Education, study and knowledge

Why is it important to have discipline to be successful?

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Discipline is a key element when it comes to achieving relatively complex goals both in the sphere of private life and the work, that is, those that can only be achieved by developing projects and applying organizational measures in the learning.

However, there are those who underestimate this aspect of life, assuming that success comes spontaneously through improvisation and innate talent. The truth is that although having an innate predisposition to perform well in certain activities helps to stand out from the rest and acts as a motivational actor, what makes the difference is knowing how to manage our efforts properly through discipline.

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What is discipline?

We can define discipline as the set of emotional and behavioral self-regulation strategies that, when applied, allow us to achieve ambitious goals by distributing time a chain of actions that allow us to multiply the results.

Being a disciplined person means keeping an eye on the long term and sticking to a project in which work and learning feed back, generating a cumulative effect; but in order not to lose this inertia, we must maintain consistency, or else a good part of our progress will be lost in a few days. This is the price to stop for the fact of keeping in operation this cumulative process that allows us to get closer to our objective in a constant way, optimizing the use of time.

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discipline at work

It is an engine that can help us achieve better performance on a daily basis and to give the best of ourselves in any task that we carry out daily, with order, diligence, perseverance and commitment.

Although discipline is usually applied in work, it can also be useful in many other fields, such as studies, sports or life as a couple.

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What is it for?

These are the main reasons that make discipline so important, not only from a productive or professional point of view, but psychological in general.

1. Helps us improve performance

Since in most activities we do not have a special innate talent, people we need to be constant and systematic in the learning processes to achieve brilliant results in any goal we set ourselves.

Integrating discipline and hard work into our daily lives will allow us to progressively train the different knowledge or practical skills that are required to achieve success in our work.

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2. It allows us to optimize and take advantage of resources

Discipline helps us not to waste our effort, to best channel the resources and time we have, instead of trying too hard in the first phase and ending up throwing in the towel out of sheer frustration and exhaustion.

That is one of the most important facets of discipline, its ability to keep us constant and focused at all times on what we want to achieve in life.

3. Helps us learn from our mistakes

Discipline also predisposes us to learn from our mistakes, since it allows us to see our mistakes as part of the process of learning and helps us set aside time to think about what we have done wrong instead of getting angry and stop thinking about the target anxiety. This happens because planning and global vision of what you want to achieve, going beyond the assessment of our here and now, is part of development processes based on discipline. It helps us not to be helpless in the face of frustration and the desire to forget what we had set out to do.

In addition to that, putting a habit of discipline into practice in our daily lives also allows us to more effectively overcome difficulties. possible failures that we can commit, and it helps us to rethink our action plan and find new solutions for the same problem.

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4. Allows us to lead a healthy lifestyle

Hard, disciplined, and systematic work helps us manage time better and finish all assignments earlier. daily obligations that we have during the day, both professionally and personally and family.

This substantial improvement in time management and in the balanced distribution of all working hours or study of the day, allows us to have more time to rest during the day and also to sleep or eat better.

Sleeping all the necessary hours during the night and putting into practice a healthy and balanced diet are habits that positively influence our health both physically and psychologically, which also prepares us better to face ambitious projects.

5. Prevent work overload

People who work with greater diligence and discipline in their day-to-day activities are better able to organize themselves at work and prevent cases of work overload due to setbacks. When the work is more spread out over several days or weeks, it is easier to correct what we do on the fly.

On the contrary, people who are not constant, who do not organize their work in the long term or who leave everything to the last minute can run the risk of risk of suffering an overload in your job, something that can affect your mental health and potentially develop cases of anxiety or stress.

6. It allows us to organize and make better use of the day to dedicate time to others and leisure

Discipline also allows us to have more time to do other pleasant activities with which to fill our free time, and facilitates family reconciliation.

These types of activities allow us to disconnect and rest in our spare time enjoying the satisfaction of a job well done, and also help us give free rein to our creativity and concerns intellectuals. In other words, helps us to disconnect; on the other hand, those who feel that they are procrastinating and have a lot of work accumulated will be more likely to to think about those responsibilities for a good part of the day, even if they are not working in they.

  • Related article: "How to make the best use of my free time? 8 steps to follow"

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