a large number of variables.

8. organization difficulty

People who tend to procrastinate often have notable problems with organization, In fact, it is considered that this is one of the most plausible causes or reasons that can explain the freak.

Having organizational difficulties means not being able to establish what to do at all times, not knowing how to organize the week or the month in advance in an agenda or diary, and being unable to establish short or long-term goals.

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9. Compromises the work of other colleagues

Just as the objectives of the company are hindered, with procrastination we can also put at risk the work of other colleagues or our superiors, provided that we do not finish our work at time.

This ultimately has a decrease in overall productivity and a problem for the company, since it has to complete certain objectives in a specific time.

10. Communication problems

Procrastination is generally associated with a person's problem when it comes to communicating their problems or to ask for help from other colleagues or their superiors.

This communication deficit is another of the problems that can affect the entire company as a whole, that for the job to be done well there must be an optimal level of internal communication in the organization.

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