Education, study and knowledge

The 24 psychological strengths according to Martin Seligman

If there is something in which the human being as a species has excelled, it is the ease with which he transforms his way of life to adapt to the demands of the environment. This is the only way to explain why a primate essentially evolved to inhabit warm areas of Africa has been able to spread to almost all corners of the planet in a few thousand years, and that has experienced several revolutions at a cultural level capable of completely changing its way of life, as occurred with the appearance of writing and, more recently, of Internet.

Positive Psychology is precisely that domain of behavioral science that is designed to investigate about the potential that human beings have to learn, improve their way of life, and give meaning to their Projects; its name expresses that intention to understand the positive that is latent in people, what only needs the appearance of the appropriate context for it to emerge and that not only generates well-being, but also brings human beings closer to the happiness.

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But... how to cover such an abstract concept as the potential for change and personal development of individuals? One of the proposals to achieve this consists of the list of the 24 psychological strengths described by researcher Martin Seligman, one of the key figures in Positive Psychology, which tries to compartmentalize different kinds of aptitudes that shape the ability to learn to live through personal development and the search for sense. Here we will see what they are.

What is Positive Psychology?

Many people assume that "the psychologist" is a professional who is dedicated to offering therapy to people who are having a hard time due to mental health issues, but the reality is that that doesn't have to be So. In fact, Psychology as a scientific discipline covers a wide variety of topics and adapts to all kinds of contexts; as many as there are human experiences. That is why the work of a psychologist who cares for patients in a hospital does not have to resemble that of one who works for the marketing department of a multinational company, or that of a sports psychologist hired by a sports club. soccer.

But there is also another way to distinguish between the different ways of working as a psychologist; regardless of whether the professional works in a health center, in a school or in a company, there are also different approaches or perspectives from which to work.

Positive Psychology invites us to focus not on the "lack" of mental health, skills or mental agility, but on that which is positive because it suggests a potential for improvement and is already present in one way or another in the human being. For example, let's think of a person who feels they don't fit into society and who, in reality, what What happens is that he does not have the opportunity to interact with people with the same creative concerns and artistic; Perhaps even before being aware of it, she blamed herself for "being different" and letting her imagination run wild in seemingly useless hobbies.

The list of the 24 personal strengths prepared by Martin Seligman is a way of outlining those aptitudes that can be very valuable points of support in the process of connecting with our own values ​​and interests to, through the development of those areas of potential, boost our development staff.

  • Related article: "What does Personal Development bring?"

The 24 strengths according to Martin Seligman's Positive Psychology

This is a summary of the psychological strengths that help to have references about what type of activities and areas of self-knowledge and learning can bring us closer to happiness through the development staff.

1. Curiosity

Curiosity makes our mind attracted to questions, even knowing that behind each answer to a question many more open up.

2. desire to learn

It is not enough to be curious if we do not actively engage in systematic learning strategies.. If we assume that learning is just something that we must do in educational centers, we will soon become frustrated due to life stagnation and boredom.

3. Open mentality

To further our personal development, it is important to be receptive to new experiences and belief systems, even while maintaining a critical mindset.

4. creativity and ingenuity

Being resourceful and intelligent in the practical aspects of everyday life allows us to think beyond social conventions and expectations.

positive psychology

5. Perspective

This form of wisdom allows us to accept that reality is polyhedral, and there is no single way to interpret things.

6. Courage

Courage allows us not to always be paralyzed by fear, something necessary to avoid living as spectators of our own lives.

7. Perseverance

Discipline is a key ingredient in any moderately ambitious project that we consider; without it, we will feel stuck when we see that we do not progress or learn.

8. Honesty and authenticity

Being honest is essential to establish links that really connect us with others in a meaningful way.

9. Vitality

Knowing how to put passion into things is key to taking the initiative and not limiting ourselves to reacting (late) to what is happening to us.

10. Ability to love and accept love

It is not only important to know how to love in a non-toxic way; we also have to learn to accept the love they give us, instead of assuming that we don't deserve it.

11. Kindness

Generosity, the tendency to support those who need it and altruism in general are an excellent way to bring well-being to the rest and, in addition, to give meaning to our existence.

  • You may be interested in: "What is kindness as a personality trait?"

12. social intelligence

The combination of social intelligence and personal intelligence allows us to identify and understand our own emotions and others, so that it is easier for us to establish strong and stable ties with others and with our own dynamics of self care.

13. civility

The current human being is linked to life within complex societies, in which everyone must cooperate to maintain the proper functioning of the parts; the opposite would lead us to be socially alienated, and unwanted loneliness.

14. sense of justice

Living according to ethical values ​​linked to the concept of equity and justice allows us to have guidelines clear moral standards from which to make decisions and contribute to generating a society that works better for all.

15. Leadership

Know how to lead at key moments allows us to mobilize both our skills and talents and those of the rest of the team, achieving results impossible to achieve separately.

16. ability to forgive

Knowing how to forgive is something key to not live permanently anchored in resentment and the desire for revenge against those who were unfair to us.

17. Modesty

It consists of not being chained to the need to waste energy offering an image idealized of ourselves or striving to show only what we excel at positively.

  • Related article: "How to be more humble: 11 useful tips"

18. Prudence

It is important not to take for granted what we really do not know, and to spend time reflecting before each important decision.

19. Self-regulation

Self control is key so as not to always give in to our impulses and our short-term desires.

20. beauty appreciation

Much of happiness and the ability to give meaning to life consists in not overlooking the beautiful experiences that this offers us and with which we can connect through our sensitivity.

21. Gratitude

Getting used to giving thanks for those good things that happen to us contributes to appreciating what good things bring us, and to rewarding those who make it possible.

22. Hope

Hope is necessary in order not to live eternally linked to the certainties of the here and now; to project into the future what motivates and excites us.

23. Sense of humor

Something as simple as learning to laugh connects us to life, even in the face of those experiences that could seem simply ridiculous and absurd, but in reality they bring us closer to happiness even though they are very simple.

24. Spirituality

Spirituality leads us to link our actions and achievements to a sense of the universal "whole," something important to give meaning to what we do and have a global vision of the legacy we leave to generations future.

Looking for psychotherapy services?

If you are interested in having psychological support from Positive and Humanistic Psychology, contact us.

In Adhara Psychology We have been offering our services to adults, adolescents, children and families for more than 12 years; We work through face-to-face sessions and also through online sessions by video call.

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