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100 profound phrases about life

Sometimes we stop to think about life. Either because something bad has happened to us, unforeseen or because we did not have it planned. We get so frustrated that we can only remember and keep remembering.

Sometimes in order to move on we have to forget, but in our case this is not an option. We have to face the future with optimism and see what we can get out of these phrases that give us so much about life.

Deep phrases about life: thoughts and reflections

Here we leave you a compilation of deep phrases about life. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. I am the designer of my own catastrophe.

We are architects of our future, for good... or for worse.

2. She was a poet in a world still learning the alphabet.

People ahead of their time, look at the world in a way incomprehensible to others.

3. Everyone has a chapter they haven't read aloud.

We all hide some facet of our life that we do not want to come to light.

4. Don't believe everything you see. Maybe salt looks like sugar.

Trust your judgment rather than your sensory perception.

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5. They have promised that dreams come true. But they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.

Beware of nightmares, they can become reality if we don't chase them away.

6. We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes speak.

Even if we try to hide our emotions, our body language comes to light.

7. Take a deep breath.

To relax, nothing better than breathing with the diaphragm.

8. She was brave and strong. And broken, at the same time.

A phrase that can be interpreted in different ways.

9. Silence is the most powerful cry.

Heartbreaking silences.

10. We blame society. But we are the society.

You have to do more self-criticism.

11. There is no cushion so soft as a clear conscience.

If you have a good rest it is because you do not have any dead hidden in the closet.

12. It's one in the morning and I need you.

In the most urgent situations we need to contact the people we love the most.

13. Intoxicated by memories and feelings.

In some cases, we can be overwhelmed by memories.

14. If the world were blind, how many people would you impress?

In a world where superficiality didn't matter, probably few would be able to capture your attention.

15. If you could read my mind, you would cry.

There are people who live in a constant hell and do not know how to get out of it.

16. The only thing that cures sadness is action.

Endorphins are only released when we add action and movement to our daily lives.

17. No matter how long the night is, dawn will come. (African saying)

A popular African saying that reminds us that the sun always rises the next day.

18. The saddest thing in this world is loving someone who loved you before.

unrequited love, always causing deep wounds.

19. Strive, search, find and not give up.

A maxim that is the practical guide to face life with integrity.

20. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. (Robert Frost)

The adventurous spirit is one of the greatest human virtues.

21. Difficult times are coming: loving is urgent.

Love can give us a pinch of enthusiasm in a society marked by haste and superficiality.

22. If you don't take long, I'll wait for you all my life.

A romantic phrase to dream.

23. We are nothing from being everything.

Another reflection that brings pure love closer to our routine.

24. Life is like a swimming pool; you dive into it but you don't know how deep you are (Dennis Rodman)

An elegant metaphor to better understand our existence.

25. We do not remember the days, we remember the moments (Cesare Pavese)

One of the best known aphorisms of this famous author.

26. If you love life, life will love you too (Arthur Rubinstein)

Nice phrase that inspires to live with optimism.

27. A hero is someone who has given his life for something bigger than himself (Joseph Campbell)

The sense of transcendence is essential for many people.

28. Whatever you do in your life, surround yourself with intelligent people who will debate with you (John Wooden)

Exposing ourselves to an environment that stimulates our curiosity can completely transform us.

29. Take a step back, value what is truly important, and enjoy life (Teri Garr)

One of those phrases about life that indicate a way of experiencing everyday life.

30. The only handicap in life is a bad attitude (Scott Hamilton)

The psychological and attitudinal component is essential, and in many aspects more relevant than other physical characteristics.

31. You cannot have a positive life in a negative mind (Joyce Meyer)

This sentence raises the inconsistency of a contradiction that some people live by, getting frustrated.

32. Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards (Soren Kierkegaard)

An apparent paradox that poses an adventure: learning from the past to take risks in the present.

33. Life is what happens while you are busy doing other things (John Lennon)

One of Lennon's best-known profound phrases.

34. The tragedy of life is that we grow old too soon and become wise too late (Benjamin Franklin)

In many respects, the average life path that we humans go through seems to have some design flaws.

35. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced (Soren Kierkegaard)

Sometimes we get too obsessed with knowing all aspects of life, as if it were a mechanical artifact.

