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Psychologist Lina Fernanda Tamayo Gómez

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Holistic Therapist, Healer & Spiritual Coach.

I am Lina Fernanda, Holistic Therapist, Energy Healer & Coach. I am a Nomad, I accompany people around the world from virtuality, I facilitate their awakening and invite them to heal, to live fully mobilized by inspiration. Are you ready to live? I accompany you to reprogram your mental scripts and to biodecode your cells. I am a psychologist by profession, Esp. In Pain & Palliative Care. MA. In human development, transformational coach and I have forged a spiritual path that has allowed me to integrate my soul and my purpose. I am an energy healer and I integrate the energy of the body, mind and soul to achieve integration. I believe in love, manifestation, synchrony and correspondence. I am a guide woman, seed, entrepreneur & medicine. I vibrate with love for what I do, accompany beings willing to live a life full of purpose and Intention. There are many ways to integrate with our Soul, manage ourselves from recognition, and expand our universe of possibilities. Suffering is the result of perceptions of reality and we can always write a story that inspires us again. We are a source of life, creativity and manifestation.

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My specialty as a Holistic Therapist: Healing and integration of the soul. Neuroreprogramming. Biodecoding. Energy therapy: Reiki & Light Codes. Soul Energy: Regressive Therapy. regressive hypnosis. Psychedelic & Psychonautical Therapy. Family Constellator. Soul Records. Life Transformation Coach. Business Leadership Consultant & Coach. Personal Brand Development. Couple therapy. Family therapy. Comprehensive Therapy. Positive Psychology and Strengths. Art-therapy. Mindfulness. Angelic Therapy. The path of awakening requires movement, intention, and focus. Our reality responds to our perceptions, emotions and actions. You can always write a new story, based on new perceptions, you create your reality with your mind, you can always create new realities. Chaos opens the door to movement and the magic we need to be re-born to life experience: The present. The time to live is Now. I have different holistic, quantum and Integral approach programs that allow me to accompany you from your own dimension of the Self. Do you dare to live awake? It's time to wake up.

I am Holistic. The holistic approach considers the word and the narrative as a transforming axis. It is creative and connects with the artist that inhabits you, with the energy of the soul. She is transpersonal, she seeks channeling through records, cellular programming, and life history; the blocks that contain your reality. It allows us to connect with who we are and build what we want to be. She leads us to the understanding of the whole, integrates art and movement as a manifestation of the Unconscious. It is dynamic, systemic, close, transformative and Integral. As a holistic therapist I have found a path of consciousness and purpose that impacts the processes of healing in different ways, without judgments, far from duality and consistent with the demands of the ego. Healing begins the moment you choose to look in the mirror and integrate your light and your shadow. I invite you to understand and help you sustain the unconscious psychic information that inhabits your story, thus mobilizing the necessary energy to resignify your perceptions and inviting you to experience a creative life and inspired. Who I am? What am I for? What are the programmings that inhabit me?

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