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Top 11 Mindfulness Practitioners

lawyer by profession, Ferran Garcia De Palau Garcia-Faria She decided to turn her career around to bring Mindfulness to children and adults as a tool for regulate stress, improve attention and manage more effectively in all areas of life.

She is an Accredited Mindfulness Instructor for the MBSR stress reduction program at the University of Massachusetts and Certified Mindfulness Instructor of the Eline Snel method for children and teenagers. She is also responsible for the Mindfulness, Personal Growth and In-company Services Area of psychotools, Barcelona Center for Psychology and Personal Growth.

In addition, she is a member of the Professional Association of Mindfulness Instructors-MBSR and the Spanish Association of Mindfulness and Compassion (AEMIND).

She is a versatile professional who applies Mindfulness in various contexts: stress reduction staff, the well-being of professionals and companies as well as in the educational environment, with children, teachers and parents.

The Mindfulness and Emotional Management Instructor

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ania savina she directs the Barcelona Mindfulme Center, where she offers a therapeutic care service and official training to all those who want to incorporate the practice of Mindfulness into their daily lives.

Her intervention is offered both online and in person to adults who may present cases of anxiety, depression, stress, low self-esteem, mental rumination or emotional difficulties.

The psychotherapist Eli Fisas She directs her own practice where she cares for children, adolescents, adults individually, couples and also families, both in person and online.

Her intervention is based on the integration of various therapies of proven efficacy, including Mindfulness or Neurofeedback stand out, both adapted to the particular needs of each customer.

Thanks to this integrative methodology, Eli Fisas successfully treats cases of anxiety and depression, impulsivity, stress, cases of ADHD, school difficulties, behavior problems and deficits in managing the gonna.

The Health Psychologist Leticia Martinez Val She has a degree in Psychology from UNED, she has a Master's Degree in Systemic Family and Couple Therapy, a Course Mindful Self-Compassion Training Course and a Training Course in a Stress Reduction Program Based on Mindfulness.

Her intervention is based on Mindfulness, a tool that she applies together with other efficacy therapies she proven with whom she caters to teens, adults, seniors, families, and also couples.

Among her intervention specialties, cases of anxiety and depression, family conflicts, divorce proceedings, stress and chronic pain can be highlighted.

The Emotional Therapist and Educator Norma Count She has a Master's Degree in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy from EUROINNOVA, she has a Master's Degree in Behavior Guidance and separate Training Courses in Mindfulness and Coaching.

Her intervention is offered both online and in person and in her sessions she attends to children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may present psychological alterations of all guy.

Through the joint application of Mindfulness along with other effective guidelines, this professional attends to the cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, school difficulties, couple crises and deficits emotional.

the therapist Irene Zamora Sauma For more than 20 years, he has been caring for adults who may present psychological alterations of all kinds. class, always applying effective therapies such as Mindfulness or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and some of her main specialties are cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, anger management deficits, and difficulties emotional.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy of Emotional Well-being and has Diplomas in Sacred Sexuality and Emotional Alchemy and in Floral & Bioenergetic Therapy.

The General Health Psychologist Sandra Garcia Sanchez-Beato is the director of the center Adhara Psychology and for more than 10 years it has specialized in caring for adolescents, adults, the elderly and couple crises.

Her intervention is offered online and is based on the application of Mindfulness, an orientation with which attends to cases of anxiety, depression, impulsiveness, codependency and emotional difficulties or relational.

Lourdes Diaz Merino she is another long-standing Mindfulness professional.

This Psychology professional is part of the Club Sentirse Bien, a center specializing in Mindfulness that is one of the main references in this field in Madrid. In addition to having the Official Specialization Degree in Clinical Psychology recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy by the Bertrand Russell Center, has the European Expert in Psychotherapy by the European Federation of Psychologists Association.

Among her other qualifications, the level 1 Teacher Training Retreat of the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Program by the University of Bangor-United Kingdom-AEMind stands out.

On the other hand, he is a Member of the Spanish Association of Mindfulness and Compassion (AEMIND), the first Spanish association dedicated to Mindfulness at a national level.

Olivia Recondo She is a Trainer, Psychotherapist and Educational Psychologist specialized in managing emotions through Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence. In addition, he has extensive experience in psychosocial intervention and community mental health. She is also a professor of Psychology at the university and post-graduate level (training of teachers and health personnel, as well as patients).

On the other hand, she is also co-author of the books Full Emotional Intelligence and Practice Full Emotional Intelligence.

Nacho Luque He is a Mindfulness teacher and one of the references for Mindfulness in Seville. Among his numerous qualifications are a diploma in Mindful elf Compassion and in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and those of University Specialist in Mindfulness and Personal Development (UAL) and Conscious Education with Mindfulness (UAL).

In addition, she is the Director of the Basic Mindfulness for Children and Parents program and the Simply FLOW program. He offers courses for both individuals and companies.

In addition to being a founding member of the Sakura Mindfulness Center (Madrid) and having a Specialty in Clinical and Health Psychology,

Paula Alvarez She has a Master in Mindfulness Stress Reduction and is specialized in Mindfulness in Health Contexts. Although in regards to Mindfulness she directs her professional activity to the field of health, she also investigates its uses in other contexts.

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