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Brolamfetamine: the 'drug of fear'

The presentation, aesthetics or appearance of a product, a person, an object (among others), obviously causes an impression and an effect on the perception of each individual. Those who are dedicated to marketing know this very well, which is not outside the drug market.

In particular, brolamfetamine It is a substance manufactured to be consumed orally in different formats: capsules, pills and "sugar gummies" mainly. This way of incorporating the substance into the body is one of the most familiar to anyone because, throughout our lives, we have eaten candy, taken medicine for therapeutic purposes, or we simply eat, so the presentation does influence a greater probability that the substance will be experienced in a first chance; however, not in the persistence of consumption and a possible addiction.

There are more and diverse factors that must be combined to constitute problematic substance use psychoactive and/or addiction, which we will be able to review in a future article, distinguishing elements and concepts related.

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What is brolamfetamine and what effects does it generate?

Amphetamines, psychoactive substances used both in medical and recreational contexts and characterized by acting as adrenergic agonists, producing a neural effect similar to that of adrenaline, a neurotransmitter naturally produced by the body, produce a state of brain activation.

The misuse of this type of substance can cause psychotic breaks, hallucinations, heart rate disorders, increased blood pressure, increased ability to concentrate during its effect, insomnia, increased mood, easier to socialize, even anorexic effects and with its frequent use it can produce the perception of being "with less energy" during daily life, needing to incorporate the substance to provide the sensation of "energy" (one of the factors that contributes to the addiction).

Regarding the psychological effects, the following stand out: dependence, problematic consumption, irritability, perception of discomfort with pampering, lack of concentration, among others, usually occur in the medium and long term, when there has probably been a habitual intake of the substance.

However, it should be noted that the recently described psychological effects are not the only ones that occur. If all the biological and psychological effects of drug use were "negative", then they would not be a constant at a social level and throughout the history of humanity.

It is not common to bring up the fact that using drugs, amphetamines in this case, does not only bring negative consequences. What do I mean by this: that for many people feeling energized, euphoric, uninhibited, self-confident... Of course it can be "positive" at the level of self-perception.

However, it should be considered that the risks fall on consequences such as: stop feeling pleasure if it is not through the use of the substance, withdrawal syndrome when suspending its incorporation into the body in chronic users, conduct violent, hallucinations, paranoia, impaired verbal learning, decreased motor speed, structural and functional changes in areas of the brain, alteration in brain structures linked to decision making decreasing mental flexibility, body weight loss and skin wounds, among others.

It is worth mentioning that brolamfetamine, a synthetic and psychotropic substance, has no known therapeutic use and its chemical alteration makes it highly toxic and addictive, and can cause death.

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Does it cause permanent problems?

The effect of panic attacks or paranoia, which is why it is called "the drug of fear"... Can they be a permanent consequence after the effect of the drug wears off?

The panic attack as a result of poisoning from the use of brolamfetamine should disappear with the suspension of the incorporation of the substance into the body. However, there are effects produced by the use of synthetic drugs, which can become chronic with their regular use. In the case of a panic attack, it may eventually appear as a new form of response to certain experiences, that is, our body incorporates a new way of manifesting itself, which can be applied in certain contexts.

How does it affect the brain?

Neuroimaging studies have resulted in an improvement in neuronal functioning in certain brain regions associated with motor skills, memory and verbal language, after suspending the use of the substance for 14 months or more, a period in which neuronal damage persists and in which there are brain functions that show that they have not recovered.

In relation to this, the consumption of brolamfetamine increases the chance of having a stroke, being able to cause irreversible damage.

Finally, the psychotic symptoms produced by the chronic use and abuse of the substance can remain for months and even years after the suspension of the use of methamphetamine, currently existing studies that reveal that under stress conditions it is possible the reappearance of said symptoms.

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Is there a general profile related to a greater propensity for amphetamine addiction?

There are no people with “profiles” of addiction, dependency or problematic consumption. But nowadays the consumption of stimulating and/or hallucinogenic substances is generally associated with a mostly young age range due to the context of consumption and with a medium to high purchasing power due to the cost of the substance.

However... At what stage of the human being is it most feasible to eliminate the presence of the drug in the nervous system?

In general terms, if I had to give a single answer to this question, it would be: “the sooner or younger the consumption is suspended, the better”. This is due to the fact that the metabolism in a young person works more efficiently, understanding that, with the passage of time, an "older" person, who could present a prolonged period of time incorporating a substance into your body, it will be more difficult for you to abstain from consumption and redeem its effects, both biological and psychological.

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