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The 75 best phrases about anxiety and stress

The anxiety and the stress They are phenomena that considerably affect modern man, such is their relevance today, that they are considered the main diseases of the s. XXI.

Phrases about stress and anxiety

That is why many authors have dealt with this subject and have reflected on the implications that they have for the human being.

In this article we have prepared a list of phrases about anxiety and stress that will help you understand both psychological phenomena.

1. Fear sharpens the senses. Anxiety paralyzes them

When we feel fear, anxiety takes over us. It's part of the fight-flight response.

2. Free yourself from anxiety, think that what should be, will be, and will happen naturally

When we live in the here and now without dwelling on the future, anxiety disappears.

3. When it comes to detecting danger and reacting to it, the (vertebrate) brain hasn't changed much. In certain respects, we are emotional lizards

The anxiety response has its origin in the primitive brain.

4. Every morning has two handles, we can take the day by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith

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Feeling anxiety, many times, is our decision.

5. Anxiety is not here, it is in the future

Irrational expectations and anticipating the future lead us to suffer from anxiety.

6. The peace begins with a smile

To find inner peace, you have to take life more joyfully.

7. No passion like fear so effectively robs the mind of the ability to act and reason.

Edmund Burke, in relation to how our attention and concentration are hijacked by anxiety.

8. When I look back on all these worries, I am reminded of the old man's story that he told in his deathbed, that he had had a lot of problems in his life, most of which he had never happened

Anxiety appears when we look to the past and look to the future. You have to live in the present.

9. Freedom is living in the moment

Living in the present makes us free and to find well-being. Harming other people is a source of anguish and mental suffering. Be encouraged to treat others well!

10. Threats to our self-esteem or the idea we have of ourselves often cause much more anxiety than threats to our physical integrity.

A great quote from the famous psychoanalyst and father of this current, S. Freud.

11. Where the water is deepest, it is calmest

A philosophical quote from William Shakespeare, which invites the reader to deep reflection. If you improve your introspective capacity, you will achieve peace.

12. It is a good idea to always do something relaxing before making a major decision in your life.

Paulo CoelhoRelaxing is good for making good decisions.

13. Anxiety and panic serve as a protective screen against the acute pain of facing loss, mortality, or threats to self-esteem.

Anxiety appears as a symptom in different psychological problems.

14. It is impossible for me to avoid restlessness, and to such an extent it is shameful for me to expose myself as well as risky, that in the end, when I look down, I only see the void at my feet; not a reserve of inner strength or outer support capable of sustaining me, but a long abyss with no net to break my fall.

A Scott Stossel quote dealing with anxiety and heartbreak.

15. No Grand Inquisitor has prepared tortures as terrible as anguish; no spy knows how to attack the man he suspects so cunningly, choosing the moment when he is weakest, nor does he know set the trap to catch him as well as anguish knows how to do it, and no judge, no matter how perceptive, knows how to question and probe the man. accused as anguish does, which never lets him escape, neither with distractions and bustle, neither at work nor at leisure, neither during the day nor at night. evening

Anguish and anxiety can make us go through really unpleasant moments.

16. There is nothing so characteristic of the progress from beast to man as the lessening of the frequency of justified occasions for fear.

William James, comparing the primitive brain with the rational one.

17. Hiding or suppressing anxiety actually produces more anxiety.

When we try not to feel anxious, a rebound effect occurs that increases your symptoms.

18. Much of the stress people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they have started”

David Allen. A phrase that talks about stress and one of its causes.

19. You will find your way in whispers of truth that you experience in your own everyday life. And by following that path, you will find greater peace and joy throughout each day.

A quote that talks about living in the present, that is, the here and now.

20. Happiness is in the small everyday details

Sometimes we worry about big details, when the important ones are the small ones.

21. Anxiety cannot be avoided, but it can be reduced. The question in managing anxiety is to reduce it to normal levels and then use that normal anxiety as a stimulus to increase one's own perception, vigilance and the desire to live

When we accept anxiety, its intensity is reduced.

