The 80 best famous phrases about Nursing
Thanks to nursing we all have the possibility of receiving the necessary basic care when we have the misfortune to contract a disease or suffer an accident.
Without the people who dedicate their lives to this work, the health of any country would suffer a great mess, making it impossible to practice medicine as we know it. The nurses and nurses are the first who, in the face of any problem we may suffer, will be there to help us.
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Phrases and reflections on nursing
We all owe a lot to nursing and the people who practice it, for that very reason We have made a selection of the best phrases about nursing which, without a doubt, we should all know. They can serve us to honor nurses and nurses, always on the front line of battle when there is a health emergency.
1. Nurses are one of the few blessings of being sick. (Sara Moss-Wolfe)
The nurses and nurses will make our stay in the hospital much more enjoyable.
2. If love can cure you, nurses will.
Thanks to the medical knowledge that our professionals possess, our stay in the hospital will undoubtedly be much shorter.
3. The first words a baby hears, and which she is tempted to imitate, are those of a nurse. (Quintilian)
The people who assist us in childbirth will also be the first ones our baby sees.
4. When you are a nurse you know that every day you will change a life or a life will change yours.
People who dedicate themselves to health must be emotionally very strong, because doing their work they will find themselves in a thousand types of situations.
5. Nursing is like a mania, a fever in the blood, an incurable disease that once contracted cannot be cured. If it were not so, there would be no nurses. (Monica Dickens)
To be a nurse we must have the vocation for it, this is a job that will demand the most of us.
6. I wasn't that strong when I started. Nursing made me strong. (Tilda Shalof)
Being able to live all kinds of situations will not reveal you as a much stronger person.
7. Nurses are the hospitality of the hospital. (Carrie Latet)
The treatment that we all receive from this great group of professionals is simply exemplary.
8. Nurses are not angels, but they are wonderful.
The company of a nurse can help us change our mood and, without a doubt, improve our day.
9. Our job is to dampen sadness and celebrate duty each day, while just doing our job. (Christine Belle)
The work of a nurse contains a great psychological load, many of us are not aware of the great work they do.
10. A compassionate nurse is in a gown. (Lexie Saige)
Medical professionals will always have a kind word for us.
11. Nurses don't need prescriptions to provide comfort, compassion, and care. (Val Saintsbury)
The treatment we receive from these professionals will give us the opportunity to feel much more comfortable.
12. Being a nurse is doing what no one else wants to do, in a way that no one else can, under any circumstances. (Rawsi Williams)
In the most difficult situations we can always count on the help of these great professionals.
13. The constant attention of a good nurse is as important as the best operation of a surgeon. (Dag Hammasrskjold)
Without basic care, large operations could never be successful.
14. There was a time when every role I was offered was extremely noble, like that of a judge or a nurse. (John Cho)
Whether we are judges or nurses, people's lives will depend directly on us.
15. We can force ourselves to face danger, but never fear, and while our soldiers stand to fight, I as a nurse will feed and care for them. (Clara Barton)
In the great war campaigns, nurses and male nurses have always given the Do chest. The freedoms of all of us have always been protected by these people.
16. Nurses have come a long way. In the past our attention focused on physical, mental and emotional health. Now we talk about healing your life, healing the environment and healing the planet. (Lynn Keegan)
These great professionals can also give us very wise advice on how we should live our day to day.
17. We often think that nursing is about giving medicine, looking at X-rays, or knowing if it's needed. call the doctor, and we forget that our real job is to care and make an effort to mark the difference. (Erin Pettengill)
Many of us would not be here without the care that one day we receive from one of these great professionals.
18. Nurses are just patient people.
Patience and perseverance are really very necessary if we practice nursing.
19. Nurses have this unique and insatiable way of caring for others, which is both a great strength and a weakness. (Dr Jean Watson)
These professionals often expose themselves, as long as they can save the lives of others. This is something that, without a doubt, deeply honors them.
