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Somatize: what the mind does to the body

Almost all of us, at some point in our lives, have experienced the somatization process., although we have not been aware of it.

Without apparent cause, organic or muscular discomforts appear that do not seem to respond to the cause-effect process, and condition our mood, our behavior and our general vitality. In this article we are going to analyze these types of processes, what their most common mechanisms are, and how we can be aware of them, in order to manage them properly.

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What is somatize?

Somatizing is, by definition, "involuntarily transforming mental problems into organic symptoms", and This transformation from the mental to the physical is not always well understood. nor, consequently, well treated.

When we go to the doctor for some discomfort, and the diagnostic tests show nothing to justify them, we may be facing a somatization process. The referred symptoms can be mild, such as a slight headache or a little discomfort joint, or they can be more intense, such as disabling low back pain or unpleasant and unexpected dizziness

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Of course, the visit to the doctor must be the first option to rule out an underlying cause, but if the clinical evaluation does not show anything relevant, we can start the psychological analysis what we are experiencing, either individually or with the help of a specialized professional.

We are going to expose here four ways of somatization that, although they are not the only ones, do cover a good part of the somatization disorders that we can experience, and it is more than likely that we recognize ourselves in one of they.

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muscle tension

Low intensity muscle tension, but maintained for a long time, generates contractures that are a common source of pain. The way in which we create these tensions can be evident, for example, if we have taken weights and we are not used to doing so, or if we have climbed the mountain without prior physical preparation. In these cases, the tension is justified by an antecedent. But what if muscle pain appears, and there is nothing previous to explain it? Let's see it with a typical situation:

Having shrunken shoulders can easily cause pain in the neck, due to the tension of the muscles that connect the cervicals to the scapulae. Experiences of fear, insecurity or low self-esteem can involuntarily induce this gesture, which does not require much. effort, but whose prolonged maintenance ends up contracting the muscles, and blocking the movement of the neck. It can be perceived as a stiff neck, difficulty turning the head, or pain in the back of the shoulder that extends to the cervical area.

In these cases, it may be useful to analyze the possible situations of fear that are being experienced, or if the personality of the person who suffers from it is prone to negative thoughts about himself. In fact, it's easy to imagine the typical person with a slightly hunched posture, hunched shoulders, and hunched head. forwards and downwards, as if he were carrying something on his back, and associate this pose with a depressed and low-spirited personality. cheer up.

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intense emotions

Emotional states experienced with great intensity cause physiological changes that can be measured objective, such as heart rate, respiratory rate and amplitude, or skin conductance. Emotions such as anger and fear are those that cause the greatest fluctuation of some physiological levels, as they prepare the body for specific behaviors such as fighting, fleeing or simply being able to raise the voice to express discontent or agitation.

Once the emotional state ends, these changes gradually return to their usual levels. But when some emotions are prolonged in time, or are experienced too frequently or intensity, physiological changes can maintain altered parameters, causing changes internal. It is known, for example, that personalities prone to being angry for a long time experience cardiovascular changes that increase the risk of coronary symptoms such as arrhythmias or small heart attacks And it has also been verified experimentally how the experience of intense fear can cause vomiting or stomach problems, due to the internal discomfort that an experience of this type produces.

Emotional management happens, first of all, by being aware of what you feel, and express it sincerely. Admitting that you are angry about what is happening around you, or acknowledging that some situations cause you a exaggerated fear, may be the first step to modulate these emotions, and prevent them from triggering extremely.

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prolonged stress

Daily demands can be perceived as excessive, to the point of feeling that we are not capable of coping with them. This is how stress arises, the consequences of which are related to internal organic changes, among which are the increase in some hormonal levels, such as adrenaline. This connection of the nervous system with the endocrine system also affects the immune system, varying the parameters of lymphocytes and killer cells, which can modulate the way we deal with an infection.

It is known from numerous studies that students during exam times tend to develop more illnesses than the rest of the year. Colds, flu or colds are more common when you spend time thinking that you will not be able to face a demand external, such as academic tests, or one feels overwhelmed by the tasks to perform at work or in home. Although they are not very serious ailments, the depression of the immune system can expose us in a more vulnerable way to pathogens such as viruses or bacteria, or make us more sensitive to adverse weather conditions such as cold or humidity.

Stress management requires specific work in which relaxation techniques are of great help, or habitual practice of a moderate exercise in which body and mind work in harmony, such as yoga or Tai Chi. In this sense, the ideal is for each one to find the dynamic with which they are more in tune, or that task in which that your mind can escape from daily concerns, such as painting or playing a musical instrument, for example.

Negative thoughts about yourself

What we say to ourselves in our inner forum conditions our state of mind. If we repeat to ourselves daily that we are worthless, that our life has no meaning, or that we do not contribute anything significant to the world, it is easy for us to enter a state of apathy in which we do not feel feel motivated to display healthy behaviors such as physical exercise, a balanced diet or an optimal sleep pattern, with the harmful consequences that this can have on the health.

When this happens, and it can take a long time to occur, the organism suffers and starts to enter into an attitude sickness, which is usually noticeable in the external appearance and in the way of moving, expressing oneself or, simply, being in the society. We are talking about a long-term somatization process, which can last for years and even decades, and which involves changes at a profound level in the way of thinking and seeing the environment.

In these cases, and surely an acquaintance comes to mind, the person in question has to give voluntarily a first step to start a process of individual transformation that reverses this process. This is not always easy, since it implies changing patterns of thought and behavior that are usually deeply rooted in the mind, therefore that it is essential that the person concerned make a great deal of individual effort, regardless of any outside help that may request.

somatizing is natural

Somatization ailments are natural, and a way for the body to communicate with us when it senses that something is disturbed in the mind. Therefore, somatizing is not only “what the mind does to the body”, as the title expresses, but also “what the body reflects from the mind” and that a sleeping conscience prevents from perceiving.

We are not always aware that we are suffering from stress, being tense, or experiencing exaggerated emotion. And that is where the body enters the scene and, in an often unpleasant way, tells us: "there is something wrong here, what are you going to do about it?"

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