22. When one feels a great fear of what is imminent, one feels a certain relief when the problem has arrived.

Joseph Joubert, anxiety appears because of the expectations we generate, not because of the fact itself.

23. When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it.

Eckhart Tolle, a reflection on how living in the present moment leads us to greater well-being.

24. Unrealistic expectations cause us anxiety, that is why it is important to live in the present and touch our feet on the ground.

Many of the solutions we seek are in this moment, not the future.

25. Anxiety with fear and fear with anxiety contribute to robbing human beings of their most essential qualities. One of them is reflection.

It is difficult to think clearly when anxiety dominates us.

26. There are moments when all the anxiety and accumulated effort are calmed in the infinite indolence and rest of nature.

When we meditate or connect with our purest essence, anxiety is reduced.

27. We must be aware that what causes us discomfort or anxiety is not the events, but how we link emotions to them

The psychologist Jonathan García-Allen reminds us that anxiety has a lot to do with anticipatory beliefs.

28. Stage fright symptoms can sometimes take the form of something akin to a horrifying prank tailor-made to humiliate

John Marshall. A quote about how stage fright can paralyze us.

29. Couldn't my anxiety be a normal human reaction to life, even though that reaction is perhaps more acute in me than in other people? How do you draw the distinction between what is "normal" and what is "clinical"?

There is a difference between normal anxiety and pathological anxiety.

30. Not anticipating problems or worrying about what may never happen

Benjamin Franklin. A tip on how to reduce anxiety.

31. Anxiety and fear paralyze us and do not give way to reason

Fear is a primitive emotion that does not respond to logical arguments.

32. The planning function of the nervous system has culminated, in the course of evolution, with the appearance of ideas, values ​​and pleasures: the only manifestations of human life in society. Only man can make plans for the far future and experience the retrospective pleasures of the goal accomplished. Only man can be happy. But only man can worry and suffer anxiety

In our head is the best and the worst of what we experience.

33. The tiredness that I have is infinite; I have tasted all the pain in the world; a labyrinth of habit anxiety and gropingly I turn in the intricate

Prolonged anxiety leads us to a state of mental exhaustion.

34. The intensity of the anguish is proportional to the meaning that the situation has for the affected person; Even though she is essentially ignorant of the reasons for her anxiety

It is not the facts that concern us, but the value that we give to the facts.

35. In times of great stress or adversity, it is always best to keep busy, to channel your anger and energy into something positive.

You have to find the balance between being on the move but not speeding too far.

36. The persecution, even of the best things, must be calm and calm.

Life must be taken calmly, to be able to enjoy the moment.

37. Only if you manage to calm our mind will you achieve your goals

Some advice on rational goals and how they help to achieve our objectives.

38. The natural state of twentieth century man is anxiety

Stress and anxiety are considered pathologies of the s. XXI.

39. May you be free to take a path whose end I do not feel the need to know, nor the feverish anxiety of being sure that you are going where I would have wanted you to go.

A quote that deals with anxiety and how it affects us if we don't manage it correctly.

40. Anxiety kills relatively few people, but many would gladly accept death as an alternative to the paralysis and suffering caused by the most severe forms of anxiety.

The consequences of anxiety lead us to worry excessively, often irrationally.

41. Solitude is the house of peace (Hodge)

Taking a break from time to time and connecting with yourself is key to mental well-being.

42. Anxiety is the most prominent mental characteristic of Western civilization

Ironically, R. R. Willoughby, states that anxiety is a great achievement.

43. It is practical to remain calm all the time, from situations that are tense

Relaxation techniques work very well in times of great anxiety.

44. Worry doesn't take away the pain of tomorrow, it takes away the strength of today.

Corrie ten Boom, a few words that make a great truth clear.

45. Fear arises from a weakness of the mind and therefore does not belong to the use of reason.

In reference to how anxiety has its origin in the primitive brain.

46. Anxiety: a difficult ailment. The patient believes that he has something like a thorn inside, something that pricks his entrails, and nausea torments him.

It is not easy to overcome anxiety, but it is possible.