20. The disease should not be treated. The patient who suffers from it must be treated. (Maimonides)
Alleviating the symptoms will always be very beneficial when dealing with any disease.
21. You save lives, that's much more impressive. (Colleen Hoover)
Health is the most important sector in any country, thanks to it we all have the opportunity to live our lives fully.
22. Everyone has creative potential. Creativity involves using your imagination and your inventive capacity. The way you express yourself is your creativity. Creativity is magic when you visit sick people. (Patch Adams)
As this great doctor taught us all, joy can greatly increase our ability to survive.
23. I owe my success to this: I never gave or accepted an excuse. (Florence Nightingale)
Give one hundred percent of us. it will be necessary to save more lives. This is something that all health professionals know very well.
24. If I had to say anything about my life, I would say that I am a woman of ordinary abilities who has been led by God through strange and unusual paths to fulfill her will. (Florence Nightingale)
God can help us in the most difficult moments, having his help can come in very handy throughout the day.
25. The first requirement in a hospital is that you must not harm the sick. (Florence Nightingale)
This is a promise that all nurses, doctors and other professionals must certainly keep.
26. Let the person in charge always keep this question in mind: How can I get the right things done every time? Instead of wondering how to do the right thing on his own. (Florence Nightingale)
Being meticulous in our work will help us become much more effective professionals.
27. Medicine is often thought of as a healing process. It is not. Medicine is a surgery of functions. Nature heals. (Florence Nightingale)
Medicine gives us the opportunity to fight for our lives, but in the end we must do our part if we want to live.
28. The medicine assists nature by helping to remove the obstruction to the cure, but it does nothing else. (Florence Nightingale)
Receiving the care we need will be essential if we want to survive.
29. Being in charge is not only executing the appropriate measures but also verifying that others do the same, seeing that nobody, deliberately or not, does anything that could harm those measures. (Florence Nightingale)
Our colleagues must act in the same way that we do, if we want as many patients as possible to get ahead. Efficacy depends on all professionals equally.
30. If a nurse refuses to help a patient because 'it's none of her business', then I must say that nursing is not her calling. (Florence Nightingale)
A nurse must always look after the good of all patients, regardless of whether she has it assigned to her or not.
31. What matters is not what fate does to us but what we do with it. (Florence Nightingale)
We all have the opportunity to decide our destiny, we must think very carefully about what daily actions we take in our lives.
32. The most important lesson that can be given to a nurse is to teach her what to observe, how to observe, which symptoms indicate improvements and which do not, which are of importance and which are not, which reflect negligence. (Florence Nightingale)
Patience is undoubtedly a virtue that all medical professionals must possess.
33. A hospital will never be safe for patients if it is not safe for nurses, if they cannot speak up, care for the sick and use their knowledge, skills and abilities. (Tilda Shalof)
Respect is essential when we address one of these professionals, we must always thank them for their time and effort.
34. For nurses, their profession is a part of themselves. (Monica Dickens)
Nursing is a vocation with which we must be born. If we do not have the vocation we will never be great professionals in this sector.
35. How did I prepare for the night watches? When I was little, I was a very anxious child. I was always checking on my mom when she was sleeping to make sure she was still breathing. (Joyce Rachelle)
Many of the people who dedicate themselves to this great work know that they want to dedicate themselves to it since they are children. They grow up knowing that nursing will be the profession they will pursue.
36. Nursing is the opposite of despair, it offers you the opportunity to do something to reduce suffering. (Tilda Shalof)
By dedicating ourselves to this profession we will have the opportunity to act, when no one but us has it. We must take advantage of our knowledge to improve the lives of others.
37. Above all, you need moral courage because nursing involves the pursuit of justice. It requires you to stand up to violent people, to do things that are difficult, and to speak your mind even when you are afraid. (Tilda Shalof)
Carrying out this great work we will have to face many of our personal fears.
