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The 80 Best Sense-Finding Phrases

Life can be an uphill climb that takes more than we can give, however, we must remember that happiness is a decision and When we begin to see the world in a more positive way, life becomes a roller coaster, an adventure full of adrenaline, with its ups and downs. low.

If you are in the process of finding your way, getting to know yourself deeply or looking for the harmony you need, this article is ideal for you, since with this selection of phrases about the search for meaning you will be able to see that life is not a straight line, but a whole forest with different paths.

The most inspiring phrases about the search for meaning

These quotes and reflections on the process of trying to find meaning in life can inspire and guide you.

1. The joy of life consists in always having something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to. (Thomas Chalmer)

Life makes sense as long as you have things to do.

2. Making mistakes in life is not only honorable, it is more useful than doing nothing. (George Bernard Shaw)

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Mistakes are not failures, on the contrary, they are great lessons.

3. If you love life, life will love you. (Arthur Rubenstein)

Love achieves everything.

4. A good traveler has neither fixed plans nor the intention of arriving. (Lao Tzu)

Don't focus on the goal, just enjoy the scenery.

5. The starting point for all achievement is desire. (Napoleon Hill)

Never stop wishing, because she is the spark that ignites dreams.

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6. Uninterrupted happiness is boring; You must have alternatives. (Moliere)

Life is not all happiness, there are also problems that make you stronger.

7. Life is like a tale told by an idiot; a tale full of verbiage and frenzy, which makes no sense. (William Shakespeare)

Each person has their way of seeing life.

8. You have to give meaning to life, for the very fact that it lacks meaning. (Henry Miller)

Never stop believing in yourself and the importance of having a goal to achieve.

9. Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, and the whole aim and end of living existence. (Aristotle)

Happiness is something ephemeral, you just have to enjoy it every moment.

10. Only when you accept that one day you will die can you let go and make the best of life. And that's the big secret. That is the miracle. (Gabriel Ba, Daytripper)

Death is also part of life and you have to know how to live with it.

11. It is easy to make things complicated, but difficult to make them simple. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

We always make things harder than it seems.

12. A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work. (John Lubbock)

Worries only bring tiredness.

13. The secret of happiness is not always doing what you want, but always wanting what you do. (Leo Tolstoy)

Happiness consists in loving what you do and not wanting what you don't have.

The best quotes about the search for meaning

14. In three words I can summarize everything I've learned about life: everything moves on. (Robert Frost)

The secret to living peacefully is to never stop despite difficulties.

15. The greatest moments in life come by themselves. There is no point in waiting for them. (Thornton Niven)

You have to live one day at a time, because each one has its own charm.

16. Sometimes we can go years without living at all, and suddenly our whole life is concentrated in an instant. (Oscar Wilde)

Happy moments come in just an instant.

17. The time that is enjoyed is the true time lived. (Jorge Bucay)

Enjoy every moment as that is what fills you with happiness.

18. Each moment is special for those who have the vision to recognize it as such. (Henry Miller)

Never waste the moments that life offers you as they do not return.

19. Over the years I have observed that beauty, like happiness, is frequent. Not a day goes by that we are not, for a moment, in paradise. (Jorge Luis Borges)

Every day life surprises us with unique moments that fill us with happiness.

20. Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from the human face. (Victor Hugo)

Never stop smiling, even if it's hard to do so.

21. Asking for forgiveness is for the intelligent, forgiving is for the noble and forgiving is for the wise. (Anonymous)

Don't hold grudges, forgiving frees from diseases.

22. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the candles. (William George Ward)

Dream while keeping your feet on the ground.

23. The occasion must be created, not wait for it to arrive. (Francis Bacon)

He works hard to make opportunities appear.

24. The only person you need in your life is the one who shows you that they need you in theirs. (Oscar Wilde)

Surround yourself with people who make you see that you are important to them at all times.

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25. The value of life can be measured by the number of times your soul has been deeply moved. (Soichiro Honda)

Express your feelings and let yourself be moved by them.

26. Showing gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to create abundance. (Debasish Mridha)

Be grateful at all times.

27. Hoping to reach the moon, men do not see the flowers that bloom at their feet. (Albert Schweitzer)

Do not dream things that are difficult to achieve, bet on simple things that are also worth it.

28. When you discover your essential nature and know who you truly are, in that knowing you find the ability to realize any dream you may have, for you are the eternal possibility. (Deepak Chopra)

Get to know yourself before you meet someone else, you will be pleasantly surprised at all the potential you have.

29. Every failure is an opportunity. there is no failure but change of path. If I don't accept the path, I fail. (Alejandro Jodorowski)

Don't see failure as a defeat, it's just learning and a strength to keep going.

30. Don't take life too seriously. You're never going to get out of it alive. (Elbert Hubbard)

Live, dream, make mistakes, smile and don't look for perfection because life is very short.

31. A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live. (Lao Tse)

Make your inner strength help you continue on the path.

32. It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. (Andre Gide)

Never pretend to be someone you are not.

33. The goal of education is knowledge, not of facts, but of values. (William S. Burroughs)

Put into practice the values ​​you have.

34. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Never stop performing all those positive habits you have.

35. Happiness or unhappiness is not measured from the outside but from within. (Giacomo Leopardi)

Your successes or failures will only depend on you.

36. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Every day is a new opportunity to start over.