36. The monotony and loneliness of a solitary life stimulates the creative mind (Albert Einstein)

Einstein raised this idea so counterintuitive that, however, it seemed to work for him.

37. Life begins at the border of your comfort zone (Neale Donald Walsch)

Beyond the comforts of the familiar, adventure awaits.

38. Do the best you can, and don't take life too seriously (Will Rogers)

Disconnect from the dramas it can be the solution to many artificially created problems.

39. The privilege of your life is to be who you are (Joseph Campbell)

Each person is unique, and that is something that nothing can take away from us.

40. Our life is what our thoughts transform it into (Marcus Aurelius)

An idealistic view of one's own life.

41. Music is the emotional life of most people (Leonard Cohen)

Art, and specifically music, can become an inseparable component of life itself.

42. Getting old is mandatory, but growing up is optional (Walt Disney)

A phrase that emphasizes the extent to which attitude and willingness to mature make a difference.

43. Nothing can be done to change what has already happened, but much can be done to change what is to come.

Change is the best way to improve in life.

44. He who does not know what he is looking for, does not understand what he finds.

A very accurate reflection that can help us live differently.

45. A life full of mistakes is not only more honorable, but it is wiser than a life spent doing nothing.

We must learn whenever we can from mistakes in life.

46. Experience has no ethical value, it is simply the name we give to our mistakes (Oscar Wilde)

47. If you walk alone, you will go faster. If you walk accompanied, you will go further.

This popular proverb is one of the ones that we have to take more into account in our lives.

48. Today is the first day of the rest of my life (American Beauty)

A phrase that we can save to start each day of our life.

49. Our life is a constant journey, from birth to death. The landscape changes, the people change, the needs change, but the train keeps going. Life is the train, not the station (Paulo Coelho)

A truly suggestive allegory about the journey of life.

50. It is easy to make things complicated, but difficult to make them simple. (F. Nietzsche)

A very profound phrase about the ways in which we can live life.

51. No life is complete without a touch of madness. (Paulo Coelho)

Fun and happiness is always associated with a bit of madness and eccentricity.

52. Mom says life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one you're going to get. (Forrest Gump)

One of the most famous phrases from this great 1994 film.

53. I'd rather die like a man than live eternity like a machine. (Robin Williams)

Throughout his life, Robin Williams, had to face very difficult situations.

54. God made a separate world for each person, and in that world we must all try to live together (Oscar Wilde)

A very beautiful image about the need to live in peace and harmony.

56. All the battles in life serve to teach us something, even those that we lose. (Paulo Coelho)

A very important message that we can learn from the hard situations of life.

57. Today will not be repeated again. He lives each moment intensely, which does not mean madly; but pampering each situation, listening to each partner, trying to realize each positive dream, looking for the success of the other. (Robin Williams)

A truly moving line from this great American comedian.

58. All men die, but not all really live. (Braveheart)

As we know, living fully requires some work on the part of each person.

59. To live is not to be alive. (Ricardo Arjona)

Life is much more complex than that.

60. We all live in the sewers, but some of us look up at the stars. (Oscar Wilde)

A truly beautiful image about deciding to live life differently.

61. This knowing how to live, or art of living if you prefer, is what they call ethics. (Fernando Savater)

This Spanish philosopher has worked throughout his life on essential concepts for life such as ethics and morality.

62. Life is very fast; it takes people from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds. (Paulo Coelho)

If anything characterizes life, it is its unpredictability and turmoil.

63. When someone wants something, he must know that he is taking risks and that is why life is worth living. (Paulo Coelho)

One of the many famous phrases that this famous Brazilian author has bequeathed to us.

64. Getting natural is the most difficult of poses (Oscar Wilde)

An apparent paradox that faithfully summarizes the functioning of today's society.

65. The important thing is not the years of life, but the life of the years. (Abraham Lincoln)

A profound reflection on getting the most out of life.

66. Don't just count the years. Make the years count (George Meredith)

One of the best recipes to live fully and happily.

67. The most important thing in sport is not winning, but participating, because the essential thing in life is not success, but striving to achieve it. (Baron Pierre de Coubertin)

68. Living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. (Oscar Wilde)

A phrase that can make us reflect on the concept of living life.

