Education, study and knowledge

The 7 best workshops and courses to overcome Anxiety

Today we often talk about the negative effects of anxiety, even though this is a normal emotional response. In fact, we can all feel anxiety at some point in our lives, for example, before an exam.

Sometimes, however, we can feel pathological anxiety, such as the one that appears when we suffer from anxiety disorders or in the case of anticipatory anxiety.

  • Related article: “Anticipatory anxiety: causes, symptoms and therapy”

The most recommended workshops and courses to treat and overcome anxiety

Some psychology centers offer the possibility of attending workshops to overcome anxiety.

Below you will find a list with The best courses to manage anxiety and improve well-being and quality of life.

1. Anxiety Disorders Clinical Psychology Course (Psychology and Mind + UEMC)

This university specialization course with the endorsement of the Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC), develops in depth and rigor the different aspects of adaptive anxiety and maladaptive. The training is 100% online and consists of 10 lessons (approximately 120 hours long). The academic program develops with updated and referenced information the history, diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders. It also exposes practical cases for an improvement of professional training. Likewise, it exposes competences to plan and execute effective interventions from the first phase of the therapeutic process.

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Currently and for a limited time the course has a reduced price that you could still take advantage of. More information about the Anxiety Disorders Clinical Psychology Course, here.


2. Intensive workshop on anxiety and emotional management (Maria Sol Stagnitto)

The Cognitive Psychologist María Sol Stagnitto directs this intensive online workshop on anxiety and emotional management, aimed at all those people who want to overcome their anxiety problems and/or learn to control their emotions by applying the most effective measures to achieve it.

The course is based on Cognitive Psychology and Mindfulness Meditation, and it offers tools to overcome anxiety quickly and economically, also reducing irritability, demotivation, hypochondria and negative thoughts or obsessive, enhancing your personal security, improving your relationships through assertive communication, the ability to enjoy etc In addition, in it you will find coping strategies for fear, panic attacks, and insomnia, with simple techniques to apply and very relaxing meditations. You can watch it whenever you want, as many times as you want, in the comfort of your home.

This course has a broad syllabus of 6 modules, as well as very useful short videos to learn each of the techniques. If you want to know more about this problem and evaluate if you suffer from it, go to the workshop website and take advantage of free content.

3. Own Master's Degree in Professional Coaching with Emotional Intelligence and NLP Practitioner (D'Arte Human & Business School)

Center D'Arte Human & Business School offers its own Master's Degree in Professional Coaching with Emotional Intelligence and Practitioner in NLP for any student who wants to become a true Coaching professional, also acquiring the main tools to achieve it.

With this Master you will learn all the theoretical knowledge about the discipline of coaching and you will also incorporate the most advanced tools into your professional practice. useful to help your clients overcome anxiety, among which Emotional Intelligence and NLP stand out, two of the most used by coaches professionals.

This training consists of 1500 hours of work and in it you will find a complete and rigorous syllabus of 20 modules, as well as the possibility of having a tutor individual, to attend 40 real practice sessions and to specialize in any of the areas that interest you (Executive, Personal, Systemic or Equipment).

4. Emotional management, personal growth and Mindfulness (Funge UVa)

In recent years, a philosophy that has proven to be very effective in reducing stress and anxiety is Mindfulness or Full Attention. This method allows you to better manage emotions, live in the present moment with compassion towards yourself and others, connect with yourself yourself and adopt a non-judgmental mentality that allows you to relate in a healthier way with our inner Self and the world that surrounds us. surrounds.

  • To learn more, you can read our article: “Mindfulness: 8 benefits of full attention”

In Valladolid an excellent course on managing emotions through Mindfulness is taught, that is addressed to all those people who are interested in improving their quality of life and their welfare. Attendees learn to recognize their emotions and to manage and regulate them.

It has an extension of 18 hours, and it is an eminently practical and experiential course, where the sessions are participatory and in them individual and group dynamics are carried out. In addition, students receive materials on the digital platform to be able to work from home. This allows you to apply the resources learned in your daily life.

5. Course on Stress and Anxiety: Regain control (Nascia)

Anxiety and stress are closely related, because anxiety is one of the most characteristic symptoms of stress. For this reason, many times, tackling this last problem also helps us to reduce anxious symptoms.

If you want to learn how to manage these phenomena effectively, this course from Nascia Psychology Center It will allow you to know different techniques to control stress and anxiety. It is a practical training, which delves into different useful tools for the day by day, but which also provides theoretical knowledge to acquire a more realistic vision of the freak.

During the school period, the participants interact thanks to its experiential methodology. They work, among other topics, different self-control techniques, Relaxation and breathing techniques, identification of anxious and stress symptoms and recognition of muscle tension.

6. Anxiety management workshop (Gamma Psychologists)

Anxiety disorders are one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in psychological therapy. And many times, these problems arise because people are unaware of the strategies that allow them to overcome anxiety. Learning these strategies can solve the problem, so psychoeducation is not only key when the problem is already present, but also to prevent it.

Gamma Psychologists offers a training program that helps reduce symptoms, improve self-control and overcome this problem with which many individuals live. This training is an intervention option to reduce anxiety levels and increase emotional self-control in a short time.

7. Relaxation and stress management course (PositivArte, Madrid)

Relaxation and breathing techniques have been tested in many scientific studies, and the results have have been shown to be excellent for controlling anxiety and improving the quality of life of people who suffer from this disorder.

The course also allows you to learn tools to manage stress, which, as I have explained, is related to anxiety. In fact, they tend to appear together because anxiety is usually a symptom of stress, although a person suffering from stress can also have other symptoms such as sadness or headaches.

Thanks to PositivArte, you can learn different relaxation and breathing techniques that will help you find the necessary tranquility to feel better and gain quality of life. It is an entertaining course, with practical exercises. With this course you will be able to calm your nerves, control stress and feel better.

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