37. Life is a kind of bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, pedal forward. (Albert Einstein)

Always walk forward, despite the obstacles you may encounter on the way.

38. Love the life you have so you can live the life you love. (Hussein Nishah)

It is important that you love what you have so that you can have what you want.

39. The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live, the only one, actually. (Emil Ciorán)

Life can appear as a meaningless thing, it is in your hands to give it the direction you want.

40. The sole purpose of our lives is to wake up and be there for each other. (Johanna Paunger)

Always stay in the lives of the people you love so that they are in yours.

41. Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself. (George Bernard Shaw)

Look inside yourself for the answer to what worries you.

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42. Life is not a problem to be solved, it is a reality to be experienced. (Soren Kierkegaard)

Life is a constant search.

43. It is not until we realize that we mean something to others that we do not feel that there is a goal or purpose to our existence. (Stefan Zweig)

You are valuable to someone else, don't forget it.

44. Every man must look at himself to teach him the meaning of life. It is not something discovered: it is something molded. (Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve)

It is good to stop for a moment to look inside ourselves and discover the meaning of life.

45. Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. (James Dean)

He lives each day as if it were his last.

46. My theory about life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn't change. You have a day, a night, a month and a year. We people change, we can be miserable or we can be happy. It is what you make of your life. (Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum)

In your hands and attitude is the key to living as you want.

47. To live is to be born at every moment. (Erich Frommm)

You have to live every minute intensely, because we don't know if it's the last.

48. Always give the best of yourself. What you plant now will be harvested later. (Og Mandino)

What you do today will be your reward tomorrow.

49. The meanings of life are not inherited. What is inherited is the mandate to give meaning to life by the way we live. (Stephen Jenkinson)

Your life is yours, it is your responsibility.

50. The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that he cares less and less about it. (Vaclav Havel)

We are in a time where we think about many things, less about living life.

51. The key to success is the knowledge of the value of things. (John Boyle O'Reilly)

When you have knowledge, you have everything.

52. When your values ​​are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. (Roy E. Disney)

Having values ​​is having tools that make life easier.

53. A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life. (James Allen)

Each person is the one who carries the baton of her life.

54. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. (Mae West)

Live in such a way that you will be satisfied when the end comes.

55. Life is very compassionate; existence is very merciful. it offers you one possibility after another; opportunities after opportunities. (osho)

Every day life gives you new opportunities to move forward.

56. A wise man will procure more opportunities than present themselves. (Francis Bacon)

Look for opportunities, don't wait for them to appear.

57. Everything can change, everything can disappear. So I try to cherish every moment. (Sammy Lee Davis)

In just an instant everything can change.

58. Giving thanks is one of the most beautiful ways to appreciate life. (Debasish Mridha)

Gratitude is the most beautiful value that a person has.

59. You need to spend time crawling alone through the shadows to appreciate what it's really like to stand in the sun. (Shaun Hick)

It is necessary to live dark times to be able to appreciate the beauty of life.

60. The total value of a person is subjective to your relationship with him. (Natalia Kills)

People change depending on who surrounds them.

61. He who seeks a friend without defects is left without friends. (Turkish proverb)

Perfection does not exist.

62. Happiness is love, not anything else. He who knows how to love is happy. (Herman Hesse)

Who knows how to love, knows how to live.

63. It is precisely the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life interesting. (Paulo Coelho)

Life makes sense as long as we are able to turn dreams into reality.

64. Life is a red flare of dreams. (W. b. Yeats)

Life is full of dreams and you are the only one who can make them come true.

65. Paradise is under our head and on our feet. (Henry David Thoreau)

Paradise is not only in heaven, but here where we are.

66. Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not a sum of what we have been, but of what we long to be. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

Don't focus on the future, just live in the present.

67. I learned that you can't go back, that the essence of life is to go forward. Life, in reality, is a one-way street. (Christie Agatha)

Keep going, don't stop unless it's to rest just for a while.

68. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I will not waste my days trying to prolong them. I'm going to take advantage of my time. (Jack London)

Take advantage of every minute that life gives you.

69. Count your age by friends, not years. Tell your life by smiles, not by tears. (John Lennon)

True friends are a treasure more valuable than money.

70. You can't wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time. (Pat Schröder)

Do one thing at a time.

71. When you change the way you see things, the things you see change too. (Wayne Dyer)

Changing the way things are seen helps change circumstances.

72. The sole purpose of our lives is to wake up and be there for each other. (Johanna Paunger)

Do not deny help to those who need you.

73. Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It's a waste to ask the question when you're the answer. (Joseph Campbell)

We all have a purpose, don't forget it.

74. Ultimately it is relationships with people that give meaning to life. (Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt)

Maintain good relationships with those around you, because you don't know when you're going to need them.

75. The man self-realizes to the same extent that he is committed to the fulfillment of the meaning of his life. (Viktor Frankl)

Commit to your dreams, only then can they be realized.

76. Not being dead is not being alive. (AND. AND. Cummings)

There are many ways to be dead.

77. Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often the result of a lack of wisdom. (Terry Pratchett)

Knowledge and experience go hand in hand.

78. It's simple: just make it happen. (Didier Diderot)

Work hard, only then dreams come true.

79. We are what we think. We become our thoughts. (Buddha)

Take care of your thoughts, they are very powerful weapons.

80. Life makes sense when you get inspired, set goals and go after them in an unstoppable way. (Les Browns)

Keep your goals in mind so you can achieve them.

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