38. You have to be strong to be a nurse. You need strong muscles and stamina to be able to withstand long hours on call and heavy lifting. (Tilda Shalof)
This type of work is really very hard, the people who carry it out must be in good physical condition.
39. People often ask me if nursing isn't depressing. I have experienced depression in my life and it has not been due to my profession. (Tilda Shalof)
Depression does not have to attack us if we are living with the work that we really want to do.
40. In my years of experience, I have learned that for nursing to be practiced efficiently, enjoyment is required. in colorful spaces, have enough money to spend on entertainment, good food to recover energy. (Vera Britain)
As in any other stressful job, free time should be well spent. We also have to have time to relax and escape.
41. Compared to other professions, nursing hours are longer, the work is harder, and the pay is inadequate for the amount of energy that must be expended. (Monica Dickens)
Society does not recognize doctors and nurses as they really deserve, without a doubt, they should charge much more for their work.
42. I'm a girl in a nurse's uniform but that doesn't mean I know how to save these men. And they are men in uniforms but that doesn't mean they know how to die. (Marcus Sedgwick)
Health professionals can try to help us in everything they can, but they cannot assure us of our salvation.
43. It is a common idea that it takes a disappointment in love, disappointment, or inadequacy in other areas for a woman to be a good nurse. (Florence Nightingale)
Prejudices accompany many jobs and this, of course, is no exception.
44. I have seen sisters by profession, women earning two or three guineas a week, cleaning the floor on their knees because they thought the rooms unfit for their patients. (Florence Nightingale)
Our dedication will be to blame for becoming good professionals or not.
45. Being in charge is not about doing everything yourself or delegating responsibilities to a number of people. It is making sure that each person fulfills the responsibility entrusted to them. (Florence Nightingale)
We should all carry out our work being responsible for everything that has been entrusted to us, in medicine this promise becomes much more important.
46. Nursing puts the patient in the best conditions so that nature can heal the wounds. (Florence Nightingale)
It will always be nature in the last instance that decides if we live or not. The human being is a really strong biological machine.
47. Surgery removes the bullet from the extremity, thereby removing an obstruction to the wound. But it is nature that heals the wound. (Florence Nightingale)
Our body is capable of healing itself, as long as it does not find impediments to it.
48. Never miss an opportunity to start something, no matter how small. For it is wonderful to see how often the mustard seed germinates and takes root. (Florence Nightingale)
We have time in life to carry out a large number of works, while we are alive we can always start something new.
49. Live life while you have it. Life is a splendid gift, there is nothing small in it. (Florence Nightingale)
As we all know life is a wonderful gift, we should take advantage of every second of it.
50. I would rather die on the surface ten times, swimming towards a new world, than stay still on the beach. (Florence Nightingale)
Being determined and fighting for what we love will allow us to be happier in the future.
51. I am convinced that the great heroes are those who carry out their daily duties and their domestic affairs while the world continues to spin like a crazy top. (Florence Nightingale)
Small acts are also important, a large number of them can change our society.
52. Ladies tell their nurses certain things when they're in the mood and then feel awkward and wish they hadn't. It is human nature. (Christie Agatha)
We all make mistakes in our life, learning to live with them will give us the opportunity to get ahead.
53. They told me that the hardest working nurse is in the dirtiest part of the hospital. (Israelmore Ayivor)
There is no job too big for a determined and committed nurse.
54. In a hospital, nurses often know more than doctors. (Jodi Picoult)
Experience is always a degree, and many medical professionals reach that degree over the years.
55. Any work that is done from the heart has the same value. The nurse injects the syringe. The writer holds the pen. The farmer removes the earth. The comedian generates laughter. Income is not the value of a job. (Criss Jamie)
The great trades are often undervalued, society should undoubtedly correct this great injustice.
56. As nurses we have the opportunity to heal the heart, soul and body of patients, their families and ours. They won't remember your name but they will remember what you did for them. (Maya Angelou)
Those people who helped us one day will always have a place in our hearts.
