Education, study and knowledge

Who to choose to achieve success: a counselor, a mentor or a coach?

Various studies show that 90% of people prefer a job that allows them to develop professionally, even if they have to sacrifice salary.

Paradoxically, once they find this job, only 14% work on their professional development and only 6% on their personal development.

  • Related article: "Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection"

The components of personal development

Development refers to the opportunities for growth and improvement that you open up for yourself and that you make possible thanks to three main factors:

1. self-knowledge

It has to do with the degree to which you know yourself, if you have discovered your personal purpose and if you are clear about your goals and life design. How have you progressed and met your basic needs?

  • You may be interested in: "Self-knowledge: definition and 8 tips to improve it"

2. your emotional intelligence

What capacity do you currently have to identify and control your emotions? How prepared are you to face various situations calmly and wisely? What worries you and how do you respond to it?

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What pains hold you back and what achievements do you recognize and drive you?

  • Related article: "What is emotional intelligence?"

3. technical mastery

To what extent do you know your profession? What capacities have you generated to face professional challenges? How do you contribute to solving challenges in your community and what value do you bring?

Mentor. coach and counselor
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Counselor, coach and mentor

Continuously working on your personal and professional development is to keep up to date that is required to be competitive... and it goes further. It is to ensure that you generate congruence between who you are, what you do and what decisions you make, as well as knowing the tools to face complex or unexpected challenges.

Find the right accompaniment to achieve your goals successfully is achieved when you know the skills and competencies of the professional profile you choose. This is essential, as it will allow you to advance as fast and as deep as you need to. Here I share three options for professional escorts and their characteristics so that you can better choose who is the right one for you.


The Counselor is a psychologist with a bachelor's degree and possibly a master's degree or specialization with which it can accompany you. The counselor is prepared to accompany you throughout your development process. It is capable of identifying traumatic events, emotional imbalances or alterations such as anxiety or depression to support you in its containment. It helps you overcome them by providing methodologies that you can apply to your life to achieve your well-being.

It is also a professional prepared to accompany you in your life design, the definition of objectives and teach you the techniques to maintain the motivation that allows you to fulfill them. The counselor's scope includes the analysis of your environment and how you adapt to it in order to improve your interpersonal relationships and your perception of the world so that you adopt the best vision of it for your welfare. The program that you can follow with a counselor can be as specific and direct as deep and comprehensive as you require.


The coach is a person with training and experience of great value to accompany you in the definition and fulfillment of the objectives that you set for your life or professional career. It has techniques that generate clarity and facilitate the understanding of what must be done to achieve the proposed objective. There are coaches for all types of specialty and it is important to choose the coach that has the preparation that can provide you with the greatest value. You must also take care that it is a certified coach, because whoever has decided to become certified has the capacities to give you a better grounded accompaniment and with a structure that will give you greater advantage.

  • You may be interested in: "The 6 types of Coaching: the different coaches and their functions"


He is a professional with extensive experience, either in the business sector or in a specific profession., which can accompany you to generate a more successful career in that same professional field.

He can give you excellent advice and vision on those areas that he has already covered and that can help you move forward with more accurate decisions in your career. They can also give you feedback on your performance and invite you to follow a training program that improves your skills and technical ability. It is a great option for those who want timely and experienced advice on the field they have adopted for their professional development.

Now you know the difference in these specialties. Choose who can be your best companion and remember that whoever seeks their continuous development maintains meaning in their professional and personal life and moves away from the existential void.

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