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Top 10 Tests for Autism

When we think of some type of child development disorder, ADHD and autism are probably the first names to come to mind. This last condition is particularly difficult for many people to understand and can generate a high level of suffering to the child who suffers from it, not feeling understood, and to her close environment fearing not being able to get close to her little.

Having autism also implies a series of difficulties that will have to be faced and that must be treated throughout the development process and the subject's life. But in order to help this sector of the population, it is first necessary to be able to determine whether or not they suffer from this disorder. In this sense we need a series of tests or tests to detect autism. In this article we are going to mention some of the most applicable.

  • Related article: "Autism Spectrum Disorders: 10 symptoms and diagnosis"

Autism: what is it?

Before going on to indicate some of the main existing tests and tests to detect autism, it would be useful to delve a little deeper into the notion we have regarding this disorder.

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We call autism, now autism spectrum disorder, a type of neurodevelopmental disorder (that is, it originates during the stage of neural growth and development) characterized by the presence of problems and severe difficulties in language, socialization and behavior. This disorder usually can be detected before three years of age, appearing in very early stages of life.

Each of the three aspects mentioned above presents particularities that suppose a difficulty for the child to adapt to the environment.

At a socio-relational level we observe the presence of a lack of interaction and an apparent lack of interest in connecting with others, being closed in on themselves. And it is that people with this disorder have severe difficulties when it comes to possessing a theory of the mind that allows them to see that others are entities with an independent mind and separate from the own. There is difficulty in initiating and responding to social interactions, with little socio-emotional reciprocity.

Regarding communication problems a marked literalness is observed (they do not usually understand figurative language), as well as the high difficulty or impossibility to understand and use non-verbal language. It is also not uncommon for delays in language acquisition to occur, and there are notorious problems for its practical use and appropriate to its context. In some cases, the subject may not develop language at all. They also often have problems taking turns and responding to interactions.

Finally, they also show alterations in behavior. The presence of restricted interests and a high need for routines stand out, being the presence of changes something tremendously stressful for them since they need them to have a sense of security. It is not uncommon for them to display repeated expressions, movements, or use of objects, often as a way to calm themselves. It has also been observed that hyper or hyposensitivity to stimulation is common, overreacting or not reacting at all to noise and light.

These are some of the main characteristics and criteria of people with autism. It must also be taken into account that, although it is generally diagnosed in children, it is a chronic disorder that will persist into adulthood and that requires appropriate therapeutic management in order to reduce the possible affectation in the various areas of life and increase the level of autonomy and well-being of these people.

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The main autism screening tests

A basic aspect to be able to intervene in this disorder is the fact of detecting it. In this sense, numerous tests have been developed over the years in order to be able to detect the presence of an autism spectrum disorder and the aspects that appear in each case altered. These tests can be passed on to different agents, either to the minor himself or more commonly to parents and teachers.

Next we will see some of the best-known tests that are usually used in the detection of autism, recommended by well-known publishers such as TEA Ediciones or different organizations specialized in Autism.

It is important to bear in mind that the ones we are going to mention are not all that exist, but only some of the most representative ones. It should also be noted that, both in this and in other disorders, the results of a test are not determinants or sufficient condition for diagnosis, having to also assess other information such as those obtained in interview, with the observation of the person or with the reports of other people.

1. Autism Diagnosis Observation Scale (ADOS)

One of the reference tests and best known in the diagnosis of autism, it is a scale elaborated with the purpose of evaluating communication skills, social interaction and play and use of materials and that offers points of court. It consists of four modules of which only the one that is appropriate to the subject in question by age range and communicative level is applied. A minimum mental age of two years is required and allows the minor to be evaluated based on their performance. Currently, more advanced editions such as ADOS 2 can be found. You can test children and adults.

2. Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI)

The ADI and its review (ADI-R) are clinical interviews designed to carry out a comprehensive evaluation regarding a possible case of autism. It consists of about 93 questions (in the ADI-R version) which explore language, reciprocal social interaction, and restricted behaviors/interests. It focuses on the typical behaviors of the subject with autism that rarely appear in people without this affectation. The score can be coded and subsequently interpreted with algorithms, not having comparative scales.

3. Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS)

Instrument that assesses adaptive behavior from birth to 89 years. Evaluates the areas of communication, use of community resources, functional academic skills, life at home, life at school, health and safety, leisure, self-care, self-direction, social, motor and employment.

The second version (ABAS-II) also includes the global conceptual, social and practical indexes. Although it is not only about autism, it allows evaluating the main areas affected by this disorder. It is the parents, teachers or relatives who generally answer and complete the test, although the subject himself can also answer it.

4. Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)

It is a 50-question Baron-Cohen questionnaire that is designed for the subject to answer, and that is based on evaluating the degree of agreement (between total agreement and total disagreement, with a total of four possible answers) with each of the different questions. In this sense we can find specific versions for different profiles, such as the Spectrum Quotient Autism for Children (AQC), Adolescent Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQA), and Autism Spectrum Quotient Abbreviated (AQS).

They can also be filled out by relatives or teachers. Offers breakpoints that allow us to separate the old Kanner type autism from Asperger syndrome, and allows to distinguish different phenotypes.

5. Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)

This quick application questionnaire must be answered by the subject's caregivers, consisting of a total of 40 items among which interaction problems, communication problems and restricted behaviors are evaluated and stereotyped. It has a form A that evaluates the subject's entire life and a form B to assess the situation of the last three months. Depending on the result, it may be advisable to go to another more complete test such as the ADOS or the ADI.

6. Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ)

This questionnaire is designed for children between seven and sixteen years of age, consisting of a total of 27 questions to be answered with Yes/No/Sometimes/Sometimes. This is more of a screening, and tends to focus more on the old Asperger's (now part of autism spectrum disorder). Must be completed by parents and teachers and allows the identification of different predominant traits in minors with social interaction and behavior problems. Currently there is the extended revised version (ASSQ-REV), which is more complete.

7. Modified Childhood Autism Questionnaire (M-CHAT)

Screening test to be answered by the minor's parents. If it fails in more than three items, a more detailed examination should be carried out. to assess the presence of ASD. Designed to evaluate children under two years of age, based on questions to be answered with Yes or No.

8. Autism Spectrum Inventory (IDEA)

Inventory generated with the purpose of evaluating a dozen characteristics of people with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Rather than detection, it focuses on assessing the severity of the patient's condition. Allows to identify the severity of autistic traits, as well as generate treatment guidelines and test the changes that these treatments generate.

Likewise, depending on the score, the subject can be classified into four different types of autism (highlighting classic and Asperger's, as well as regressive autism and high-risk autism) functioning. It must be completed by the professional based on the information from the observation and interview of the environment.

9. Infant and Toddler Questionnaire (CSBS DP)

This is a scale that assesses the presence of different predictors of language and social communication. Designed to spend between six months and two years. It must be completed by a parent, caregiver or person in frequent contact with the minor.

10. Children's Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST)

Questionnaire of 37 questions that allows early detection characteristics of children with Asperger. It is passed by the parents of children between four and eleven years of age.

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