47. Big events make me calm and calm; it's only trifles that irritate my nerves

It is not objective reality that creates anxiety in us, but our beliefs about this reality.

48. How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense?

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. A quote that invites the reader to think.

49. The weight of anxiety is greater than the evil that causes it

Our thoughts, the ones that cause anxiety, are often unfounded.

50. If you want to master the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath

In relation to Eastern philosophy. Live in the present and meditate.

51. Focusing on the present moment helps us master anxiety. Because this, many times, manifests itself due to our thoughts or expectations. Mindfulness is useful for the treatment of anxiety and stress, as many studies show

There are many investigations on how Eastern philosophy, and specifically the mindfulnessThey positively influence our well-being.

52. No one who has been tormented by prolonged bouts of anxiety doubts its power to paralyze action, encourage escape, annihilate pleasure and endow thinking with a bias catastrophic. No one can deny how excruciatingly painful anxiety can be. The experience of chronic and intense anxiety is, above all, a profound and disconcerting confrontation with pain.

Barry E. Wolfe. A great definition of what it feels like when one is anxious.

53. I have come to the conviction that anxiety accompanies intellectual activity like its shadow, and that the more we know about the nature of anxiety, the more we know about the intellect.

Howard Liddel firmly believes that anxiety and the intellect are linked. Although anxiety is a primitive response, the intellect helps make it manifest at times when it is not needed.

54. At one point I was plagued by anxiety. But I got rid of the fear by studying the sky, determining when the moon would rise and where the sun would appear in the morning.

A great quote from the celebrated psychologist, Margaret Mead.

55. The only thing we have to fear is fear

We must accept fear, otherwise fear will absorb us.

56. In short, being anxious conditions you to be even more anxious in the future.

Anxiety is often a fish that bites its tail.

57. If you want to master the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath

A pattern that we can remember in our day to day.

58. Anxiety is an "excess of the future" and depression an "excess of the past"

One of the images that best helps to understand both concepts.

59. Anxiety of having you in my arms, murmuring words of love

One of the most famous verses from the song "Anxiety" by Nat King Cole.

60. Can't you... erase the anxieties recorded in the brain and, with a sweet antidote of oblivion, throw from its oppressed bosom the dangerous matters that weigh on the heart?

One of the most beautiful verses of the English playwright William Shakespeare.

61. Anxiety and tension seem to abound in modern culture, and the current trend is to shy away from the unpleasant aspects of their impact. But when has life been free of tension?

Sometimes we must get used to living certain moments of tension.

62. Go to the heart of danger, for there you will find salvation

A Chinese proverb that helps us overcome our fears.

63. It's not stress that kills us, but how we react to it

One of the main keys to any fear or worry.

64. There is no stress that you cannot calm, there is no problem that you cannot solve.

A phrase loaded with positivism and vitality.

65. You must sit without judgment, observing the thoughts that flow through you. Without interfering. If you judge, if you say "this is good" or "this is bad", you have lost pure observation.

Sometimes, by stopping thinking we will be able to find peace of mind.

66. Don't let your mind bully your body into thinking you have to carry the burden of your worries.

A good way to get rid of anxiety and stress.

67. The more you know, the less you need

One of the most famous phrases of the environmentalist and philanthropist Yvon Chouinard.

68. For what, for one, is nothing more than a flea bite, can cause another unbearable torment.

Suffering depends on how each person interprets it.

69. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional

One of the most famous phrases of Buddha.

70. The best weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

One of the main keys to overcome stress.

71. A positive brain is 31 percent more productive than a negative, neutral, or stressed brain.

Something we should keep in mind whenever we can.

72. Be silent, let go of the conflict, become peaceful, and remember the eternal goodness that resides within you.

One of the keys to meditation.

73. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.

A phrase that we must keep in mind daily.

74. Most things will work again if you unplug them for a few minutes... even you

One of the most famous phrases of the American novelist Anne Lamott.

75. You can do anything, but not everything

A sentence that can be very useful to us, pronounced by the consultant and productivity instructor David Allen.

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