69. Youth is a disease that is cured with age. (George Bernard Shaw)

One of the most famous phrases of this famous Irish author.

70. I am thankful for everyone who told me “No”. It is thanks to them that I am being myself. (Albert Einstein)

Being faithful to our principles is the best way to become happy.

71. Death is not sad, what is sad is that people do not know how to live.

A devastating phrase that should make us reflect.

72. Life is an echo, if you don't like what you are receiving, look at what you are emitting.

We must bear in mind that you do not receive what you give and vice versa.

73. Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. (James Dean)

One of the most remembered phrases of this great actor, whom life took too soon.

74. I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be. (Albert Einstein)

A phrase that we can treasure as a model of life in our day to day.

75. One owns what is silent and a slave to what speaks. (Sigmund Freud)

There are many great sentences that the creator of Psychoanalysis bequeathed to us.

76. Some seek happiness, others create it...

Life is almost always based on seeking one's own luck, one's own happiness and one's own future.

77. Many times it is better to forget what one feels, and remember what one is worth.

Sometimes it's better to move on and leave the past behind.

78. What you think of yourself matters much more than what others think of you.

One of the simplest recipes to achieve happiness.

79. Love is a better teacher than duty. (Albert Einstein)

One of the most beautiful phrases of this famous German physicist.

80. You can fool some all the time. But you can't fool everyone all the time. (Abraham Lincoln)

One of the most famous phrases of this great American president.

81. In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity. (Albert Einstein)

The most enlightened minds of our time agree on this concept.

82. When I cut a person out of my life, it doesn't mean I hate them, it means I respect myself.

A good way to achieve happiness in our lives.

83. There are only two mistakes that are made on the way to the truth: Not starting, and not going to the end.

A piece of advice that can be of great help to us in our passage through life.

84. I never think about the future. It comes too soon. (Albert Einstein)

An ironic phrase but with a lot of meaning behind it.

85. Many times in life people forget what to remember, and remember what to forget.

We must keep this in mind to remember what is really valuable in our lives.

86. Live life, forget your age and please yourself, not others.

A phrase loaded with positivity, vitality and illusion,

87. What you have, many can have, but what you are, no one can be...

A message we must keep in mind every day of our lives.

88. The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn (Bertrand Russell)

Learning to say goodbye and keep in mind what interests us is the most important thing in life.

89. Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none. (Albert Einstein)

One of the phrases that we must take into account, pronounced by one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century.

90. If we do not change, we do not grow, if we do not grow we are not alive.

Great minds of our time coincide in seeing change as a mechanism of opportunity.

91. Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers, and how one remembers it to tell it. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

One of the many moving phrases of this great Colombian author.

92. In real life there are no happy endings or sad endings. There are only new beginnings.

A truly inspiring phrase that invites us to move forward.

93. He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

A religious vision of what life can mean for many people.

94. What is life? A frenzy. What is life? A fiction, a shadow, an illusion, and the greatest good is small; that all life is a dream, and dreams are dreams. (Pedro Calderon de la Barca)

One of the most beautiful verses of this great Spanish poet.

95. We mortals achieve immortality in the things we create in common that remain after us. (Albert Einstein)

We will only achieve immortality by performing truly heroic or important acts.

96. The secret of life is honesty and fair play, if you can fake that, you've got it. (Groucho Marx)

A truly humorous quote from this great American comedian.

97. Hell is living day by day without knowing the reason for your existence.

A truly depressing situation.

98. Human beings are more concerned with having than with being.

The origin of all the problems in life.

99. The secret of existence does not consist only in living, but in knowing what one lives for. (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

When we know our purpose in life we ​​can begin to be happy achieving it.

100. Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible. (Albert Einstein)

A phrase that can be applied both to the world of science and to any other discipline.

But… life is really a simple thing, we must try to be happy with the least number of resources possible, only in this way can we reach the maximum fullness. If what you are looking for is happiness, try to be as less materialistic as possible, because only in this way can you truly become happy.

On the other hand, what we really want is that you tell us about the phrases that you like the most on a personal level, and we will add them to the list so that everyone knows them. We are waiting for you in the comments section of our website.

The profound sentences of today are the truth of tomorrow.

I hope you liked these deep phrases about life. Thank you for your attention!

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