Education, study and knowledge

The 11 best Masters in Education

  • Center: Serca Institute
  • Location: online
  • Duration: Variable
  • Price: To consult with the center

The Master in Neuroeducation and Emotional Intelligence offered by the Serca Institute It consists of a training program oriented towards professional practice and is aimed at people who want to specialize in one of the most demanded areas today.

It is a Postgraduate Title of the San Jorge de Zaragoza University formed by an extensive and updated program of 8 modules in the that each student will be able to work on essential topics such as neuroeducation and learning, emotional intelligence, self-knowledge and emotions.

This online Master offers a wide variety of professional opportunities, among which are infant, primary or secondary schools; educational centers; Psychoeducational intervention and counseling for parents and teachers.

  • Center: Edeca
  • Location: online
  • Duration: Variable
  • Price: To consult with the center

The Edeca Formación center offers its Master's Degree in Neuroeducation in the Classroom to anyone who wants to become a professional in one of the areas most in demand today by companies and institutions of all kinds.

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This online Master is 1500 hours long and its training program is made up of 6 blocks where important topics such as Neuroeducation and learning are worked on; neuropsychological evaluation; learning problems and psychoeducational intervention strategies. This Master offers the possibility of carrying out practical cases and offers a wide variety of professional opportunities for its students.

  • Center: Miguel de Cervantes European University & PYM
  • Location: online
  • Duration: Variable
  • Price: To consult with the center

The Specialization in Emotional Intelligence and Personality offered by PYM in collaboration with the Miguel de Cervantes European University contains fully updated and documented teaching material, and allows learning the theory and practice of two of the areas most useful research and intervention in the field of Social Psychology, Educational Psychology and the field of health mental.

Emotional intelligence allows us to identify, understand and manage our own emotions and those of others, which is why it is so important for psychology professionals. On the other hand, personality knowledge helps us to know people better and to identify some of them. the most common mental health disorders psychologists encounter: mental health disorders personality.

This training program is available online with live webinars, and is divided into two specialized university courses of about 120 hours each: emotional intelligence and Personality. Once each course is finished, you will be able to receive an accrediting Diploma from the Miguel de Cervantes European University.

In the Emotional Intelligence course you will find essential study elements such as the components of EI, the basics neurological aspects of emotions, the modalities of evaluation and also of intervention for the potentiation of these skills.

On the contrary, in the personality specialization course you will work on personality theories, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders.

  • Center: Complutense University of Madrid
  • Location: Madrid
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Price: 3.360€

Considered one of the best Masters in education by the newspaper El Mundo, it is, without a doubt, one of the highest quality Postgraduates that can be studied in Spain in this area. It offers students maximum time flexibility, as it has several modalities: face-to-face, online and blended.

Its orientation is from the Psychology of education and its objective is to provide teaching professionals with the most advanced and current tools and procedures for psychological intervention that positively influence the processes educational.

It lasts 600 hours and is taught at one of the best universities in Spain.

  • Related article: “The 10 best universities in the world to study Psychology
  • Center: Pablo Olavide University
  • Location: Seville
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Price: Consult with center

The English language is one of the most widely spoken in the world and one of the most important in the professional and business environment. This Master aims to train teachers who are interested in offering training in bilingual centers (Spanish-English) in the that these languages ​​be used together with a vehicular character for the teaching of linguistic and non-linguistic subjects.

Therefore, Its purpose is to offer advanced training to train professionals who are capable of dynamizing the teaching of both languages, through an excellent teaching practice that integrates the development of linguistic and non-linguistic skills in English and the teaching of the contents of the different subjects. Language training focuses on both the practical use of oral and written skills.

  • Center: University of Valencia
  • Location: Valencia
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Price: 2.800€

The University of Valencia provides a solid preparation to its students in intervention proceduresfrom a practical point of view. In this way, he equips his students with the functional skills and key knowledge to manage the environment of learning difficulties in the most precise way.

Throughout the training, the participants delve into the different strategies that contribute to improving one of the great challenges of education: offering the same educational opportunities to all students and providing adequate and individual attention to those children who require extra help, in order to develop all their cognitive and emotional abilities and thus improve their performance academic.

  • Center: University of Navarra
  • Location: Navarre (Spain)
  • Duration: 2 courses
  • Price: 9.270€

A Master similar to the previous one, which aims to train students to be able to intervene and treat learning problems and developmental disorders that affect many students and that are a reality that must be taken into account.

The objective of this Master is to prepare specialists who are capable of compensating and alleviating the obstacles that some students may encounter. The topics covered by this postgraduate training are: violence and bullying, reading, writing and math difficulties, speech and language difficulties, disability and ADHD, among others. It is a current specialized and multidisciplinary preparation.

  • Center: University of Deusto
  • Location: Bilbao
  • Duration: 1 course
  • Price: 5.580€

The University of Deusto, with its Master's Degree in Special Educational Needs, commitment to provide higher quality training to future teachers, with the commitment to prepare good professionals who have a guarantee to achieve professional success.

Therefore, this Postgraduate degree, which presents a strong interdisciplinary and holistic vision of intervention, is oriented towards professional practice. Its two periods of external practices should be highlighted, with a value of 15 ECTS credits each.

  • Center: University of Barcelona, ​​University of Girona and University of Granada
  • Location: Several
  • Duration: 60-90 ECTS credits (depending on previous studies)
  • Price: Consult with center

A unique Master in which three Spanish universities participate: University of Barcelona, ​​University of Girona and University of Granada. Their objective is to provide quality training to their students and offer them intervention and research strategies that are based on methodologies and methods linked to narrative perspectives, art, visual methods, ethnographic approaches and action research participatory.

It is a great training action that provides a novel vision of education to teachers, and delves into the development of participatory and collaborative intervention projects.


Master's Degree in ESO Teachers, Baccalaureate, Special Education and Language Teaching (Universidad de Málaga)

  • Center: Malaga University
  • Location: Malaga
  • Duration: 60 ECTS credits, 1 year
  • Price: Consult with center

The University of Malaga, with this Master, aims to train teachers capable of offering great professional work in teaching in Compulsory Secondary Education and language teaching. It is one of the few formations with characteristics in Andalusia, and it is one of the best in Spain.

It includes several specialties, and the duration of this course is annual. The internships are carried out in centers that teach Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.

  • Center: Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Location: Barcelona
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Price: 3.960€

Communication and education are two areas that are related. Thus, The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona offers students the opportunity to learn the theories of both education and communication, and delve into the different educational media that exist: such as ICT, television or the press.

The graduates of this Master acquire a unique professional profile in Spain, very useful for the digital environment, which is the present and the future of education. Likewise, the graduates become professionals capable of carrying out their functions in different positions: research, teaching, communication consultancies, etc.

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