57. I won't tell you that it will be easy, but I will tell you that it will be worth it. (Art Williams)
Carrying out jobs like this, our daily actions can change the lives of thousands of people.
58. Nurses provide their patients with the most important training. We know they are our first line of communication when something goes wrong or something health concerns us. (Lois Capps)
Collecting information from patients is vital, with it both nurses and doctors can take the necessary actions to save them.
59. Making a difference is why nursing is great and is more important than any election, fortune, or security. (Brittney Wilson)
By practicing medicine, these professionals help to improve the world, all members of society owe them, in a certain way, to be here today.
60. Not everyone can be a nurse, it takes strength, intelligence and compassion, caring for the world's sick with passion and doing good no matter how exhausted you are at the end of the day. (Donna Wilk Cardillo)
The noblest and most honorable people are the most worthy of practicing medicine, this type of people will always be the ones who practice it in the best way.
61. Some patients are important characters and others are not; but, for a nurse, the most important is the sickest. (Henry David Thoreau)
The person who needs more care will always be the most important in a fair health system.
62. It is impossible to praise a nurse too highly. (Stephen Ambrose)
The care provided by health professionals will never be too grateful. Let's recognize them as they really deserve!
63. Nurses are angels of utmost importance to the community, everything for the well-being of patients is the soul of a nurse. (Aleksandar Radenovic)
The most benevolent people will always be the nurses, they will put all their energy into helping us get ahead.
64. The character of a nurse is as important as her knowledge. (Carolyn Javis)
Showing the correct attitude is very important in this work, with our attitude we can encourage or sadden a third person.
65. There is no room for panic in training a nurse. (Elizabeth Kenny)
In the most difficult situations, nurses reveal their true professionalism, standing out enormously in the vast majority of cases.
66. Empathy is the essence of a nurse. (Jean Watson)
In order to understand how another person feels, we must be able to put ourselves in their own skin. This is something that health professionals often do on a daily basis.
67. When I was a nurse, I didn't make a lot of money; but even so, he was very happy. (JoBrand)
When we carry out our true vocation, money will always be in the background.
68. Some think that doctors and nurses are capable of putting a scrambled egg back in its shell. (Cass Canfield)
Miracles do not exist and unfortunately neither do they exist in medicine, we should not ask these professionals for things that are simply beyond their control.
69. Being a nurse takes intelligence and discipline to acquire knowledge and be able to exercise critical thinking. (Tilda Shalof)
Intelligence and knowledge are always important in any trade, but in medical professionals this fact is accentuated.
70. If you save one life you are a hero, but if you save 100 lives you are a nurse.
These professionals are often not valued as they deserve, we must exercise more social awareness and change, among all, this fact.
71. Educating is not teaching man to know, but to do. (Florence Nightingale)
Nightingale's contributions educated both nurses and doctors.
72. Women long for an education that teaches them how to teach, that teaches them the rules of the human mind and how to apply them. (Florence Nightingale)
This great British nurse forever changed the conventions of global nursing.
73. Nurses and nurses are the heart of the health service.
Their work must be valued in the fair measure that both male and female nurses deserve.
74. We nurses will not be angels, but definitely the closest thing.
The work of nurses and nurses is commendable and truly necessary.
75. Nurses are angels in uncomfortable shoes.
A phrase that we can dedicate to a well-known nurse or nurse.
76. I'm a nurse; It's not what I do, it's who I am.
Nursing is one of the most vocational professions out there.
77. Panic has no place in a nurse's training. (Elizabeth Kenny)
Panic should not be part of the professional life of a nurse.
78. Nurses also exist.
Nurses are an important part of our healthcare system.
79. Nurses are a unique type. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and their fatal flaw. (Jean Watson)
The vocation of the nurse is one of the most authentic in the world.
80. The nurses were angels to my eyes. (Randy Castillo)
Anyone who has been to a hospital can agree with this phrase.