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The cardinal points: what are and

What are the cardinal points

Normally, the cardinal points are the four main directions or points derived from the rotational movement of the earth, which form a coordinate axis within which we can orient ourselves within the Earth. But, What are the cardinal points? Most of us would answer that four but, as we will see below, this answer is not so clear. If you want to know what the cardinal points are, how many we can differentiate within our planet and what their origin is, we invite you to continue reading this lesson from a TEACHER!

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  1. What is a cardinal point?
  2. The four cardinal points
  3. The origin of the cardinal points
  4. The secondary and collateral cardinal points

What is a cardinal point?

The Cardinal points is a set formed by the four directions that make up a Cartesian reference system to represent orientation on a map. In our daily life we ​​usually use it to refer to a reference system to orient ourselves on the earth's surface.

The word cardinal

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is derived from Latin thistle, which was how in the Roman cities the street was called from north to south and that passed through the center of the city. That is from the point of view of the origin of the word there is only one cardinal point: the North, which identifies the direction of the most important orientation in Roman cities.

Later, the use of cardinal points changed and became what we know today: the four senses or main points of the compass, which mark the magnetism of the Earth. It should be noted that the compass needle indicates magnetic North and not geographic North (North cardinal point). At this time, Earth's magnetic north and geographic north coincide, but this was not always the case.

What are the cardinal points - What is a cardinal point?

Image: IHMC

The four cardinal points.

Currently, the reference system that we take to determine the North (geographic North) is the place where the Sun rises: the East, the East or the Levant. In all countries and continents of our planet, whatever its name, the place where the sun rises mark the East.

In reference to this system, we therefore find four main cardinal points:

  • East, East or Levant: is the direction from which the Sun rises. It is oriented to the approximate place where the sun rises each day.
  • West, West or West: is the direction where the Sun sets. It is the opposite point indicated by the sunset or descent of the sun in its daily movement. Mark, next to the east, the imaginary East-West abscissa line.
  • North, North or Boreal: is a point or that which is at a point located to the left of the east.
  • South, southern or southern: is the opposite direction to North. If we face the east direction, the South would be located on the right.
What are the cardinal points - The four cardinal points

Image: Eulolo

The origin of the cardinal points.

The origin of the cardinal points is somewhat complicated, since the first men who inhabited the Earth surely already used this method of orientation. For thousands of years, both humans and animals have based our behavior on the sunrise and sunset and, on certain occasions, even on its location. Solar orientation is possibly as old as the human race.

If we refer to the names of the cardinal points, we can say that these are from Germanic origin and they were incorporated in a relatively recent time to the Spanish language and to the rest of the languages ​​derived from Latin. The origin of these refers to Norse mythology: Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri, were four dwarves, and each one held one of the four cardinal points. Together, they supported the celestial vault, created from the skull of the primeval giant Ymir.

Previously to this denomination, the four cardinal points received the names of Septentrión (North), Meridión (South), Oriente (East) and Occidente (West).

The secondary and collateral cardinal points.

The name "cardinals" comes from the Latin word cardinalis, which means "essential" or "main". But these are not the only points that allow us to orient ourselves within the Globe.

If we divide a flat earth map (planisphere) into bisectors, we obtain other four secondary points of equal relevance: southwest, southeast, northeast and northwest. Therefore, secondary courses are separated from each other by 45º angles. Similarly, if we repeat this division once more, we would give rise to a third division, in which we would have the courses or collateral points:

  • Northeast
  • East-northeast
  • East-southeast
  • South-east
  • Southwest
  • West-west
  • West-northwest
  • Northwest

The collateral courses are separated by divisions of 22.5º and are those that we normally represent in the famous Compass Rose. The compass rose is a circular symbol that depicts all the directions in which the horizon is divided. The compass rose is a symbol of navigation used as a reference element that indicated the prevailing winds.

It has been used for centuries as it covers the 32 main directions of movement on the earth's surface: the main, secondary and collateral cardinal points. Currently, we simply use it to mark geographic north or simply as a decorative element on maps.

What are the cardinal points - The secondary and collateral cardinal points

Image: Primary World

If you want to read more articles similar to What are the cardinal points, we recommend that you enter our category of Astronomy.


  • Sturluson, Snorri. "Gylfaginning, Chapter 14". trad. Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, ed. Prosaic Edda.
  • OK Diario (May 30, 2017) Who determined the cardinal points? Recovered from
  • EcuRed (s.f) Cardinal point. Recovered from:
  • Guerrero, P (November 28, 2011) The cardinal points. Recovered from:
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