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Fungus in the mouth: symptoms, causes and treatment

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Talking, singing, eating, laughing, kissing... our mouth is one of the most versatile and useful parts of our body, which we use in many different ways in order to adapt to the environment. It is a highly innervated area of ​​the body over which we have great control.

And yet, it is also a very delicate part of our organism and one that is often found in contact with bacteria and elements from both the interior (such as the intestinal flora) and the abroad. Sometimes it is possible that we get to suffer from some type of infection or problem, being one of the possible causes the appearance of fungus in the mouth.

Throughout this article we are going to observe which are the main symptoms that warn us of the presence of a possible oral fungal infection, some of its possible causes and how they can reach be treated.

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Fungus in the mouth: what are they?

We speak of fungal infections or mycoses when we are referring to the existence of a series of symptoms derived from the presence of different species of fungi in our organism. These infections can occur in any part of the body, such as the skin or the genital tract, and in the case that concerns us in this article also in

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one of the most exposed body openings and in contact with external elements or with microbes dedicated to processing food: the mouth.

There are many fungi that can reach our body, and among them many have the capacity to cause infections. Some of the best known and most common at the oral level are mushrooms Candida albicans and the Candida tropicalis, which can cause oral candidiasis. Other examples are Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (existing in Latin America and entering the body by inhaling its spores in the breath) or Cryptococcus neoformans.


Fungal infection in the mouth is usually asymptomatic at first., that is to say that at first the affected person may not perceive any type of alteration or discomfort. However, as these fungi grow and multiply, they can cause different discomforts and injuries.

Among these injuries and alterations the presence of inflammation and/or bleeding in the gums and/or tongue, oral or throat pain are frequent, appearance of white plaques (which are scraped off and leave behind lesions (bleeding) or reddish or bleeding lesions, cracks and canker sores on the tongue or lips, and bad breath. In general, they are not dangerous, but some caution should be taken because in some cases can generate serious complications and infections and inflammations in different organs.

How do they get there? Risk factors for its appearance

The appearance of fungi at the oral level does not have a single and clear cause, but can be given and influenced by a wide variety of factors. In general, if this is possible, it is because in the subject's mouth there are sufficient conditions for the fungi to grow. It does not have to imply lack of hygiene, but it can also be different diseases or even our lifestyle and diet, which facilitates the existence of the necessary elements for the survival of the fungus.

There are multiple factors that facilitate infection. Among them we can find the presence of diabetes (in which there is also a higher concentration of sugars in saliva, something that serves as food) or anemia, in addition to congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (since the lack of nutrients such as vitamins and/or immune system defenses facilitates the survival of the fungus).

likewise, also excess intake or excessive consumption of certain foods It favors the birth and reproduction of fungi. Endocrine and hormonal disorders or alterations may also be factors that influence its appearance or maintenance. Finally, the consumption of substances, whether adulterated or not, greatly helps its appearance, especially in the case of tobacco or alcohol.

The lack of dental hygiene or the existence of prostheses or areas that are difficult to access when cleaning the mouth also increases the probability of suffering from them. Some diseases such as leukemia or other infections can also favor them, due to the existence of a lower response from the immune system.

Likewise, some drugs can promote oral mycosis, such as some antibiotics or corticosteroids (among which are some vaporized or aspirated). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment also, by decreasing the defenses.

In addition to this, it must be taken into account that there are vital periods of greater vulnerability, among which the first moments after birth, early childhood, old age or pregnancy stand out. In general, the changes generated at the hormonal level or the drop in defenses or substances capable of fighting against or stopping the fungus are considerable risk factors.

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Treating the presence of fungus in the mouth will require a specific approach depending on the fungus and the presence of other factors such as possible comorbid diseases. However, in general, they can be used antifungal or antifungal medications, which can act by stopping their growth or directly killing them.

Some of these drugs can be nystatin (one of the most used, especially in oral candidiasis) or ciclopiroxolamine. Systemic treatments such as ketoconazole can also be applied (although the latter, depending on the amounts, can be hepatotoxic). Now, it must be borne in mind that these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor and that some cannot be taken, for example, by pregnant women or people with certain underlying health problems.

It is also worth taking into account the need for prevention or adding foods to the diet that promote pH control. oral, such as yogurt, or allow you to acquire vitamins, fibers and nutrients that help keep the body well balanced. Brushing and correct dental hygiene is also of great help. In cases where there are diseases such as those mentioned, it must also be taken into account that it is necessary to treat them with the corresponding methods.

Bibliographic references:

  • Caballero Martinez, F.; Jurado Moreno, J. and López Rocha, A. (2005). Guide to good clinical practice in fungal infections. Collegiate Medical Organization of Spain. Ministry of Health. Spain.
  • Pardi, G.H.; Mata, S.; Colella, M.T., Roselló, A. and Pineda, V. (2013). Mycosis of the oral cavity- Part I. Bibliographic reviews. Venezuelan Dental Act, 51 (2).

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