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The self-determination theory: what it is and what it proposes

The human being is, by definition, an active being: we are continuously carrying out a great variety of behaviors in order to stay alive, adapt to the environment or develop in such a way that we can deal with the vicissitudes and needs that arise throughout our cycle vital. We use the means at our disposal, both internally and at the level of those available in the environment, in order to act.

But... why do we act? what moves us? These apparently simple questions have led to the elaboration of a great diversity of theories regarding what it is that moves us to act. One of these theories, which actually brings together a series of subtheories in this regard, is self determination theory. It is about the latter that we are going to talk throughout this article.

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Self-determination theory: what does it tell us?

It receives the name of self-determination theory to a macrotheory elaborated mainly by Decí and Ryan which aims to establish to what extent human behavior is influenced by different

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factors that affect our motivation to act, placing special emphasis on the idea of ​​self-determination or the ability to voluntarily decide what and how to do it as a fundamental explanatory element.

The main objective of self-determination theory is to understand human behavior in such a way that such knowledge can be generalized to all situations that human beings of all cultures may encounter, being able to affect any area, sphere or vital domain.

In this sense, This theory focuses on motivation as the main element to analyze, valuing the existence of an accumulation of energy generated by different human needs that will later acquire a direction or orientation towards the satisfaction of said needs.

It must be taken into account that in this sense they are of great importance the personality and the biological and autobiographical elements of the person in question, the context in which their conduct moves and the specific situation in which it is carried out, being elements that influence each other and that affect the possible appearance of different types of motivation.

Self-determination would be the degree to which we ourselves voluntarily direct our behavior through increasingly internal forces, the motivation being more and more characteristic of the will and the desire to carry out the behavior instead of being mediated by environmental elements that make it necessary to carry out the behavior action. We are active beings who tend to develop, grow and seek and integrate the perceived experience both at the level of external and internal elements, given that all this will allow us now and in the future to have resources to satisfy our needs. It is therefore important both what comes from the environment and what is innate and impulsive.

We are facing a theory that integrates and starts from conceptions of different psychological paradigms, among which the behavioral and humanistic ones stand out. On the one hand, there is a rigorous and scientific search for information that explains the mechanisms by which we direct our behavior to the achievement of a motivating goal (in a similar way to the behaviourist) and on the other acquiring the vision of the human being as an active entity and directed towards purposes and goals characteristic of humanistic psychology.

Likewise, it must be taken into account that this theory has applicability in almost all areas, since motivation is something necessary for the implementation of any type of activity: from academic training and work to leisure, through relationships interpersonal.

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Five great subtheories

As we have mentioned before, self-determination theory can be identified as a macrotheory. aimed at investigating the functioning of motivation in regards to the determination of one's own behavior. This implies that the theory itself is made up of a set of different interrelated subtheories in order to work on the issue of motivation and self-determination. These subtheories are mainly the following five.

1. Theory of basic psychological needs

One of the main theories that make up the theory of self-determination is that of basic psychological needs. These needs refer to psychic constructs that human beings need to feel motivated. towards behavior, leaving aside the merely physiological components (such as the need to eat or to drink). The different studies carried out within this approach have determined the existence of at least three types of basic psychological needs that explain human behavior: the need for autonomy, the need for self-competence and the need for bonding or relationship.

The first of these, autonomy, refers to the need of the human being (and of other beings) to know or consider themselves as beings capable of influencing through conduct in their own life or in the reality. This need implies that the subject sees his actions as having a real and palpable effect, that he is capable of exercising his will with a certain control over what he does and what it entails: it is more than anything the need to feel free from choose. It is fundamental in the emergence of a personal identity, and in cases where it is not fully developed, behaviors of passivity and dependency may appear, as well as feelings of uselessness and hopelessness.

The need to perceive one's own competence is basically linked to the previous one, in the sense that it is based on the ability to control what it happens based on their own actions, but in this case it is focused on the belief that we have enough resources to carry out a conduct. It is the belief that we are capable and the feeling of being skilled, that the action that we have chosen to carry out autonomously will be able to be carried out thanks to our ability and have a certain impact on what happens.

Lastly, the need for a relationship or connection is a constant in gregarious beings like humans: we need to feel part of a group, with which to interact in a positive way and establishing relationships of mutual support.

2. Theory of causal orientations

Another fundamental element of the theory of self-determination is that of the theory of causal orientations, in which it is intended to elucidate what moves us or in which direction we are heading our efforts. In this sense, the theory establishes the existence of three main types of motivation: intrinsic or autonomous, extrinsic or controlled, and impersonal or unmotivated.

