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What is an argumentative text? Definition, examples and types

There are many types of texts that we can find when we browse the internet, in the workplace, in an entertainment context, etc. Each of them has certain functions and characteristics. One of them is the argumentative text.

As its name indicates, this type of text intends to present a series of arguments for or against a theme, to persuade the reader to share that vision. In this article we will know its definition, functions, some types, uses, examples and the sections they contain.

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What is an argumentative text?

An argumentative text is one that It has the purpose of showing opinions in favor of a specific topic, and of convincing or persuading the reader. about ideas or a specific position.

That is, you can try to change the reader's mind (in the event that he thinks differently), or offer solid arguments that ratify and strengthen your ideas, in the event that they are the same as the text itself collect.

The argumentative text, however, also

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It can include ideas that seek to refute a thesis, to confirm another. Thus, the fundamental objective of this type of text is to persuade the reader about a certain idea or ideas.

the argument

In this way, in the argumentative text the argumentation appears mainly, that is, the incorporation of examples and ideas that demonstrate some idea or thesis. Cicero defined argumentation as "the speech by which evidence is adduced to give credence, authority, and foundation to our proposition."

through her, a reasoning around a topic is expressed in written form. For example, an argumentative text could be one that is in favor of abortion, containing arguments in favor of it, and arguments against its prohibition.

In addition to argumentative elements and resources, the argumentative text is also elaborated through the exposition; the exhibition consists of showing a series of elements in relation to a theme, and not so much in “demonstrating”, as the argument would imply.


The main function that an argumentative text fulfills is the appellative function of language, especially thanks to the argumentative elements that it contains. This function, also called a conative function, refers to the attempt by the sender of the message to influence the behavior of the receiver.

Through it, the sender expects the receiver to show some kind of reaction after listening to or reading the text. This function is centered, then, on the receiver.

However, it is not the only function that it fulfills; It also fulfills a referential function, through the expository elements mentioned. This function refers to the fact of transmitting objective information about the world around us; that is, it focuses on showing, expressing, communicating, transmitting ideas, etc.

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An argumentative text can be of different types: scientific, philosophical, political, journalistic, opinion, judicial... depending on the subject matter and its characteristics. Let's see briefly what some of them consist of.

1. Scientific texts

A scientific argumentative text, in turn, It can be of different types, depending on the topic you are talking about: psychological, theological, linguistic...

The essential characteristic of scientific texts is that are based on facts and data, that is, their arguments are developed through empirical and solid knowledge. That is, they are based on proven or demonstrable facts, and also on statistical data.

Examples of this type of text include scientific articles, research reports, dissertations, etc.

2. journalistic texts

In argumentative journalistic texts the purpose is the same, persuade the reader to share an idea or reject it. However, here a more partial point of view is adopted than in the scientific text, and the importance of creating an understandable narrative takes precedence over the importance of presenting concrete data.

Examples of this type of text are critical reviews (for example, a review of movies, music, gastronomy...) and letters from readers (where they present their opinion on a matter).

3. Legal texts

Legal or judicial texts may be intended, for example, so that the reader does not undertake legal action against the issuer, or to change some type of declaration, revoke an accusation, etc That is to say, seek the reaction and response of the receiver in relation to some legal issue.

On the other hand, legal texts usually expose a series of conditions or restrictions in relation to some type of action. They are usually prepared by lawyers, judges or notaries.

Examples of this type of text, or elements that are usually found in this type of document, are: sentences, declarations, appeals, judicial notices, etc.

4. oral debates

Oral debates, when they take place within a formal context, have behind an argumentative text that supports them. oral debates They can be carried out in opinion forums, for example, or on television as part of a political campaign, etc.

In them various speakers present their vision, point of view or perspective in relation to a common theme.

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The argumentative texts, in addition, They are widely used in advertising and propaganda., to persuade the recipient to buy a certain product or to contract a certain service; they are also used to support awareness campaigns.

On the other hand, in the oral language that we use on a daily basis, there are also many ideas that could be found in an argumentative text (which is written).

That is to say, daily and in a multitude of contexts we use argumentation to convince or persuade others of something that we think; We do this with our parents (for example to get them to let us out), with our teachers (for example, to get us to pass an exam), with our bosses (to get our salary raised), etc

These examples can be found not only in informal contexts (family, street...) but also in formal contexts (in round tables, in political debates, in work meetings, etc.). In this way, although they are not strictly argumentative texts (because they are not written documents, but rather oral language), they do we use arguments daily, as well as other elements that we can find in this type of text.


Generally, an argumentative text consists of these essential sections: an introduction, the development (argumentative body) and a conclusion.

1. Introduction

It can also be called framing; here it is a matter of introducing the topic on which it will be discussed, in a rather brief way. The main ideas that are going to be developed in the body of the text are exposed, and for this reason it is written in a way that allows the attention of the reader to be drawn.

In addition, it also has the objective of creating an initial favorable attitude towards the theme (or controversy) on which the argumentative text will deal. After the introduction, and before the development, the thesis of the text is written, that is, the main idea on which it will reflect. The thesis can cover one idea or encompass several.

2. Development

The development of the text, also called the argumentative body, and It is made up of the main arguments that are intended to convince or persuade the reader.. This section tries to expose and argue all the ideas, through examples, tests, inferences, etc.

The objective is to support a thesis or refute it (depending on the type of text), through a solid base of knowledge and theoretical contributions.

3. Conclusion

The last section of any argumentative text is the conclusion section; In it, the conclusion or conclusions reached through the previous argumentation, corresponding to the development section, are exposed.

That is, it is about a kind of synthesis or summary that allows to finish persuading the reader or to “demonstrate” that what has been said has a solid argumentative base. Thus, it collects the initial thesis and the main arguments of the text, to reach the consequence that is extracted from the study of a series of data or affirmations (that is, to arrive at a conclusion).

Bibliographic references:

  • Caceres, O. (2016) Types of argumentative texts.
  • Poblete, C.A. (2005). Production of argumentative texts and metacognition. Letters.

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