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The 3 types of corticosteroids and their effects on the body

Probably many of us have either suffered or know someone who has suffered from some type of inflammatory process due to illness, allergic reaction or asthma. And in many of these cases, the application or use of corticosteroids will have been indicated in order to reduce inflammation. But these are not a single substance, but make up a group of drugs with similar properties.

In this sense, we can find various types of corticosteroids, the best known being the ones that we are going to see throughout this article.

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Corticosteroids: basic concept

Corticosteroids or corticosteroids are a set or group of drugs that produce an effect similar to that of cortisol secreted by the adrenal cortex. And it is that although cortisol is a hormone linked to stress, also presents a series of effects of great relevance for the maintenance of our health.

Corticosteroids are characterized as steroid-like substances, compounds based on the substance known as sterane that are part of living organisms and made up of structures of hormones and vitamins. Its role is multiple

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having importance among other areas in the metabolism and the secretion and utilization of sugars and fats. body homeostasis and also linked to the functioning of the immune system. They are powerful anti-inflammatories and suppressors of the immune system, something ideal for treating allergies, arthritis, asthma or other types of inflammation, whether or not they are the product of the immune system.

When we talk about corticosteroids as drugs, we are talking about highly potent drugs and utility in the treatment of pathologies such as asthma, arthritis, allergic reactions or processes inflammatory.

However, their administration must be very careful, since apart from their beneficial effects they also generate quite problematic side effects and can pose a certain danger. Among them we find the risk of hypertension, cataracts, glaucoma or diabetes, although many other side effects can arise. That is the reason why they are generally used for the shortest possible time and mostly in increasingly lower doses.

Different types of corticosteroids

Although we have discussed some of the basic characteristics of corticosteroids in general, the truth is that within this group of substances we can find different types or classes with characteristics differentiated. Among the most important we can find the following:

1. Glucocorticoids

One of the best known types of corticosteroids, if not the most, is the glucocorticoids. Within this group we find substances mainly aimed at controlling inflammatory processes.

Its action generates a decrease in the functionality of the immune system, something essential to treat allergic reactions such as food or medication. They are also used in situations such as asthma, problems such as osteoarthritis or even entiemetic treatment after chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Known drugs are betamethasone or dexamethasone, although others such as cortisone are also considered as such.

2. Corticotropins

Corticotropins are another type of corticosteroids, which are generally used in cases where the body has deficient levels of endogenous corticosteroids. Facilitates the secretion of cortisone by the pituitary gland. Its action is usually more diagnostic than therapeutic, with the use of glucocorticoids being more common for treatment.

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3. mineralcorticoids

Mineralocorticoids may be the least known group of corticosteroids by the general population. These substances have the main function of maintaining the chemical balance of the body, acting mainly at the renal level.

Its action generates a greater control of the retention of salts and sodium and allows to regulate and prevent excessive loss of body fluids through urine. Within this group we find fludrocortisone as the main representative

Two prototype drugs

We have talked about the basic types of corticosteroids and we have mentioned some examples of them. But maybe it can be more visual or some specific drugs will be better known. The two cases that we will mention separately both for being extremely well-known and for also having typical properties of mineralocorticoids despite being glucocorticoids.


Probably the best known drug of this group of drugs. Its action is primarily that of a glucocorticoid, being especially used in the treatment of various types of inflammations. However, it also has an action on salt metabolism and fluid retention, as well as on the metabolism of carbohydrates, with which it has properties that link it to the mineralcorticoids.

It is used in multiple disorders, both human and veterinary. Its great utility has been observed in allergic reactions, arthritis, endocarditis, lupus or leukemia among many other conditions. It has also been used occasionally in situations of anorexia or hyporexia, with lack of appetite and thirst, in some anemias or even to reduce inflammation caused by different tumors.


Another great example of one of the more well-known types of corticosteroids is hydrocortisone. Like cortisone, it is classified as a glucocorticoid, but it also has regulatory effects similar to those of mineralocorticoids. It is often used as a supportive medication., and is probably one of the least strong.

Its applications include the treatment of skin rashes, irritations, allergies, itching or even as support against cancer. There are also creams and suppositories in case of anal problems.

Other forms of classification

The previous classification is not the only one that exists, being able to find various options depending on the criteria that you want to use to group these drugs.

Another of the main ones is the one that takes into account its mode of application or presentation. In this sense we can find the following types of corticosteroids: oral (pills), injected (whether intravenous, parenteral or intramuscular), inhaled (as the typical inhaler), aerosols or topical (creams). Also suppositories and drops.

Finally, they can also be grouped based on their half-life. In this sense, we would find short-lived corticosteroids (between 8-12 hours), medium (between 18 and 36 approximately) and long (over 36).

Bibliographic references:

  • (s.f.). Corticosteroids. Available in:
  • Pensabeni, J.T.; Panush, R. (1996). Review corticosteroid usage. Observations at a community hospital. Am J Med Sci.

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