Psychological problems derived from infertility
Psychological well-being arises, at least in part, from our way of experiencing what happens to us throughout our lives. In other words: our mental health is always linked to what happens around us, what happens beyond our brains.
This is clearly seen in cases where psychological problems caused by infertility problems appear, an experience that, although it does not cause great discomfort in all cases, in some people it can trigger major crises.
- Related article: "The 6 types of mood disorders"
Psychological problems linked to infertility in the couple
The emotional blow to some people that knowing they probably won't have biological children doesn't always go away in a few days. Sometimes, it turns into psychological problems that stay alive for a longer time.
In the long run, this can give rise to symptoms of genuine psychological disorders, some of which can be classified as disorders. Let's see several of those that are usually seen in psychotherapy, taking into account that they do not usually occur all at the same time in the same person.
1. Lack of a clear life purpose
For many people, raising at least one son or daughter and watching the offspring grow is basically the most important objective to which one can aspire, that which supports and gives meaning to all adult life. Infertility truncates these expectations, especially when it comes between the father or the mother and the first baby, and this sometimes triggers the onset of mood disorders, such as depression.
2. complexes because of gender roles
Due to the importance that we culturally give to the ability to be a mother, many women experience infertility practically as a traumatic experience; a desperate situation that is beyond the control of those who suffer from it in the first person, and that at the same time "is always there", or at least seems to be lurking at all times.
In the same way, for many men it is also extremely painful not being able to have biological children, and it can even generate serious insecurities, since fatherhood is related to the concept of masculinity and virility.
Of course, all these forms of discomfort do not arise in themselves from the inability to have children, but from the interpretation of this fact mediated by cultural phenomena: gender roles and the stereotypes they bring with them. However, that does not mean that the psychological problems derived from infertility should be overlooked or even underestimated, because as much as they are based (in part) on social conventions, emotional pain really exists, and for this reason they must be taken seriously. Serious.
3. sexual dysfunctions
Mentally, for some couples (or members of this) paternity and maternity are linked to genitality. For this reason, cases of infertility are capable of favoring the appearance of sexual dysfunctions linked to insecurity and fear of ridicule. "I'm not good for this", "this doesn't make sense" are relatively common thoughts among those who believe that they are biologically "broken" for everything to do with sex and reproduction.
4. Social isolation
In a certain age group, it is normal that one of the topics that arise when socializing with other people of the same generation is raising children, funny anecdotes taking care of the baby, etc. This can cause a feeling of grievance and loneliness if misconstrued., and can even predispose to social isolation, not wanting to meet friends so as not to go through that frustrating experience again.
5. couple crisis
Due to all of the above, the painful memories associated with infertility are capable of making life as a couple no longer enjoyable, by being a constant reminder of what causes frustration.
Psychotherapy applied to cases of infertility

Fortunately, while infertility is often a long-lasting condition and there are no partial improvements (you are either able to have a viable baby or not), the negative psychological effects linked to it can be treated effectively if professional help is available of psychotherapists.
In these interventions, adapted to the characteristics and needs of each couple or patient, psychologists establish strategies to help those who visit us in two parallel ways: changing the way in which infertility is interpreted, and promoting life habits that help to feel good with the resources with which one is account.
Thus, regardless of whether or not it is possible to have a baby over time, patients endorse a philosophy of life in which happiness is not conditioned by paternity or maternity. And, on the other hand, it also intervenes in possible couple problems that may have arisen due to the mismanagement of emotions in the face of infertility.
If you are interested in knowing how we work in Cribecca Psychology, psychotherapy center located in Seville, you can see more information about us, as well as our contact information, by clicking click here.
Bibliographic references:
- American Psychiatry Association (1994). DSM-IV. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington: A.P.A.
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