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Main AUTHORS of the PSYCHOANALYSIS and their contributions

Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions

In this lesson from a TEACHER you will learn what is psychoanalysis and you will meet the most prominent authors, as well as the main contributions of him. The term refers to the method, treatment and discipline created by Sigmund Freud in 1896, based on the cathartic method that he used with Josef Breue. Psychoanalysis consists of a study of the unconscious based on the free association of ideas and in the interpretation performed by the professional. Other representatives of psychoanalysis are Adler, Carlo Jung or Anna Freud.

The movement Psychoanalytic currently has a presence in more than 30 countries and is made up of more than 70 organizations. If you want to know more about the authors of psychoanalysis and contributions, keep reading this lesson.

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  1. Freud, the father of psychoanalysis
  2. Adler and his contributions to psychoanalysis
  3. Contributions to psychoanalysis by Carl Jung
  4. Anna Freud and defense mechanisms
  5. Other representatives of fundamental psychoanalysis
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Freud, the father of psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis and one of his main contributions is his revolutionary way of approaching the subjectivity, to explain human behavior and the causes of neurosis. But psychoanalysis it is not limited to Freud. From this author, a movement is formed that brings together thousands of professionals around the world who continue the work that the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist started.

Among the main contributions Freud's are the following:

1. Eros and Thanatos

Eros and Thanatos are two gods of the mythology Greek that Freud uses to explain the two basic instincts of the human being. According Freud in every human being two basic impulses act or drives. On the one hand there is the life drive, which he calls Eros, and on the other, the death instinct or Thanatos. These two impulses are the cause of people's behavior. Thus, he assures, in today's society, self-destructive behaviors and obtaining immediate pleasure at all costs are common.

2. I, superego and it

Freud speaks of three stays in the mind of the human being: the ego, the superego and the id. The it It is the part of the human mind where desires and impulses meet. The superió It is made up of the social norms that act on individuals from childhood. Finally, the me it is the conscious part, mediating between the two other rooms.

3. Phases of sexual development

The father of psychoanalysis affirms that the sexual development of individuals begins at the most tender childhood, specifically since the little one feeds on his mother's milk. He assures that during these phases certain elements could interfere in this development causing different traumas and phobias in adult life. These phases are: Fase oral, anal phase, phallic phase, latency period Y genital phase.

Adler and his contributions to psychoanalysis.

Alfred W. Adler he is another of the authors of psychoanalysis. He was an Austrian physician and psychotherapist, collaborating with Sigmund Freud until they distance themselves by their discrepancies with respect to the psychoanalysis.

Adler greatly influenced the development of psychology, creating a system based on the compensation. According to his theory, there is a tendency to compensate for what does not satisfy. In other words, people make up for their complex.

Unlike Freud, who states that human beings develop in response to their sexual appetite, Adler claims that development responds to their sexual appetite. inferiority.

His theories about the character, the inferiority complex and conflict between the individual's real situation and his aspirations. Ensures that the Inferiority complex It is due to possible abuse, rejection or teasing in childhood. The superiority complex, he says, it is nothing more than a way to compensate for an inferiority complex by enhancing outstanding qualities.

Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions-Adler and his contributions to psychoanalysis

Image: Aprenderly

Contributions to the psychoanalysis of Carl Jung.

His main contribution to psychoanalysis is her theory of collective unconscious, ensuring that the archetypes present in the myths they live in the collective unconscious, as an inheritance from the past, and he uses them to explain the personality of the human being.

Thus, the unconscious of Jung transcends Freudian individuality and postulates the existence of different personalities depending on the different archetypes collectives.

Man rarely understands only with his head, especially primitive man. The myth, by virtue of its numinosity, has a direct effect on the unconscious, whether it has been consciously understood or not.”.

Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions - Contributions to psychoanalysis by Carl Jung

Image: Slideshare

Anna Freud and defense mechanisms.

If Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, without a doubt, Anna Freud is the mother. The favorite daughter of the Austrian doctor became interested in defense mechanisms, that is, the way people cope with painful situations.

In one of her best known works "The self and defense mechanisms”, Anna Freud affirms that these mechanisms are automatic processes, highlighting the following:

  1. Repression
  2. Regression
  3. Reactive training
  4. Retroactive cancellation
  5. Introjection
  6. Projection
  7. Sublimation
  8. Isolation
  9. Displacement
  10. Turning against itself and transformation into its opposite
Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions - Anna Freud and defense mechanisms

Image: Slideshare

Other representatives of fundamental psychoanalysis.

We should mention other authors of psychoanalysis who, without a doubt, have made great contributions to the history of psychoanalysis, What

  • Eric fromm
  • Karen horney
  • Harry S. Sullivan
  • Melanie Klein
  • Winnicot
  • Erik erikson
  • John Bowlby,
  • Sandor Ferenczi
  • Otto Rank
  • Alexander
  • Ackerman
  • Jacob Moreno
  • Lacan
  • ...

Today the psychoanalyst movement is popular throughout the world and has more than 12,000 members.

Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions - Other representatives of fundamental psychoanalysis

If you want to read more articles similar to Authors of psychoanalysis and contributions, we recommend that you enter our category of Philosophy.


  • Jimenez, F. Cinferiority complex (Therapeutic and psycho-educational approach): TTheory and Practice of Individual Psychology by Alfred Adler. Ed. Independently published. 2018
  • Freud, S. Introduction to psychoanalysis. Ed. Alliance. 2011
  • Jung, C.G. Memories, dreams, thoughts. Ed. Seix Barral. 2021
  • Freud, A. The self and defense mechanisms. Ed. Paidós. 2018
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