In the case of intrinsic or autonomous motivation, this represents that force that motivates us in such a way that the performance comes from internal forces, carrying out the behavior due to the pleasure of doing it. Part of a time when all the aforementioned basic needs are well met, a time when we act solely based on our will and choice. This is the type of motivation that implies a greater degree of self-determination and that is more linked to mental well-being.

Extrinsic motivation, by contrast, arises from a lack of satisfaction of some of the psychological or physiological needs which are intended to be met by performing the conduct. We are facing an action that is carried out because it will allow or facilitate a reduction of a state of deficiency. Generally behavior is considered controlled in order to satisfy the need. Although there is some self-determination, this is present to a lesser degree than in intrinsic motivation.

Finally, impersonal motivation or demotivation is one that derives from the feeling of lack of competence and autonomy: we believe that our actions do not predict possible changes and do not have an effect on reality, being unable to control what happens to us or the reality. All needs have been frustrated, something that leads to hopelessness and a lack of motivation.

3. Cognitive Appraisal Theory

The third of the subtheories that make up the theory of self-determination, in this case we work from the premise that the existence of innate and own interests of the human being, receiving the events that occur in the environment (whether external or internal) a different assessment at the cognitive level and generating different degrees of motivation.

The vital experience of the subject participates in this, as well as the learning history regarding the consequences and effects of his actions with the environment. These interests are analyzed in order to explain the differences in the levels of intrinsic motivation, but it also assesses how it affects the extrinsic or what aspects or phenomena favor a decrease in motivation. This interest is also derived from the perception of how interaction with the world allows or does not allow the achievement of basic needs.

In conclusion, we can determine that the theory of cognitive evaluation establishes that the main elements that predict our interest in the different aspects of reality They are the sensation and attribution of control that we make, the perceived competence, the orientation of the motivation (whether it is to achieve something or not) and the situation or external factors.

4. Organic integration theory

The theory of organic integration is a proposal that tries to analyze the degree and the way in which there are different types of extrinsic motivation, depending on the degree of internalization or assimilation of the regulation of one's own behavior.

Said internalization, the development of which will gradually generate the capacity for motivation to cease to depend on elements external and intrinsic motivation is born, it will emerge throughout the development of the self based on the acquisition of values ​​and norms social. In this sense, four major types of extrinsic motivation can be distinguished depending on what type of behavior regulation is carried out.

First of all we have external regulation, in which one acts to obtain a reward or avoid damage or punishment, the behavior being totally directed and controlled by the outside.

With a slightly more internalized regulation, extrinsic motivation due to introjected regulation occurs when despite the fact that the behavior continues to be carried out carried out to obtain rewards or avoid punishments, the administration or evasion of these occurs at an internal level, not depending on what agents carry out external.

After it we can find the extrinsic motivation by regulation identified, in which they begin to grant their own value to the activities carried out (despite the fact that they continue to be carried out by seeking/avoiding rewards/punishments).

The fourth and last, very close to the intrinsic regulation of the motivation of the same name but which Despite this, it continues to be governed by external elements, it is the extrinsic motivation that arises by regulation integrated. In this case, the behavior is seen as positive and flattering for the person in and of itself and without valuing rewards or punishments, but it is still not done because it generates enjoyment for itself.

5. Goal content theory

Finally, and although different authors do not incorporate it into the theory of self-determination, another of the most relevant theories that have an impact on it is the goal content theory. In this sense, as in motivation, we find intrinsic and extrinsic goals. The first of these are based on the search for psychological well-being and personal development, consisting mainly of goals of personal growth, affiliation, health and contribution to the community or generativity.

With regard to the extrinsic, they are their own goals and aimed at obtaining something from the outside of the person and being dependent on the environment: we mainly find ourselves with appearance needs, economic/financial success and fame/social consideration. However, the fact that a goal is intrinsic or extrinsic does not imply that the motivation that leads us to it is necessarily the one that shares its adjective: it is possible to have intrinsic motivation to obtain extrinsic goals or vice versa.

Bibliographic references:

  • Ryan, R.M. & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development and Well-being. American Psychologist, 55 (1): 68-78.
  • Stover, J.B., Bruno, F.E., Uriel, F.E. and Liporace, M.F. (2017). Self-determination theory: a theoretical review. Perspectives in Psychology, 14(2).
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